Marked By Power (Marked, #1)

“Not buts! Get to the headmasters’ office, now!” she snaps.

“Okay,” I mumble, rushing from the classroom. I notice the guy who walked through the flames leaning against a wall outside.

“Headmasters office?” I ask. He smirks and points left. “Thanks!” I quickly dart in that direction, praying I can find the place.

I rush down several corridors, looking at every door for sign of an office. I poke my head down every corridor I walk by. After about half an hour of searching, I come to realise I’ve been had. The headmasters’ office is definitely not this way. What an asshole. I smack my fist against a wall in frustration.

“God damn it!” I curse, cradling my hand. Fuck that hurt. Stupid wall.

“Miss Crowe?” a deep voice calls from behind me, the same voice I remember from the initiation ceremony. I turn around and try to lift my jaw from the floor. Where the fuck are they hiring teachers here from, Hollywood? Runways? I try not to stare, but find myself ultimately failing.

He looks far too young to be a teacher, so I assume he must be in his early twenties. His green eyes are bright and alluring, and framed by glasses that only seem to add to his hot teacher vibe. His smart, but laidback style clothing does nothing to hide the killer body he has. His shirt is tight against his body, showing off every inch of his hotness. His hair is brown and messy, in a way that just demands you run your hands through it. I can almost picture how soft it would be.

“Miss Crowe?” he asks again, pulling me from my inspection.


“I asked, is your hand okay?” he says softly, his voice filled with concern.

“Um, yeah, it’s fine,” I mumble, lifting my hand out, and wriggling my fingers for good measure. I wince. Okay, maybe not so fine.

“Here, let me help,” he says, as he takes my hand in his. His hands are gentle as he holds my injured hand in both of his, for a moment there is nothing, and then I feel his hands begin to warm. They heat up until they feel almost burning hot, he then releases my hand. I pull back and try wriggling my fingers again tentatively. When no pain comes, I wriggle them more, still nothing. I feel flutters in my stomach that have nothing to do with the magic he just used to heal me.

“Thank you,” I say, looking up and meeting his deep-green eyes.

“You’re welcome, Miss Crowe. I believe you are meant to be in class right now, are you not?” he asks.

“Um . . . yeah. I kind of got sent to the headmasters’ office, but I have no idea where that is, if I’m honest,” I explain.

“Have you not downloaded the Academy app?” he asks.

“Well, the thing is, I have no idea where my phone is, so no. I’m not really a tech-friendly person. Tech kind of hates me. Ironic considering that I apparently have the technomancy power as well. I would have never believed that I would get that mark,” I reply. He smiles at me, and it takes everything I have not to fucking swoon. Damn.

“I’ll show you where the office is, come with me,” he offers, still smiling. I nod my head and follow him, he slows down to match my pace. I look up at him from his side profile. He’s just as damn hot from this angle too! I can feel my heart slamming against my chest as he walks closely beside me. Damn. They didn’t make my teachers like this in the human school I went to, that’s for sure. I draw my eyes away from him and will my heart to slow down its beats.

Teacher or not, he is way too unattainable for me, anyway.

Chapter 6


Sitting on a small, uncomfortable chair across from two of the three headmasters, is not how I wanted to start off my school year here.

“Mr. Daniels, thank you so much for showing Mackenzie to our office,” one of the headmasters says. He’s dressed in all black: black trousers, black tie, black shirt. It stands out in complete contrast to his fair skin and white-blond hair.

“Yes, that will be all,” the other, Mr. Lockhart, adds adjusting his blue tie.

“Actually, I’d like to stay. If that would be acceptable?” he asks, taking up a position sitting on the edge of a low filing cabinet, clearly not waiting for an answer.

“Yes, yes, that will be fine. Now, Mackenzie, it appears you lost control of your fire power in your lesson today?” His beady eyes narrow on me, and I feel myself squirm in my seat.

“But, sirs, it was my first lesson, it was just an accident,” I mumble. I try to look anywhere but at the headteacher dressed in black. His beady eyes are giving me the creeps.

“It was many students’ first lesson today, and yet, they did not set fire to their classrooms,” he replies.

Yeah, but they didn’t have a teacher that gave them no frickin instruction. I bite my lip to keep in my retort, instead casting my eyes downward.

“Mr. Layan, we have had other students lose control in the past, and I remember one who destroyed the swimming pool. I believe all Miss Crowe needs is training,” Mr. Daniels says, interrupting whatever Mr. Layan was going to say next. They have a frickin swimming pool here?

“That may be true, but still, this is not acceptable,” he says, his tone frustrated that Mr. Daniels is sticking up for me. Even I don’t really understand why he is.

“Of course not,” Mr. Daniels says, his voice placating as he watches me closely. Mr. Lockhart is watching me, too, but doesn’t say a word. Just sits, with his hands folded on his lap.

“We have no other option than to give you detention, where I hope to see an improvement on your powers in six months,” Mr. Layan says. I get the feeling out of the three of the headmasters, he is the one with the most power over the school.

“Six months?” I ask, shocked. That’s seriously steep for a little mistake on the first day. Just, you know, accidently making fire tornadoes in your first class must happen all the time. I barely hold in a laugh at that thought.

“Yes. We would usually suspend a student for an incident like this, but we will let it pass this once,” he replies, and looks to Mr. Lockhart, who nods his agreement.

“Why?” I ask, my voice dripping with suspicion. I have a feeling it’s because of my twelfth mark, and that they want to know what it does. Don’t we all? I know I shouldn’t have said anything when he glares at me, not answering.

“Mr. Daniels, you will take over detention every Sunday. Hopefully, you can teach Miss Crowe some control over her powers,” Mr. Lockhart says, finally speaking, but it’s not to me. Frickin great, the one day I have off, and I’m going to be in detention.

“I would be happy to,” Mr. Daniels responds, and I look over at him, his warm eyes watching me closely, and his lips turn up in a smirk. Maybe detention wouldn’t be so bad? I mean, at least there is a good view guaranteed. He stands up and walks to the door, holding it open for me.

“Bye,” I say to them, and they nod, one after the other. It’s a little creepy. I walk out of the room and wait for Mr. Daniels to close the door behind me.

Cece Rose & G. Bailey's books