Mr and Mrs (An Alexa Riley Promise, #1)

Then Phillip is picking me up, placing me in his lap as he sits down on the couch.

“This isn’t your fault, sweet Molly.” God, I love when he calls me that. I look up into his dark blue eyes that are all soft and sweet now. His big hands cup my face. “I should have known what you’d think, but I was too worried about myself. What I might do to you. You’re so young, and it’s almost like I forget that in some areas but not in others.”

His thumb brushes my lips and I can’t stop my tongue from peeking out, trying to get a taste of him, making a half smile pull at his lips.

“I don’t get it,” I admit.

“I should have known you were going to think that. Hell, we’d laid in bed many nights, you telling me about how he was and how you’d never want a family like that. That it messed with your mom, and I knew that shit messed with you, too. Even he messed with you. I see it. His little side jabs, like you were too young to participate in some conversations. Always going on about how you had to get a silly art degree. It’s why I didn’t care when I moved you away from him to another city. It’s also why I gave him a piece of my mind that very night after we said ‘I do.’”

I stare at him. I shouldn't be surprised he’d say something to my father, but I guess I never thought he noticed the things my dad did. All my experiences had been shaped and influenced by my insecurities. Never had Phillip treated me like I was less than.

“You’re young and I knew that. I should have taken better care of you.”

“You do. I was silly. I should have stayed and fought. I should have—”

“Fought for a husband who even let an idea like that pop into your head? Fight for a husband who told you he’d give you one thing but hadn’t followed through?”

“We would have gotten there,” I tell him, because we would have. I know that now. He was letting go of the reins at work. Moving us out of the city. He’s been talking about it all week.

“We would have—we are,” he corrects. “But all this goes back to my insecurities, too. I was afraid you wouldn’t love me if you knew.”

I feel my eyebrows pull together, not understanding what he means.

“Whatever it is, we’ll get through it.” I try to reassure him. I don’t want these little doubts between us anymore either. Maybe it was a product of my age and of rushing down the aisle so hastily. It didn’t matter. It still got us here, no matter the path. It got me where I wanted to be: in his lap, our baby in my belly cradled between us.

“I know we will because it’s too late. I fought it too long and now I can’t hold back.”

I try and wiggle a little closer to him while straddling his lap. My baby bump rubs up against his hard stomach. His hands drop from my face, going to my thighs where my dress ends. Then they slide just a little underneath, the tips of his fingers disappearing under my dress.

“I’ve been trying to hold back with you. Yeah, I was working a lot to get things wrapped up, but I was also doing it because I kept sinking deeper and deeper into you. My every thought began and ended with you. I wanted you by my side always. I was afraid I was going to crush you with my need.”

“I happen to like your need, if it’s anything like what you’ve shown me this past week,” I reply, eating up the look he has on his face. So much hunger and passion. It’s intense and I love it. I want that from him as deeply as he wants me.

Phillip leans forward, his hands sliding farther up my dress, his fingers digging into my thighs in a firm, possessive hold.

“I still haven’t let it all out.” His mouth is but a breath from mine. “I still want to consume every part of you.” Then his mouth takes mine.

I feel the heat pool between my legs, my panties dampening as his fingers trace the cotton. I’m desperate for our connection. I feel the pull between us, and it needs to be mended. I want him to possess me as intimately as possible so that whatever darkness fell around us can be washed away.

“Please,” I moan when his lips find my neck and his fingers plunge inside of me. The thick digits stretch my tight opening as his tongue goes to my collarbone.

If he asks me what I’m begging for, I couldn’t begin to tell him. Desire has overtaken my body, and I can’t explain what it will take to sate it. All I can do is beg and pray that he gives me what I can’t go another second without.

Suddenly, I’m on my knees on the edge of the couch and Phillip is moving behind me. I feel my dress flip up in the back, and the cool air hits my damp * as he tears away my panties. I grip the back of the couch and lean forward, spreading my legs for him.

“You thought I fucked someone else on this couch?” I hear the sound of flesh being spanked and then the sting follows. “I’ll show you the only woman who gets fucked on this couch.”

The second slap comes just as fast, and I shock us both when I moan and lean back into it.

Alexa Riley's books