Mr. Everything: A Billionaire and the Nanny Romance

As a man, I feel slightly jealous of the progress David and Sabrina have made. What about us? Have we made some progress? David has already won her head over heels. What about me?

Looking back, I’ve had a few moments I could have seized. There were times that I could have just grabbed her by the waist and kissed her, like yesterday at the gym and earlier in the den.

Still, I held back, not wanting to rush things and scare her or maybe I was the one who was afraid she would push me away. Like I said, I’ve never gone after a woman before so I don’t know.

Me, afraid? Funny. I’ve never been scared of anything before.

Or maybe I just want her to make the first move, to want me as much as I want her.

Yes. That’s probably it.

Still, I wonder what would have happened if I had just gone ahead and kissed her…


We’re back in the weight room now, and she’s bending low in a squat. I’m spotting her. My hands brace her slim hips as she straightens and her ass is plush and firm against my swollen manhood. She descends again and I go with her, my pulsing length nestled against her, her thighs inside mine. I love how she opens up for me when she goes into a full squat, and I imagine how it would feel to reach between her legs from this vantage point.

I know that I can’t—I shouldn’t even be imagining this, she’s David’s nanny—but no one can see this. There’s no one here but me and her. One little touch won’t kill us, will it?

My fingers slide from her hip to her mons, then down, treasuring every warm ridge beneath my hand. Her compression pants leave nothing to the imagination. I feel every curve of her spread labia through the thick spandex, can even feel the nub of her clitoris, and Sabrina’s mouth opens in a silent gasp of surprise.

“What are you doing, Randall?” she whispers.

“Just a little massage,” I promise against her ear, begging her to let me continue. “Relax, Sabrina . . .” My thumb strokes firmly down the center seam of her crotch. “Relax.”

She lets her neck loosen and her arms slide up and over my shoulders from behind.. She coos like a fucking dove and my flawless self-control wobbles and crashes onto its side.

I kiss her hard, opening her lips with my tongue, taking her mouth with mine. Finally. I sink into her mouth and exhale hard through my nose. Even her saliva is sweet. Dear God, don’t let me accidentally pulverize this innocent woman.

I tangle my hand in her hairband and rip it loose, burying fingers in Sabrina’s dark copper hair. Something about her is so mysterious, so fragile and sweet—I’ve been dying to touch her. I’ve been dying to crush this rare rosebud between my palms and tracing her body with my hands and my lips, finding the fractures, sewing her back together with my kisses.

I grip at the tender nape of Sabrina’s neck and send a shudder through her system. A moan comes trembling out of her mouth.

“Yes, baby,” I encourage her gently. I’m throbbing so hard, her magnificent pussy is all I can think about. If I can’t have her here and now, it might kill me.

We are still braced together in this deep squat, my hand pumping lazily over her pussy through her workout pants, when she whispers, “This is a mistake.” Her eyes are dire, like she has to tell me right now. She pulls to a stand and takes her soft, fragrant hair with her, her sweet mouth with her. “You don’t really know me yet, Randall. I’ve got secrets, Randall. I’ve got . . . scars.”

“Let me see them,” I rumble against her ear, my hands still sliding over her body from behind.

“My scars?” Her eyes gaze up at me uncertainly, dark with worry.

I tug her tank top over her head and take a step back to run my palms over her body. I survey deep brown lashes. I exhale loudly and pull her to me, pressing my mouth to one of her scars.

“Randall.” Her lower lip quivers as it spills from her mouth and my dick threatens to split the seam on my pants. I want her so badly. I want to fix whatever happened to her . . . and maybe she can fix what has happened to me, too. Maybe, if I was deep inside her, we would start to heal a little bit.

“Randall,” she breathes. I love it.

Sabrina seems almost drugged by her own arousal, and heck, that’s how I feel too. I feel crazy. This could never, in a million years, really be happening, but here we are.

“Let me help you cool down,” I tell Sabrina, collecting her and stretching her out on the bench press. I position her heels on my shoulders and slowly press into her hips, driving down on top of her, legs between us. The smell of her sweat and of her skin is overwhelming, and when I get close enough, her cleavage swells against my face. “God damnit, you’re too young for me,” I groan.

“Don’t tell me what I am,” Sabrina told me. Tiny beads of sweat dot her breasts. I forget about helping her cool down at all and I come down as far as I can, tongue fanning between her sweet tits, collecting every drop. Sabrina whimpers and grinds against me. “I’m a grown-ass woman,” she assures me breathlessly. “I get horny just like everyone else, and I’m trapped in this house, Randall—just you and me.” Her voice falls to a whisper and she curls up close to my ear to say, “Fuck me, Randall.”

“I thought I didn’t know you yet,” I remind her, pulling off her legs and coming to a complete stand. I yank my own tank top over my head, the gym lights splashing over every curve and dent in my body. I see the way she tracks me with her eyes. I see the way they move over my entire body. She wants me. She has wanted me since the day she slammed into me, running from absolutely no one. She can’t deny it.

“You don’t,” Sabrina agreed. “But I need you.”

I reach for her and tuck my fingers into the waistband on her compression pants, dragging them off her nubile hips and tossing them overhead. My intentions must be clear now; her pussy is laying in front of me like an entrée.

“I like this position,” I note, nestling down between her legs again. “I like being able to hold you tight as hell. I don’t know why.”

“I like it too,” Sabrina whispers back, and I lock my arms around the tops of her thighs, controlling her ability to buck her hips. I split her wide and slather my tongue along her rosy folds, strengthening into a point as I reached the top and flicked her tip repeatedly. She writhes and whimpers but I ignore her. I’m not going to stop until she’s pushing me off of her. I lean down and flatten my tongue, sending it from the bottom to the top. She tastes so good, like milk and honey. I think I’m falling in love.

“Randall,” Sabrina calls me. “Randall! We can’t do this. It’s against the contract. I’m going to lose my job if anyone finds—” I flick her clit with my tongue as hard as I can. I lick her like I’m slowly eating her, nibbling and sucking. I sink my fingers into her. Common sense eludes me. I have to make her come. There’s no other thought in my head. “If anyone finds out—Randall—Randall—”

Emily Bishop's books