Mr. Everything: A Billionaire and the Nanny Romance

“I did not,” I protest.

Both of them laugh.

I grab their hands. “Come on, we’ve still got other rides to try.”


Two hours later, we’ve tried all the rides and eaten at the restaurant, which had good food. We’ve shopped at the gift shop, too. Now, just before leaving, we decide to ride the Ferris Wheel one last time, having enjoyed it the most.

“The views from here are really great,” Sabrina says.

“Yeah,” I agree, looking at her. “The view from here is really good, too.”

“Stop it,” she scolds, blushing again.

I can’t help but keep staring at her, though, and as I do, I excitedly anticipate tonight. Today was a perfect day but I have a feeling tonight will be even better.



“Sleep tight.” I pull the covers up until David’s shoulders. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“There aren’t any bed bugs in my bed,” he says. “I looked and looked before but I couldn’t see any.”

“That’s because they’re really tiny,” I say. “But don’t you think about them. Just think about what a wonderful day we had, okay?”


“Good night.”

I kiss his hair then get off his bed, heading toward the door. After turning off the lights, I pause at the doorway, looking at him.

When I was undergoing training to be a nanny, I was taught not to be attached to the child. I thought, too, that I would never have children. That wasn’t one of my dreams. I never thought I’d feel how it was to be a mother.

Now, though, I can feel the warmth in my chest. I can feel pride and joy at knowing I have David. He’s an incredible boy. I’m glad I have the chance to take care of him, to watch him grow and to help him be a good man.

I just know he’ll be a good man like his father.

As I close the door and head down the hall to our bedroom, I think of Randall and smile. Today, I got to spend a lot of time with him. I got to see sides of him and expressions I had never seen before.

I fell even more in love with him.


I never thought I would feel this way, not for Randall, not for any man. I thought I loved Vince but now, I realize that wasn’t love. I was just desperate to please him so that he would help me make my dreams come true. I wanted him to be my hero and so I looked at him like one. I poured my heart into him.

But that wasn’t love. Everything I felt for him, I felt because I wanted something in return, whether it was the fame, the fine things, the praise or simply the feeling that I was special.

This is love. What I feel right now for Randall, I don’t feel because he saved me, because he’s protecting me from Vince, because he’s the father of a great child I want to take care of or because he makes me feel like the most amazing woman in the world. No. I just love him. I want to be with him no matter what happens, to support him, to comfort him, to laugh with him. It’s just like our wedding vows said. I want to be with him through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer.

Does he feel the same? I don’t know. I think so. Otherwise, why would he treat me so carefully? Why would he believe in me so much? He only had to marry me. He wasn’t required to be good to me. Yet, he is.

He’s the real hero, my knight in shining armor, my husband, my lover.

At that last word, my heart skips a beat, my smile becoming wider. I wonder what he’ll ask me to wear.


“You want me to wear this?” I ask as I hold up the bikini that Randall has just tossed at me as I stand in front of him.

“Yup. It doesn’t have buttons but I hope you don’t mind.”

“Funny. Where did you even get this? Don’t tell me…”

“I bought it a while ago,” he explains. “Remember when you went to the restroom at that shopping outlet? While you were there, I went ahead and bought that.”

“You bought this in three minutes?”

“I just picked the first one I saw off the rack. I think I made a good choice, though.”

I look at the black and gold two-piece swimsuit, the top a halter held by just two strings and the bottom piece also with strings at the side. I would never wear something like this at a pool or the beach. I guess I should be grateful I just have to wear it here in the bedroom.

And I guess I should be grateful I shaved down there the day before yesterday, wanting to look even better for Randall.

“Okay. Give me two minutes.”

I disappear into the bathroom. After a short while, I come out, wearing my robe over the bikini.

Randall frowns. “I don’t think I told you to put on the robe.”


I take a deep breath then pull on the sash of the robe and let it fall to my feet. At once, I feel Randall’s gaze on me, on my breasts, which are barely concealed by the top, on my belly and on my bottom piece as if he can see right through it.

Randall whistles. “I love your body,” he breathes.

He’s only looking at me, but I can feel the heat between us coursing through every vein in my body. I tingle and throb for him. My swollen breasts tingle, my nipples poking against the cool fabric of the swimsuit. I want him to touch me.

Does he have any idea what he’s doing to me?

I can clearly see what I’m doing to him. His cock is so stiff in those pants, I can see every ridge. God, he’s big. “Get over here,” Randall growls, pointing to the space directly in front of him. I’m almost scared—but I know it’s really excitement.

I step up to him, swallowing hard. I cross my arms over my chest. “You just want to look at me?” I whisper, disappointed as his eyes crawl over my body. I’m on fire for him. I need him to grip my tits. Sink his teeth into my neck. Something.

Randall runs his fingers gently through my hair and strokes down my cheek with one rough thumb. Then he grabs my chin and kisses me, immediately parting my lips as he pushes his tongue inside my mouth.

I murmur softly and my arms wrap around him. I can’t really wrap my arms all the way around him but I caress the strong, shifting muscles of his back and I open my mouth wider for him, moaning into our shared mouth, tongues dancing together vigorously.

Now this is a real kiss from a real man.

Randall pulls away from me—barely, but he does—and his gaze travels my full length. One arm wraps around my waist, pulling me so close that there isn’t even any oxygen between us anymore.

One thumb traces a path down my throat, between my collarbones, between my aching breasts, all the way down to my belly button, leaving a scorching trail that makes my heart beat faster. His thumb tenderly circles my belly button, the sensation almost ticklish, maddening.

Without warning, Randall dips his hand into my bikini bottom and gripped my sex like he was testing me out.

I gasp for air, a wave of tingling heat washing over me.

“You shaved,” he says, his palm rubbing against me. He grinned and beamed at me.

Emily Bishop's books