Logan (Wild Boys After Dark, #1)

They crossed with the crowd. “I am doing important PI stuff.”

“No, really. Why are you doing this? I’m fine. I’ve been walking to work since I moved here. I think I can handle it.”

“Oh, I know you can.” He slid her a serious look. “Stormy.” He stopped walking. “Listen, after what we did last night, don’t you think you can tell me your real name?”

So that’s what this was all about? “Why? Are you keeping a log of the women you’ve slept with?”

He stepped in close, their bodies grazing from knee to chest. Stella’s pulse quickened.

“I’m not keeping a log. I’m trying to keep you safe. That’s it. That and the fact that I like you. I feel a connection to you. You can deny it, but I saw it in your beautiful eyes last night.”

My beautiful eyes?

He ran his knuckle slowly down her cheek, and she felt her nipples harden at the intimate touch. She fought hard to push the desire to kiss him down deep, tried to avert her eyes so she wouldn’t be sucked into his, and was unable to do either. He stepped closer, and she breathed in his fresh, masculine scent. She needed to try even harder to push away the rush of emotions his scent evoked.

“Feel that? That’s not one-night-stand heat you’re feeling. Trust me. I’ve had enough of them to know. One-night stands end after one night. This is lingering, babe, in the best kind of way.” He pressed his cheek to hers. “Make no mistake. I want to linger inside of you, all day long.”

She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Felt herself go damp and her knees weaken, and grabbed ahold of him to keep from dropping to the sidewalk.

“And from your grip on my arm, you want to wrap those pretty long legs of yours around me. Me, Stormy. Not some other random guy.”

He pressed his lips to her cheek and guided her forward. She had no idea how her legs were carrying her. People pushed past in a blur of movement while she tried to get her brain to start firing again. He was right. She wanted Logan so badly that just the thought of him brought back memories of him perched above her, his muscles straining against the pleasure, holding back his release until she achieved hers. She could still feel every inch of him moving in and out of her, and if she thought hard enough she could remember the feel of his impressive girth in her mouth, taste the saltiness of his come as it covered her tongue and slid down her throat.

Oh God. What am I doing?

She had no place in her life for a guy like Logan. She cleared her throat and forced herself to focus.

“Logan.” Talk, talk, talk. Come on, Stella. You can say this.

She didn’t want to push him away. She wanted more of him.

His arm moved up and claimed her shoulder as they arrived at NightCaps. It was ten thirty, and for a moment she wondered how he knew when she was expected at work.

“Yes, Stormy?” He said Stormy with so much sarcasm that she couldn’t suppress a smile.

She needed to change the subject, because as much as she wanted him, she also knew it was selfish to give in and admit whatever was simmering between them felt like way more than a one-night stand. Logan didn’t need her life weighing him down.

“How did you know what time I had to be at work?”

“I saw it on the schedule when we were in the office.” He slid his free hand casually into his pocket.

“God, you’re like the worst kind of stalker.” She looked away knowing that wasn’t anywhere near the truth. Kutcher was the worst kind of stalker. Logan was a sexy, caring stalker.

He drew her chin back with his index finger.

“No.” His intense stare went warm and soft, drawing her in again. “I’m the best kind. I’ll keep you safe. Tell me about Kutcher.”

“How…?” She remembered how he knew his name. She’d let it slip. She didn’t know what his game was. He must want something, or maybe he just wanted to get laid again. She’d cut loose for one night. She wasn’t going there again—even if every step made the muscles she hadn’t remembered she’d had spike with the most exquisite reminders of their night together.

“Kutcher, Stormy. Where can I find him?”

“Oh no, Logan. You can’t do anything. This isn’t your problem. I can take care of myself.”

His arched brow said everything that was sailing through her mind.

“Let me rephrase that. I can handle it. I’ve got three days to figure it out.” Her heart raced at the realization that Kutcher’s time in jail was speeding to an end.

His eyes narrowed. “Three days to figure what out? Stormy, if some guy is looking for you, New York isn’t that big. If he’s good, he’ll find you.”

“He’s better than good,” she said in a hushed tone, hating to admit that Kutcher was good at anything. The bastard.