Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“It’ll be a Capadonno…” Knox explained cryptically, not elaborating further.

“I expected so,” Landon admitted. “It’ll never be me. He doesn’t trust me.”

“I have no idea why, you’re a good enough kid,” Dustin admitted as he reached over and shook his younger brother’s head full of blonde hair.

“Argh! Knock it off!” Landon complained as he flattened down his short but thick head of hair.

Knox took a sip of his wine as Dustin watched him.

“How can you drink that shit?” Dustin asked as his chair skidded out from the table.

Making his way over to the bar, a few bottles clanged loudly as Dustin looked for his drink of choice.

“Yo, Landon, pick your poison!”

“Dangerous words, coming from the Capo…” Knox said as he winked at Landon.

“Snakebite. Think you can handle that?” Landon asked with an edge to his voice.

“Nice. Shouldn’t be a problem…” Dustin said nonchalantly as he turned back towards the bar.

“What are you drinking?” Knox asked Dustin as he watched him begin to mix his drink.

“Irish Car Bomb,” Dustin admitted. “I foresee a long line of them comin’ my way.”

“Your Italian ancestors are probably spittin’ on you,” Knox said with a laugh.

“Fine by me. My Irish forefathers can kick their Mafioso asses.”

“While you’re over there, pour me a drink! A Manhattan,” Knox demanded.

“Lazy bastard,” Landon said with a laugh. “Just who do you think you are? Flashy ass DA…”

Knox laughed smugly. “They only call me the DA in New York. Around here they just call me Consigliere…”

Consigliere… Landon thought. Counselor to the boss.

Landon had never heard Knox admit it out loud.

Shaking his head from side to side, Dustin mixed their drinks and prepared for the conversation at hand. Landon, looking up at Knox with a dark tone setting in his eyes, wondered where his brother’s loyalties truly lay. Which of his roles did he really hold true to, the hard hitting DA of New York, or the loyal to the death Consigliere, and right-hand man of Michael Capadonno? Landon thought he knew where Knox’s chips fell, one could never be too sure though. Especially with a character like him.

“So tell me,” Landon began. “Who do you think the old man is going to put in charge?”

Knox swirled his wine in his glass. Looking up at Landon, he had a look of deep scrutinization on his face.

“The question is, Landon, who do you think Michael will choose?” Knox said as he nodded his head at Landon.

“Well, I always assumed it would be you,” Landon admitted coolly.

Dustin let out a dry laugh as he carried over three drinks to the table. “Fat chance.”

Knox’s eyebrows arched in amusement.

“Definitely not me,” Knox admitted. “I’m way too high profile.”

“Mr. Celebrity,” Dustin said as he rolled his eyes.

Quietly, Dustin placed a Manhattan in front of Knox, causing Landon to lift an eyebrow in interest.

Mr. DA sipping on the drink of choice of the Italian mafia. Interesting, Landon thought.

“So who, then?” Landon asked as he prepared to take a swig of his drink.

Dustin laughed slyly as he looked at Landon.

“You?” Landon asked in surprise.

“Fuck that. I’m good where I’m at. Besides, the old man finds me too mouthy,” Dustin explained just before downing his Irish Car Bomb, chugging the stout and whiskey combination before the Bailey’s cream could curdle in his throat.

“Then who? A cousin? One of Uncle Sonny’s kids?” Landon asked.

“Think about it, kid,” Knox begged. “The old man is not stupid and he always has an agenda. Who is the one of us who has the most to lose?”

Knox’s knuckles tapped against the wood of the table as he stared at Landon. Slowly, a look of recognition took over Landon’s face.

“No…” Landon said in an exasperated voice.

“Now we’re on the same page,” Dustin said calmly, giving his brother an apologetic stare.

Knox patted his youngest brother on the knee as he rose to get another drink. Landon followed Knox’s shadow across the room as the reality of the situation set in.

In a voice barely more than a whisper, Landon said in a hollow tone, “Miles.”


Addison Kline's books