Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

I patted him on the shoulder and headed back into the mansion.

I needed to start planning this attack now, before I got too distracted by anything else. I was already borderline out of the game, and I needed to get my head right.

I went back to my office, shutting the door behind me. As I turned around, I nearly pulled my gun from my belt out of surprise.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Waiting for you,” Kaley said.

She was sitting behind my desk, leaning back in my chair. Her face was set hard, and she didn’t look like this was a fun visit.

“I have work to do.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “I don’t really care.”

“What do you need?” I crossed my arms and stood in front of the desk.

“I saw what you were doing.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “What was I doing?”

“The guns. I saw the guns.”

“Why were you following me?”

“I wasn’t. Louisa showed me.”

“Fuck. That girl should learn to mind her own business.”

Kaley looked distraught suddenly. “Why, Vince?”

“It’s war. You know why.”

“But why you?”

I grunted, shaking my head. “The deal was in place before the war started. Arturo decided we were going to use the guns for this instead of trying to flip them.”

“You sell guns?”

I laughed. “Of course I do. And drugs, and pussy. What the fuck did you think I do?”

“I knew. I just didn’t want to know.”

“Your family does the same thing.”

“Don’t talk to me about my family,” she snapped. “I know all about them. They’re the ones that want to take my baby away. Our baby.”

“What do you want me to do, Kaley? Throw the guns away?”

“I want you to stop trying to kill my family. I may not be a part of them, but they still raised me.”

“Too late.”

She stood up, clearly angry. “You think there’s no problem with that?”

I grunted again. I had no answer to her question, although I had been thinking about it.

Her people were now my people too, at least in a way. Her baby was half Russian and half Italian. Arturo and them didn’t give a shit about Alexei and Kaley. The only reason they let them stay was because they were a convenient excuse for war. As soon as the war was over, what then?

They couldn’t just have an enemy living in their house. They might kill Kaley’s whole family, and I couldn’t imagine she’d ever give that up.

No, there was no fucking happy ending here. We were both fucked from the start. Maybe it took us too long to figure that out, but I was beginning to see the truth. We were both fucked, and there was no turning back. The Russians wouldn’t have us, and the Italians were going to turn on us sooner or later.

Kaley came around the desk toward me. “You see it too, don’t you?”

“I don’t see shit.”

She stopped in front of me, her fucking eyes wide, pleading.

“This war is for everyone but us.”

“This war is for me. You started this war too, you know.”

“I never meant for this to happen,” she said softly.

“Your people came at me first. I never asked for that.”

“I know that.”

“Give me a solution to this. Give me a way out that doesn’t involve killing a bunch of your family members.”

She bit her lip, looking away. I could see the pain in her face clear as day. I hated talking to her this way, but it was all the truth. If she wanted this war to end, she was going to need a way to stop it.

But she didn’t have one. We both knew it.

“You have nothing,” I said. “This is happening, Kaley, and you can’t stop it.”

I saw the anger flare up in her face again at that moment. She raised her hand and went to slap me, but I caught her wrist and laughed.

“Hitting me isn’t going to help.”

“Bastard,” she said. “You fucking bastard.” She struggled, and I had to grab her other wrist. “Stop it. Stop all this. You fucking bastard.”

“Struggle all you want, princess, but it’s happening.”

“You fucking bastard.” She was furious, so angry, and she looked so fucking delicious.

I could feel my cock, hard as fuck, in my pants. I yanked her hard against me and crushed my mouth against hers.

She struggled for a second, too pissed to do anything, but I held her there.

And finally, she gave in, kissing me back.

I knew she would. She was pissed, I could feel it in her body, and I wasn’t feeling much better.

But she was so fucking delicious, and her pussy was all mine. We both knew it. Even if she was angry, she couldn’t resist me, couldn’t stop herself from sucking my cock, from letting me fuck her until she came, screaming.

I kissed her hard in my office, holding roughly onto her wrists, my cock hard as hell.



I was so angry.

B. B. Hamel's books