Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“Shriveled and wrinkled,” Dustin said with a growl as he walked into the room. “That’s how, asshole.”

“Dust! Mouth!” Sasha yelled as she tried to cover her daughter’s ears. “I know it’s hard for you, but can you not curse around Gia? She repeats everything!”

Michael eyed his daughter as she spoke. Diverting his eyes to his granddaughter, Gia, Michael shook his finger at her.

“Oh, no no, bella dolce. The mark of a true Capadonno is to only reveal what we must. You never repeat what you hear. You keep that to yourself. Keep secrets for yourself to enjoy.”

“Dad, seriously?” Sasha asked as she glared back at her father.

“Sasha, you start them young! It’s how they learn. Gia, you just tell Mommy your secrets, okay? Don’t pay Poppa no mind.”

Sasha lifted Gia off of Michael’s bed, and let the child toddle about the living room, her light brown ringlets hanging loosely around her cheeks.

Sasha seemed to be desperate for a change in conversation. As she led her daughter away from Michael, Sasha kissed Miles on his cheek and smiled warmly at Letty. As Sasha’s eyes met Letty’s, she patted Miles’s arm gently and slowly released him from her hold. Leaning in to Letty, Sasha whispered in Letty’s ear, just loud enough for Michael and Miles to hear.

“I hope you’re taking good care of him,” Sasha said with a smile. “I’m glad for you both.”

A slippery smile creased Michael’s face as he regarded Letty. “Don’t worry, Letty’s taking good care of me. She’s my favorite girl.”

Michael’s eyes caught Miles’s hooded gaze. As his son scoffed, a smirk curled from Michael’s lips.

“Slow your roll, old man,” Miles said as he hooked an arm around Letty’s waist, tugging her tightly to his side. With a cocky look on his face, Miles continued, “This one’s all mine.”

Despite herself, Letty laughed as Miles playfully tugged on her waist, but as she felt the weight of Michael’s stare, she wiped her face clean. Miles ignored the hostile glare that was shooting out from his father’s eyes and planted a kiss on Letty’s head, not daring to let her waist go. Sasha, turning to face her father, laughed and replied, “You’re such a ham! I was talking about Miles! Don’t they look great together?!”

Michael had an unimpressed look upon his face.

“Oh, yeah. Like a million bucks.”

Noticing that Letty appeared to be uncomfortable under the weight of Michael’s gaze, Miles quickly changed the subject.

“Is this my niece?” Miles said as he bent down to meet the three-year-old.

Arianna toddled over to Miles happily with a lollipop in one hand and a baby doll in the other. She had soft light brown ringlets that hung around her face, and a pair of hazel eyes that bucked against the Capadonno tradition of dark eyes and nearly black hair.

“This is her! Ari, say hi to your uncle Miles.”

The girl didn’t speak, instead she hugged her uncle’s face, careful to avoid his beard.

“She’s darling, Sasha,” Letty said as she watched Miles with the little girl closely.

“Thank you. So is your little one,” Sasha replied. “We’ll have to get them together for a play date.”

Letty smiled genially. “Sure, one of these days.”

“Enough chit chat!” Michael complained. “I haven’t had breakfast.”

Sasha raised her eyebrows testily as she looked back at her father. “Theresa made you breakfast and you threw it at the wall! You can have a bowl of cereal.”

“Cereal! What am I, five?” Michael complained.

“I can make him an omelet real quick,” Letty suggested.

“No, he can have his Wheaties,” Miles suggested. Casting a glare at his father, Miles continued, “He’s gonna need them.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m about to make lunch. He’ll be fine. I’m here trying to teach my daughter that it’s not okay to throw fits when you don’t get what you want, then her grandfather goes and has an atomic meltdown!”

“Stop hampering on me, Sasha!”

Letty placed a hand on Michael’s shoulder. “Take it easy. Let’s check you out.”

As Letty pulled a stethoscope out of her bag, Sasha scooped up her daughter and headed towards the kitchen. Miles stood in the doorway of the parlor keeping a close watch on his father as Letty took his vitals.

“Does he have to stand there?” Michael asked in annoyance, pointing to Miles who was eyeing him like a hawk.

Letty turned to face Miles, looking at him with an understanding gaze.

“As a matter of fact I do,” Miles said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“We’re okay, Miles. I’ll be done in a few,” Letty assured him, trying to keep the peace between father and son.

“What’s the rush?” Michael asked.

When Letty didn’t answer the question, Miles did for her.

“Going to take this beautiful lady out for a night on the town. Surely you understand… Saturday is her day off, after all.”

Addison Kline's books