Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Miles nodded as he gathered the papers and set them aside. He decided he would pick up where he left off in the morning. Miles’s eyes fell upon the TV set as Letty took a seat on his lap. The TV program cut to a commercial and when Miles saw the man on the screen, he laughed loudly. The Cormack homestead was located deep in the Pocono Mountains in the northeast corner of Pennsylvania. Being so close to New York City, they got many of the city’s commercials and news programs. Letty sighed loudly as she glared at Knox on the TV screen. Shaking her head just slightly, Letty complained, “This is only going to inflate his ego more.”

Knox Capadonno’s thousand-watt smile beamed back at them from the TV screen. The commercial showed Knox walking through the streets of New York talking with citizens and shaking hands. Standing against a wall covered in graffiti, Knox stood with his sleeves rolled up as he talked with a group of teenagers. As inspirational music blared from the TV, a man’s voice said, “The City of New York congratulates District Attorney Knox Capadonno on his re-election. Upholding justice, tough on crime and for the people.”

As the commercial ended and Knox smiled brightly from the TV screen, Miles griped, “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”

Miles quickly reached for the remote control and flicked off the TV. As his eyes met with Letty’s, they broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Shaking his head, Miles rose from his seat. Walking over to the far wall of the parlor, Miles opened a cabinet door and pulled out one of his mother’s old records. Letty approached Miles, delicately placing her hands on Miles’s back. Miles placed the record on the player and gently dropped the needle on top. As the seductive blues melody of “At Last” by Etta James began to play, Miles turned around, taking Letty’s hands in his own. Staring in her eyes, Miles smiled as he began to sway with Letty to the music.

“At last, Letty. At long last,” Miles said as he closed his eyes, nuzzling his cheek to hers.

Letty smiled warmly as Miles’s voice tickled her ear.

“No more drama. No more mayhem. No more secrets,” Miles whispered.

Letty’s eyes lit up with a flash. Looking up at Miles, Letty smiled mischievously.

“Well, I still have one little secret, Miles,” Letty said in a suggestive tone.

“Oh?” Miles asked in a sleepy voice. “And what might that be?”

Letty whispered something into Miles ear as his face lit up with surprise.

“Are you serious?” Miles asked.

Letty nodded as she gaged Miles’s reaction.

“Wait, you’re not kidding?” Miles asked as a serious look overtook his face.

Letty smiled warmly.

Miles’s face lit up. “You’re pregnant?”

Letty nodded, giving Miles the only verification that he needed.

“We’re going to have a baby?” Miles asked, looking overjoyed.

“Yes, Miles. You’re going to be a daddy.”


“What do you mean again?”

“I already have G. So I’m going to be a daddy again.”

Miles’s sentiment warmed Letty’s heart. In agreement, Letty replied, “Yes, Miles. You’re going to be a daddy again. I’m six weeks along.”

Miles’s eyes appeared glassy as he processed the news. Shaking his head, Miles replied, “I’m, uh… I’m speechless.” Miles sounded out of breath and out of sorts. Letty stared at him with a nervous look on her face.

“Are you happy, Miles?” Letty asked, giving him a wary look.

Miles seemed to realize that his face might not mirror the joy in his heart. Allowing the peace in his heart to show on his face, Miles smiled, tears pooling in his eyes. He replied, “Is that a real question? I couldn’t be happier. I’m a blessed man, Letty. Blessed.”

Miles left Letty’s side to pick up G from his recliner. Lifting the sleeping child from the recliner, Miles cradled him in his left arm. Letty grabbed onto Miles’s right arm.

“C’mon. Let’s go to bed,” Miles said with a self-assured look on his face.

Then, without a glance back, the family departed from the room with unparalleled happiness blooming in their hearts.

The End.


Music is a pivotal part of my creative process. You might not know this about me, but I am a musician as well as an author, and when I need to set a certain mood and get the creative juices flowing, I rely on music to help get me there. I listen to everything from modern folk and alternative rock to country and classical music. This is a long playlist for a long book! I hope you enjoy it!

Carrion by Fiona Apple

It was on a sleepless night in the summer of 2002 when I was up late listening to Windows Media Player with my whole library of songs on shuffle. I was pecking away at the keyboard, when Carrion by Fiona Apple began to play. The jazzy tones and the smooth and sultry sound of Fiona’s voice catapulted my imagination to a town named Carrion, New Jersey, where a girl named Letty wanted nothing more than to save her longtime love Miles from people who had control over him, or have the strength to let him go. No other song would have done for the Prologue. Hearing this song automatically teleports me to the Capadonno mansion.

Addison Kline's books