Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Michael’s eyes flickered up to an old photograph on the wall. Following his gaze, Letty noticed that Michael was staring right at the old picture of Miles and herself at the Carrion High Junior Prom.

We had fun that night. That was the night where things really started to get serious. He had looked so damn delicious in his black tux. He ditched the tie and cheesy boutonniere and kept his attire simple. Me on the other hand, I thought I was a princess in a purple satin number that would have made Barney the dinosaur jealous. My hair was a frizzy permed mess. Let’s not even discuss the lip liner and the purple eyeshadow. I was mortified that in Michael Capadonno’s beautiful house, I was the one eyesore that stuck out. Jesus, Letty! Enough with the trip down memory lane!

Finally, Michael spoke. In a voice as thick as maple syrup, he said, “You know he got out t’day, right?”

Michael had a grim look on his face as Letty tried to process what it was that Michael had just said.

“I’m sorry?” Letty asked, momentarily dulled by her trip down memory lane.

“Miles, Letty… He was released from prison today. He’s going to be coming back to Carrion,” Michael admitted as he looked at Letty with a nervous tone in his eyes. His gaze penetrated Letty’s glassy eyes. He seemed to be searching for something. Was it fear? Whatever he was looking for, he wouldn’t find it.

I was never afraid of Miles. He wasn’t an innocent man… but he was innocent of the crime in which he was accused of. I saw the whole thing play out. I was, however, shocked by the news. It had been such a long time since I heard from Miles. He told me to wait for his letter, but I never received one. Not a single one.

A sharp breath escaped Letty’s mouth. The shock was apparent on her face as she looked down at Michael.

“Ya all right, Letty?” Michael asked her with a look of deep concern on his face.

Shake it off, Letty.

“Yes. I’m happy to hear, Michael,” Letty replied in a stoic tone of voice. Her voice didn’t match the look of total shock on her face.

I keep talking as if the premise of Miles Capadonno getting out of prison doesn’t effect me in the least. The fact of the matter is, it does. My hands are clammy. My fingers won’t still. My breath feels hollow in my chest. I’m freaking out, but I cannot let it show.

“Please,” Michael said as he clutched the sleeve of my shirt.

I have never seen him look so desperate before. The man who was nicknamed the “Butcher of Carrion” suddenly looks as if his life is depending upon what it is that he is about to say.

“What is it, Michael?” Letty asked in a concerned tone of voice.

I hadn’t realized how concerned I was until I heard my own voice come out. When it comes to Michael, I pay attention. When it comes to Miles, I sure as hell pay attention whether my own logic wants me to or not.

“Please, Letty,” Michael began again bringing her hands to his cheek. His skin felt like tissue paper under Letty’s touch. “You cannot tell anyone that Miles is out.”

“Any of them? But Michael, he’s a big guy… Someone is bound to see him,” Letty replied with concern on her face.

I don’t want to be a secret keeper… especially not for the Capadonno family. That’s a death wish waiting to happen.

“Please, Leticia… Please just do what I ask?” Michael asked, not letting go of her hands.

My heart stirred in that moment. What is it that has Michael Capadonno so spooked? He is a man that strikes fear in the hearts of others… But here he is, the Butcher himself, cowering in fear at the very thought that someone would find out that Miles had earned his freedom. Was it concern that I saw in his eyes, or the hatching of a plot?

“Okay, Michael,” Letty agreed. “But what about the others… Won’t Miles be staying here?”

“Landon and Sasha know. The others don’t yet… And somehow, I highly doubt Miles will be staying here,” Michael explained.

“Whatever you think is best, Michael,” Letty said as she stroked Michael’s cheek with her thumb and index finger.

Michael sat there, deep in thought, for several minutes. Finally, as the grandfather clock in the dining room tolled seven times, Michael Capadonno shook his head.

“Yes. This is best,” Michael said without elaborating further.

Trying to ignore the nervous look in Michael’s eyes, Letty tugged on his covers and covered up his bare foot with the soft blanket.

“Michael?” Letty asked.

“Yes, honey?” Michael replied, gazing up at Letty with glassy eyes.

“If you think you’re in danger, you need to tell me,” Letty pushed.

A cool smile crossed Michael’s face as he crooked his neck ever so slightly.

“No, bella. It’s not me I’m frightened for. I can look death in the face and not blink an eye. You know this is true.”

Letty nodded. This was a true statement. Michael was very courageous in his fight against cancer. Prior to becoming sick, Michael stared down death on a daily basis under different circumstances.

“It’s a different story when it’s your own children facing the machine that you helped build,” Michael explained darkly.

Addison Kline's books