Logan (Wild Boys After Dark, #1)

“You’d be the sexiest three-hundred-pound woman on earth,” Logan said.

She touched his thigh, realizing too late that instinct had taken action before she’d had a chance to stop it. His hand came down on hers and held on tight.

“He’s such a flirt,” Mary Lou said.

“Yes. He doesn’t know when to quit.” Stella tried to give Logan a serious stare, but she knew she’d failed because it was hard to look harsh around a man who was looking at her like she really was the most beautiful woman on earth.

“Oh, lovey,” Mary Lou said quietly. “He’s not going to quit. These boys don’t have any control over their hearts. Neither do you, sweetie.” She moved her head as if she were looking around the table at each of her sons. Heath’s, Jackson’s, and Cooper’s brows were furrowed with disbelief. Logan was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Your heart knows its mate before you’re even aware something’s going on, and when it figures out who that person is, you’re about as powerful as a feather in the wind. There’s nothing you can do but go along for the ride.”

Jackson scoffed. “Well, I’m doing just fine without taking that particular ride.”

“Of course you are, Jackson.” Mary Lou turned toward Jackson’s voice. “Your heart’s still untethered, but Logan...”

“Mom,” Logan warned.

“Lovey, I’m not telling tales. Your hearts are tethered. A mother knows these things.”

Stella’s jaw dropped open at his mother’s candor.

Mary Lou patted Stella’s arm. “Close your mouth, dear.”

Stella was entranced by the way Mary Lou picked up on things most sighted people wouldn’t notice.

“Did you have any more trouble with that guy at the bar?” Heath asked.

“No. Thanks to Logan.” She glanced at Logan. She’d never thought to ask him how he’d known the guy had dragged her into the alley the other night. Or why he’d been following them in the first place. It seemed like he’d been placed in her life when she needed him most. Her guardian angel. And he hadn’t tried to get away from her once. Any other man would have been long gone.

But not Logan.

He’d made a promise that first night to keep her safe.

He was committed.

He was in love.

With me.

Mary Lou leaned closer to Stella and said quietly, “He’s a good man.”

“Mom, I don’t need any pimping,” Logan said.

“We all need pimping now and again, Logan,” his mother said. “Besides, I’m not telling her anything she doesn’t already know.”

She was right, even if Stella was trying to ignore the way he fawned over her, checking to see if she needed more wine or wanted more spaghetti. Or the way he’d taken her to his cabin. Even his leaving her with Willow was done out of love.

I’m hoping to give you a few hours of remembering what it was like to live without watching your back.

“I heard you’re working for Dylan,” Jackson said, pulling her back to the conversation.

“Yes, for now.”

“For now? Do you hope to do something else?” Jackson glanced at Logan.

Hope? No, she knew better than to hope. “Not really. Before I moved I worked as an interior designer. I really enjoyed it.”

“Interior design? Jackson, we could use her at the studio as a stager, can’t we? I mean, if you want to get out of the bartending business,” Cooper offered.

She glanced at Logan, who shrugged and smiled his approval. She was afraid to get excited. They were very high-profile photographers, which would surely lead Kutcher right to her.

“That’s really nice of you, but…” I’m not sure if I’ll have to leave town again, or if I’ll live for another week, or—

Logan draped an arm over her shoulder. “Thanks, Coop. She’s got a lot going on right now, but she may take you up on that offer in the future.”

“Interior design, that’s something I’ve always been interested in,” Mary Lou said. “Tell us about your family, Stella. Do you have any siblings?”

Stella had thought she’d escaped personal questions, since no one had asked her until now. She wondered if Logan had filled them all in on her situation, but apparently not. She was glad he hadn’t breached her confidence. Logan shifted his eyes to her and opened his mouth to say something, but just as he started to respond, his cell phone rang.

“Excuse me.” He withdrew his phone from his pocket and rose to his feet. He walked into the living room, and a minute later Stella heard the front door open and close.

Her stomach took a nosedive.

“Honey, you’re putting off some very nervous energy. Are you okay?” Mary Lou asked.

No, I’m not okay. I want to run after him and find out if the call is about Kutcher. All eyes were on her as she fidgeted in her seat.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

A minute later the front door opened and Logan strode into the dining room with a stern set jaw and a sheen of determination in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Ma, but we have to take off.” Logan reached for Stella’s hand.