
“Ian!” This time when she calls my name, it’s almost a scream. Desperate, keening, half strangled with desire and it pushes me over the edge I’ve been clinging to for what feels like forever.

I push her down on the lounge, then climb above her, kneeing her legs open even as I fumble my tie off my neck. Then I’m reaching for her wrists, pinning them together as I wrap my tie around them.

When her wrists are secure, I lift them above her head and lean over to fasten the ends of my tie to the top of the chaise lounge frame. As I do, Veronica rears up and sinks her teeth into my pec hard enough to leave a bruise.

And just that easily, I lose control.

“You’ll pay for that,” I growl as I reach down and tear her delicate red silk panties to shreds. Then I’m plunging three fingers inside of her without warning, scissoring them back and forth over her G-spot with a single-minded intentness that makes her come in under ten seconds.

She moans my name as I stroke her through her orgasm, her hips riding my hand as she comes and comes and comes.

Her eyes are closed, her head thrashing back and forth against the back of the lounge as pleasure continues to crash through her. And still it’s not enough for me. Still I want more of her, need more of her.

My whole body is on fire, my legs shaking, my cock aching, my breath coming in short, harsh pants. But I’m not ready to end it, not ready to release her—or myself—from the agony of pleasure that threatens to consume us both.

Instead, I start to take her back up again, only seconds after her body has stopped convulsing around me. Deep inside her I snap my fingers against each other, even as I firmly circle her clit with my thumb.

She gasps, moans, her hips rocking weakly against me as her body responds despite the orgasm she just had. “Ian, stop,” she cries out after a minute. “Either fuck me or untie me!”

I keep up the stimulation, building the need—and the pleasure—with each stroke of my fingers. “I don’t really think you’re in the position to give orders, Veronica.” I pinch her clit in warning.

She screams then, a low, strangled cry that shoots straight down the length of my cock. “When you let me go—”

“Who says I’m going to let you go?” I taunt as I bring my other hand to her breast and twist her nipple just hard enough to sting. “Maybe I’ll keep you here, tied up for days. I’ll come to you in the morning, while you’re still sleeping, and ease you into orgasm so the first thing you thnk about, the first thing you feel when you wake up is me.”

She moans, her hips once again bucking against my hand. “I’ll come back at noon, slip my tongue inside your pussy, slide a finger or two into your ass.”

I move my thumb down to stroke her there, to taunt her with the pleasure of it. “I’ll stroke you and eat you and fuck you with my mouth until you scream my name. Then I’ll do it all over again.”

“Ian. Ian. Ian.” My name is a mindless chant on her lips now, a breathless mantra that has my throat going dry and my dick throbbing for relief.

She’s twisting beneath me, her lithe, agile body trembling with strain as dawn slowly creeps across the sky. A drop of sweat rolls slowly down her chest and belly, pooling invitingly in her navel. I lean forward, lick it off. Then clench my teeth until my jaw nearly pops as she tightens around my fingers.

I swallow tightly, struggling to speak over the need tearing at me with razor-sharp claws. “I’ll come to you in the evening, just as night crawls across the sky. I’ll spend hours playing with these beautiful nipples of yours.” I squeeze one again, just to feel her shudder beneath me. Around me. Just to watch how those gorgeous violet eyes of hers slide out of focus.

“Then I’ll turn you over and spank your sexy little ass.” I deliver a sharp slap to her hip to emphasize my words. “I’ll fuck you there, where you’re so tight and hot.” I twist my fingers inside of her, reveling in the way her whole body tightens around me. “I’ll make you come again and again, just to watch the way your skin flushes. Just to hear the little sounds you make. Just to—”

I break off as she comes again, her body nearly shaking apart as she cries out my name.

The sound—all low and breathless and needy—shatters he last vestiges of my control. Desperately, I unbutton my pants and sheath myself in a condom. Then I’m climbing over her, still fully dressed, and thrusting myself inside of her.

She comes one more time, her body shaking and arching and clenching against mine. Pulling me deeper, holding me tighter, sending bolts of pleasure crashing through me. Five thrusts, maybe six, and I’m joining her, my body blasting like a freight train before I can even think about trying to control it.

Cock throbbing, pleasure building at the base of my spine and shooting forward, I empty myself inside of her, giving Veronica more than I’d ever planned to. Giving her everything that I have, everything that I am.

And then I do it again.