The local news is buzzing as the sun sets, and I sit on the floor of my hideout, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Darcy surprised me about forty-five minutes ago, showing up with a chocolate cake. “Happy Birthday,” she says, handing it over. “It's only from the supermarket, but I thought you'd like it anyway.”

“Thanks, but it isn't my birthday,” I say, confused. “You know that isn't until October.”

“No, today's your real birthday. You're born again today,” Darcy says. “I left Henry with Jeff. He understands, and he's just grateful that he's not on-duty today. Tomorrow, though, he's not looking forward to work for the short-term. It's gonna hit the fan.”

“I bet. Thanks for coming by. Have you heard from Andrea or Jackson?”

“Nope. You heard from Nathan, I take it?”

I nod, taking the cake and leading her into the loft. It's small, but for the past three weeks, it's been a good enough place to crash. I sit down on the couch, and Darcy pauses before sitting down, looking at the small box on the table. She does a double take and points once she recognizes the name that's upside down on the box. “Is that?”

“Yep. I'm late, and wanted to be sure.”

Darcy picks it up, and sees that it's empty. “You took the test.”

I nod. “I did.”

She gives me a sideways glance, and half a smile. “I've known you for six years, Katrina. You wouldn't be playing coy with me unless the results were something I'd like. Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” I say, still not sure how I feel about it. This was certainly not in my plans, but I have to admit I feel a little thrill about it. “Maybe now I'll get some decent-sized boobs.”

“Either that or you're going to get really good at making formula,” Darcy chuckles. “So you're going to keep it, no matter what?”

I nod, and look at the cake. Hey, I'm hungry, and stress makes chocolate look damn good. “I am. Even if he never comes, I want to keep it.”

“You sound like he may not come.”

I sit back, and turn on the television, where the local news should be starting soon. “Nathan gave him the address, but there's no promise he'll come.”

Darcy gets up and goes to the kitchen area, getting two forks. We've been friends for a very long time, we don't need to worry about plates between us. I start on the right, she starts on the left, and we'll work our way toward the middle. “So are you going to take a chance with him?”

I think about what Nathan told me, about how Jackson had told off Peter, kicking him down when he tried to grab him, and more importantly, how Jackson passed up the money and jewels, taking with him only the handguns to protect his sister while they made their getaway. That's not the Jackson from the limo... hell it's not even the same Jackson who flew with me to Miami and thought that a seventy-five dollar a night hotel was slumming it.

Before I can answer, Darcy sets her fork down, and takes my hand. “You know I love you, right?”

“I know, Darce. You've been my big sister for a long time now,” I reply, letting her speak. “I love you, too.”

She swallows and smiles. “Well, for six years we've known each other, and there's been only one hope that I've had that I haven't been able to see. I've watched as you grew into an intelligent, beautiful young woman and into a hacker even better than me. And we're going to sit here and watch as you get your vengeance, your mission complete. So that leaves only one hope that I've kept inside myself for so long. I want you to find happiness, to find a future. Now, I've only talked with Jackson a little bit face to face. But I saw the way he cares for you, that boy is head over heels for you. Give him a chance. Andrea told me that he's trying to become something, even when it was just the memory of you. Imagine what he can be, what you both can be, together.”

I think, then nod. “Well, first, let's watch the news.”

The six o'clock news comes on, and Peter DeLaCoeur's arrest is top news. We watch silently as the video feed shows him being loaded into an ambulance, his wrist cuffed to the gurney, holding his ribs and groaning. “Damn, Jackson must have really gotten a shot in,” Darcy says. “Wonder how the cops will spin that one.”

Willow Winters's books