Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“Anybody else got a problem with me?” Miles shouted.

Despite the hostile glares he was receiving from each of the men, no one dared to utter a sound. Then one did. Clearing his thought, Knox said loudly, “Seeing as how you stripped the life of our dying father, I’d say I have a big fucking problem.”

“Do us all a favor, Knox, and shut the fuck up!” Miles screamed. “Now… Who had the contract on my head?”

No one said a word. But as Miles began to pace through the crowd, Miles asked again, “Who was given the orders to kill me?”

Eddie “The Landlord” Torrento stepped out of the crowd. Nodding at Miles, Eddie stared at the new boss of the Capadonno crime family with a stubborn look upon his face. Miles smirked as he looked into Eddie’s face. Shaking his head, Miles lifted his gun and shot twice. Eddie shrieked in pain as two bullets shattered his knee caps.

When Miles turned around, Knox was standing just inches from him with his gun drawn.

“Big Bad Miles getting his revenge. I bet you want to kill me, don’t you?” Knox asked with a cruel look upon his face.

A cocky smirk grew across Miles’s face. “Kill you? It’s fun having you around,” Miles said.

Before Knox could reply, Miles had cut into his step sending a brutal upper cut to Knox’s face. The familiar sound of Knox’s nose crunching brought a smile to Miles’s face as his brother howled in pain.

“What the fuck!” Knox screamed.

As blood gushed from Knox’s nose, Miles walked away slowly back to Corina. He reached his arm out to open the driver’s side door as the sound of a gun went off. The bullet hit the ground just inches from Miles’s feet, as he looked up, Dustin was rushing at him with his gun out. Knox had his gun drawn too and was rushing towards Corina. Miles wasn’t sticking around, though. Ripping open the car door, Miles jumped in the car and slammed the door shut as bullets ricocheted off of the bulletproof glass of the windshield. As Miles let out a heavy breath, Letty assaulted him from behind, hitting him on his shoulders and arms and chest.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again! Ever!”

Holding Letty still with his strong hands, Miles gave Letty a gentle gaze. She kissed him on his lips softly and as their lips parted, Miles said, “Strap in. We’re Brooklyn-bound.”

As Miles slammed his foot of the gas, Corina sped backwards out of the driveway of the Capadonno compound. Knox and Dustin ran towards their cars, as the other members of the crime family loaded into their vehicles in chase of Miles. With the full roster of the Capadonno crime family hot on his heels, Miles pushed his car as fast as it could go, its motor roaring as it sped across the Carrion border.

Juan Alves struggled against the ropes that bound him to a rickety wooden chair. Tethered to the legs of the chair was his visibly upset grandson, Gabriel, who was also bound tightly and had a gruesome gash in his forehead.

“Let us go!” Juan demanded, his face badly mottled with bruises and abrasions. He fought to break free of his binds, but the rough edges of the rope cut against his flesh, rubbing his skin raw.

A man in a grey suit gave Juan an amused smile.

“Quit struggling. As soon as the big guy gets here, you can go back to the pimple on God’s ass called Carrion, New Jersey. ’Til then, sit fucking tight.”

Juan was stubborn though, and he kept thrashing against his binds. The man laughed as he watched Juan struggle. Bringing a cigarette to his lips, he lit the tip and gave Juan a sarcastic smile.

“Don’t hurt yourself there, Pops.”

Addison Kline's books