Love Restored (Gallagher Brothers #1)

The woman narrowed her eyes before looking toward Owen. “You’re the one dressed for this, so I take it you’re in charge?” She pointedly didn’t look at Graham, and he couldn’t blame her, even though it annoyed him.

Owen moved forward, pushing Graham out of the way as he did so, and held out his hand. “Owen Gallagher. I’m the Construction Manager listed on record, and have been the one speaking with who I presume is your estate lawyer. These are my brothers, Murphy and Graham. They own the company with me, though in the future, you’ll only have to talk with me.” He laid on that Gallagher charm that had skipped Graham completely today.

“Blake Brennen.” She took Owen’s hand in a quick shake and then let go. She nodded at Murphy before turning to Graham. “If you have a problem working here, then leave. I’m only here because I’m listed on the estate as the executor, and because the will demands this restoration. I’m out of options. I really don’t care if you have a problem with me, but I will have a problem if you make mistakes on the job because of it.”

Graham’s brows rose, an inkling of respect and curiosity about the woman in front of him sliding through his defenses. The fact that she didn’t seem to want to be here any more than he did intrigued him.

“We’re here because this place needs help,” Owen said smoothly. At her snort, Graham’s lips quirked. “It’s true, and you can see it. I don’t know the full history of the place other than what’s in the documents I have, but I do know it has heart.”

Blake’s eyes hardened. “It might have had it once, but it doesn’t now.”


Owen cleared his throat, but it was Graham who spoke next. “The place went to shit, but we’ll fix it.” He paused, letting her gaze rake over him. He couldn’t help but like that part, even if on first sight he didn’t like her. “That’s what we do. We’re Gallaghers.”

She tilted her head, and as he studied her, he thought he saw something in her gaze that called to him. But he had to be wrong. Because he’d already told himself he didn’t like her. She was just like Candice. Too good for him, and too good for anything in his life.

Been there. Married that. He was out.

“I don’t know the Gallaghers, sorry,” she said finally. “If I had my say, I’d have the Montgomerys on this project, but apparently, they gave it to you.”

That wasn’t exactly the case, considering this was what the Gallaghers did, and the Montgomerys knew that. The fact that Jake was marrying a Montgomery was only part of the equation, but he didn’t know what all this Blake knew.

“Anyway,” Blake said suddenly, her chin raised. “Do you have everything I need to sign? Once that’s done, I’m out of your hair. In fact, I honestly don’t think I’ll be back. Good riddance to his place.

Hell, there she went, being all interesting again.

Owen moved forward and slid some papers out of his messenger bag. “I got it right here. Let’s go to my truck, if that’s okay with you. That way, we can go over everything.” He looked over his shoulder at Graham, narrowed his eyes, and took Blake gently by the elbow as they walked out of the building.

When Blake cautiously moved away from Owen’s touch, Graham did his best to not be happy that his brother wasn’t touching her. Hell, his dick needed to get in gear because he did not want that woman. He didn’t need her in her pressed suits with her fancy money and all the drama that came with it.

She’d said she wouldn’t be back, and he couldn’t help being grateful for that. He didn’t want to deal with whatever was going on in her life, or the fact that his dick couldn’t help but stand at attention when she was near.

As soon as Owen and Blake were out of earshot, Murphy, who had been suspiciously quiet up until now, punched Graham in the shoulder. Hard.

“What the fuck, man?” Graham bit out as he rubbed his shoulder. His little brother might have been scrawny as hell growing up because of the poison in his veins and body, but he sure as hell packed a mean punch now.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Murphy spat. “I have never seen you act that way around a woman before, and I’ll be damned if you do it again. I mean, seriously, Graham, what the hell is wrong with you? Mom would smack the back of your head or kick your ass for doing something like that. Blake hadn’t even spoken a word, and you were already treating her like something on the bottom of your shoe.”

Graham felt heat rise on his neck, and he shrugged, shame filling him though he did his best to push it away.

“She just rubbed me the wrong way.”

“So?” Murphy asked. “Just because you don’t like her for reasons only God and your dickish brain knows, doesn’t mean you can talk to a woman like that. Hell, you especially shouldn’t talk like that to someone we technically work for.”

“Technically, we work for the estate,” Graham mumbled.