Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

“Quit calling me that.”

He laughed and looked at me again. There was something in his gaze, something I didn’t want to admit.

It was pure lust.

I looked quickly away, down at my feet.

“Why don’t you like being called princess?” he asked. “That’s what you are, isn’t it?”

“No, not at all. My father wasn’t the doting type.”

“I know your father. He’s a hard man.”

“You’ve heard of my father, but you don’t know him.”

He laughed. “True. So, I’ve heard your father is a hard man. Must be, if he’s willing to tear your kid away.”

I looked back at him. We walked through the main hall and out a back door, heading along a paved path. Ahead of us was a pool, and beyond that were stables and fields stretching far toward a wooded area.

“Like I said, he’s stuck in the old world.”

“Well,” Vince said, “there’s some of that here, too. But as you can see, we know how to take care of our people.”

I laughed, looking around. “I have to admit, it is pretty nice.”

“Pool there, stables over there. Plenty of fields and paths to walk around. Woods are all safe. There’s a stream and a pond back there, too.”

“You go for long walks around the woods?”

He grinned at me. “Yeah, you caught me. Never been back there before.”

“And I bet you ride the horses all the time.”

He stopped next to the pool and laughed. “Got me again. I don’t ride horses.”

“What do you ride, then?”

Instantly, I regretted that comment. That look in his eyes returned, pure desire. “I don’t ride anything, but you’ll ride my thick cock by the end of this.”

I blushed, looking away. “I doubt that very much.”

“Why are you so afraid of getting fucked by me?” he asked softly.

“I’m not afraid. I’m just not interested.”

“You’re interested, all right. I can see it on your face, the way you look at me. Say the word, princess, and I’ll have your back arching, my name on your lips, in one second flat.”

“Is this why you brought me out here, to talk dirty to me?” I asked. “Because it’s not working.”

He laughed and sat down on a chair next to the pool. “No. I brought you out here because I’m trying to figure you out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out.”

“Sure there is. Why would a Russian mob girl come running to the Italians?”

“Because you’re the father of my baby,” I said, exasperated.

He leaned back and grinned at me. I couldn’t help but look at his delicious lips, his piercing eyes. He was wearing a slim button-down shirt and perfectly fitting jeans, almost like the stuff was made just for him.

“You keep saying that. And even if it is true, I still don’t get it.”

“I had nowhere else to run,” I said. “And I’m not losing my baby.”

“Ah, there it is again,” he said, smiling. “That fire. God, it makes me so fucking hard.”

“You think it’s sexy that I’d do anything for my son?”

“I think that strength is sexy. Fuck, I think you are sexy, for so many reasons.”

“What about you?” I asked him. “Why did you let me in if you don’t believe Alexei is your son?”

“I can’t leave a damsel in distress.”

“I’m not a damsel.”

He laughed. “You are and you aren’t. You’re definitely not helpless.”

“So why let me in?”

He cocked his head. “You know why.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Come on, Kaley. Don’t pretend. Say it.”

I bit my lip, taking a deep breath. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

But I did. I’d known it as soon as he had looked at me yesterday, and I could see it in every single glance. The way he looked at my body, the way he grinned at me, so cocky, so confident. The way he grabbed my ass and whispered dirty things in my ear.

“Say it,” he commanded, more forcefully. I shook my head no, and he just kept staring at me. “Say it, Kaley. Say it out loud. Why do I want you to stay?”

My heart was hammering in my chest, excitement running up through my pussy. I was dripping wet just from his look, which was driving me insane. I could barely think with that intense gaze.

“You want to fuck me.”

I couldn’t believe I said it out loud.

“That’s right,” he said. “I want another taste of that pussy. I’ve been thinking about you for months, ever since that night.”

“Seems like a bad reason to risk yourself,” I said.

“Maybe.” He stood up and smiled at me. “Shall we continue our little tour?”

“No,” I said. “No. I should get back to Alex.”

“Okay. Whatever your want, princess.”

I bit my lip, staring at him. “Is that really the only reason?”

He stepped toward me. “Does that excite you?”

“No,” I lied.

“It does. It makes you dripping wet. You love that I’d risk myself just to get another taste of your perfect fucking pussy. Right now you’re imagining how my thick cock can make you feel, and you want it badly.”

B. B. Hamel's books