Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Which was why I couldn’t stop it when he kissed me.

His lips pressed against mine, crushing them in an intense and powerful kiss. He arms wrapped around me, pulling me against him, his tongue entering my mouth. For half a second, I thought about pulling away, but I quickly melted into his embrace.

Desire, hot and electric, tingled down my spine. It was like everything that I’d been desiring for the past few days was coming together in that moment, and it was driving me insane. Carter tasted good, so damn good, and as much as I hated it I really liked that he shot down that drone for me.

But shit, he was a stepfather. He was my damn mother’s husband. I knew logically that they weren’t really in love and that their relationship was a total sham for the public, but it was just still so damn wrong.

When I had that thought, the most messed up thing of all happened.

It only made me want him more.

He was forbidden. He was bad. He was all wrong for me, but he still made me feel so damn incredible. Carter was a total ass, the opposite of what I usually wanted in a guy, and yet I found myself pushing deeper into his kiss.

Just as quickly as that desire came, it was quickly replaced with a paranoid feeling that someone was watching. If we got caught, even by just one person, everything was over. Carter would lose everything and my poor mother would be humiliated.

I pulled away gently, using up every last ounce of my willpower. He looked at me for a second, a small smile on his face.

“Tell me that isn’t what you wanted,” he said softly.

I disentangled myself from his embrace and turned away. “I have to go.” I held onto my towel to make sure it didn’t fall.

“Sure. Go run away.”

“I’m not running.” I started back toward the pool and knew I was definitely running away.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll have you calling me daddy soon. I’ll have you begging for more.”

I clenched my fists as anger welled up inside of me, but I didn’t look back.

I wasn’t angry because he said that. I didn’t expect anything less from Carter Green.

I was angry because I was starting to think he might be right.



I couldn’t get that fucking kiss out of my mind.

She was slightly damp from lying in the sun. I could taste sweat on her lips and feel it on her warm body. Sure, she had a towel wrapped around herself, but she was still mainly naked. My cock was instantly hard as I pulled her against me.

Maybe shooting down the drone wasn’t the best idea. Cox sure as hell didn’t approve of that move, but it was totally fucking worth it. We hadn’t figured out who sent it yet, but I knew Cox was working on that. Besides, it led to finally tasting Emily, even if it was just a kiss.

Just a kiss with my stepdaughter.

I groaned, alone in my office. My cock was hard again just remembering the kiss, and that drove me insane. I knew it was totally stupid to get hung up on her, considering all of the fucking danger that came with it, but I genuinely couldn’t help myself.

I fucking needed her.

I needed her lips wrapped around my cock. I needed her legs wrapped around my back. I needed her pussy grinding against me, her mouth hanging open, begging for more, more. I’d give it to her, deep and slow, look her in the eye, tell her how fucking gorgeous she was, how perfect her pussy felt. I’d make her moan, bite down on my skin, squirm and groan with pure bliss until I finally pushed her over the edge.

“Fuck,” I said out loud. What the fuck was I doing, picturing Emily like this?

“Something wrong?”

I nearly jumped out of my fucking seat. Evelyn stood at the door, eyebrows arched in a questioning look.

“Evie. Didn’t see you there.”

“I’m sure. You looked lost in thought. Busy day?”

“You know it is.”

She nodded, a small smile on her lips. “About that. The Kenyan ambassador canceled for later. Also, the Chinese aluminum company called about negotiating the contract.”

“Fine,” I said, nodding, willing my erection to go down. I was just picturing her daughter writhing beneath me, after all.

She stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine,” I said.

“There has been a lot of media coverage about us. Not all of it has been good.”

“I haven’t been reading that shit,” I said, shaking my head.

“Reconsider that. The whole point of this marriage is to make you look better in the press, not worse.” She sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

“What are they saying?”

“Oh, mostly calling me a cradle robber. And accusing you of being sexist for marrying your secretary.”

I laughed. “How’s that sexist?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It just is, apparently.”

“Well, I’m not sexist. But you’re definitely a cradle robber.”

She shook her head. “I don’t find it funny.”

B. B. Hamel's books