Logan (Wild Boys After Dark, #1)

“Fine. Fine. I’ll fucking do it.”

“Louder. You’ll do what?” Logan demanded.

“I’ll fucking snitch, man. I’ll tell them everything.”

“Good boy, because possession of drugs and a firearm while on parole is some nasty shit. And this…” He tapped Kanets’s head with his gun. “This is the only alternative you’ve got.”

Chapter Thirteen

STELLA BOXED A dozen muffins for a customer and rang up her purchase. After she’d bared her soul to Willow, which she’d followed with a brief wallow in embarrassment, Stella had been forced to find her footing again. Willow hadn’t allowed her to wallow for more than a few minutes. She had set her hands on her ample hips, leveled a determined stare at Stella, and said, Honey, you’ve got a wicked hot man out there fighting for your life, a funny chick standing right here, ready to have some fun, and you want to waste your energy on being embarrassed? You go right ahead, but I’m going to eat a cupcake. She proceeded to take the biggest bite Stella had ever seen of a white cupcake with pink frosting. After finishing that one, Willow had licked each finger and grabbed another.

“You’d better get yours fast. Otherwise they’ll all be gone. Trust me, this girl knows how to eat.” Willow ate half of the second cupcake in one bite and then flashed a toothy smile.

That was several hours ago, and since then Stella had been having so much fun helping customers and baking that she’d almost forgotten about Kutcher. Almost. The problem was she definitely hadn’t forgotten about Logan, and every time her mind drifted to him, she remembered where he was. And then she’d feel a little queasy, until the bakery got busy again and sidetracked her thoughts.

After Stella rang up the muffins, she went to help a young couple who was waiting, but Willow came out of the kitchen, patted her shoulder as she whizzed by, and beat her to it. Now, with a moment to think, Stella’s mind turned back to Logan. He hadn’t told her what he was going to do. Important PI stuff could mean anything. She envisioned him with all sorts of expensive equipment, scoping out…What? Kutcher was in jail, due to get out in two days. Her stomach sank again. She had no idea what Logan was doing, but she’d seen him carry two duffel bags to the truck when they were getting ready to leave. She hoped that whatever it was, he was safe.

A tall blond woman with wild curls flew through the doors, sending the bells above the doors into a frenzy. She wore a billowy long skirt and a fitted top that made her appear younger than her wise eyes conveyed.

“Wow! What a glorious day!” The woman set a box on the counter with a loud thump and pushed her springy curls from her face. She narrowed her eyes at Stella, shifted a curious gaze to Willow, then back to Stella.

“That’s Stella, Mom,” Willow said from where she was bent over behind the counter, plucking cookies from the display and boxing them for the couple.


Willow’s mother’s eyes widened, and a warm smile appeared.

“Oh, honey.” She motioned for Stella to come around the counter. “Come over here. Let me see you.” Willow obviously came by her high energy naturally.

Stella stepped nervously around the counter. She had a feeling she was in for scrutiny and wasn’t sure she was up for it, even with all the fun she’d had with Willow.

“Hi, Mrs. Dalton. I’m…” She hesitated out of habit, and realized Willow already knew her real name and she’d already revealed it to her mother. Logan must really trust them to have shared her true identity. She wasn’t sure why that hadn’t clicked earlier. Probably because Willow had instantly made her feel comfortable.

“Stella Krane. It’s nice to meet you.”

Willow’s mom waved a dismissive hand. “Pfft. Call me Roxie, honey. The only one allowed to call me Mrs. Dalton is…Well, I can’t think of a darn soul around here.” She tugged Stella into a hug, crushing her so hard against her chest that she could barely breathe.

“So you’re Logan’s girl. Nice man, that Logan Wild.” She took Stella’s hand and led her to one of the tables by the window.

Stella stole a glance at Willow, ringing up the couple’s purchase. Willow shrugged and smiled, as if this was how life was around here. Stella shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Logan’s girl? What had he told them?

Roxie leaned across the table and took Stella’s hands in her own. “Oh, sugar. What is that trouble I see brewing in your eyes?”

Am I that transparent?

Roxie patted Stella’s hand. The couple left the bakery, making the bells sound again. Stella looked at the door, over at Willow, anywhere except into the eyes of the warm, friendly mind reader sitting across from her.

“Don’t tell me, sugar. Just know that whatever it is, if you need to talk, Willow and I are here. Any friend of Logan’s is a friend of ours.”