Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

“Caralee, you go first with Burke. Larkin will walk Janine down the aisle.” Caralee nodded.

We moved down the back hallway and stopped near Larkin’s office door. It was open, and inside were Burke and Larkin, both looking uncomfortable in their suits.

“Hello, boys,” I said, stepping inside.

“Wow,” Larkin said. “Honey, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Dad.” He took my hand and squeezed it, smiling.

Caralee stood next to Burke. They just nodded to each other without speaking. Burke had been in a bad mood all day long, probably because his plan had fallen apart. At least his plan to kill me and take over the club. The wedding was probably never meant to happen, but there was nothing they could do it about it now.

“When the music starts, you two go,” Clutch said to Burke and Caralee.

Burke grunted and Caralee smiled.

“Nervous?” Larkin whispered into my ear.

“Yeah,” I said, “but I’ll be okay.”

“Good. You’ll do great.”

The music started a minute later and Clutch pushed open the door. “Go,” he said.

They walked out and Clutch shut the door.

“When the music changes, it’s your turn,” he said to me. “Good luck. I’ll be nearby.”

I smiled at him. “See you out there.”

And then the music changed.

Clutch opened the door.

We stepped out into the main bar room.

The aisle led from Larkin’s door between rows of folding chairs. The men from each club were sitting on either side, hard biker men packed into those little white chairs. The bar itself was decorated in white and black, streamers and balloons and tables and alcohol everywhere. There were flowers and centerpieces, most of them in the shape of Harleys.

Larkin walked next to me as we moved down the aisle. Ahead, Ford was standing where the preacher usually stood, grinning his face off. He was acting as the officiator since nobody much cared about having a priest at a biker wedding.

And standing to his left was Jetter. He looked completely at ease in a white tux that stood out from what the other men were wearing, which was a mix of suits and normal leather vests over jeans. Burke was standing next to Jetter as his best man.

Larkin moved slowly with me, and I felt butterflies take over my stomach, rocking through my body. I really was nervous as hell as we got closer and closer.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. But the whole club was out here for this, including every one of the Rebels. I was about to get married, and that would be the end of it.

As we got closer to the front, I looked around the crowd. I couldn’t see Clutch anywhere. I glanced back, but the door to the office was open and he was gone.

I looked forward reluctantly as we finally made it to the front. Larkin kissed my cheek and then took his seat up front. Caralee leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

“Clutch is nearby. Don’t worry,” she said, smiling.

I nodded and turned to face forward as Ford held his hands up, silencing the music and the crowd.

“Okay, everyone,” he said loudly. “We’re here to witness the wedding of Janine and Jetter.”

“No shit,” Dow called out. “Get to the good bits, brother.”

There was laughter in the crowd.

“Yeah, some people are impatient, but fucking listen up,” Ford said. “This union will bring our two clubs together, the Rebels and the Demons, so if you’ve got a fucking problem with that, speak up now.”

There was dead silence among the men.

“Make them kiss already,” Noble yelled.

Ford grinned. “Okay, shit, fine. Fuck.” He looked at Jetter. “Do you take this fine-ass lady as your wife?”

“Yeah, I do,” he said, staring at me.

You bastard, you sick bastard, I kept thinking over and over. You wanted me dead.

“And, Janine, do you take this guy as your husband?”

“Yes,” I said softly.

“Good. Boys?”

And suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me harshly back, spinning me away. Caralee was dragged along with me, strong arms picking us up and practically throwing us aside as the crowd burst into roars and screams.



All eyes were on Janine and Larkin as he walked her down the aisle, which was exactly what we wanted.

My heart was beating slowly in my chest as I snuck out of Larkin’s office, heading to my right. I moved along the outskirts of the room, going wide around the Rebels, getting into position.

For the past few days, we’d been planning for this. Everything we’d done had led to this moment, and the gamble we were about to make could go horribly wrong, but we were hoping the men in this room were smarter than we had given them credit for so far.

B. B. Hamel's books