Knight Nostalgia: A Knights of the Board Room Anthology

She’d debated it in her head for a quick second—turn away from Jon, so she finished her circuit in front of him, or start with him, so she could perhaps receive a reassuring brush of his hand before she began? She chose the first option, because he would be able to touch her longer, if he wished, when she completed the task.

As she tried not to rush or go too slow, she realized she was self-conscious again. That wasn’t what she wanted to be feeling. She recalled how she’d felt in front of the mirror, thinking of their regard. Her head lifted, her back straightened, and she made the most of walking in the heels over the carpet. She let her hips swing naturally, and knew the change in posture had her breasts tilted, the taut peaks on display.

She didn’t make eye contact, but she was aware of each man’s gaze upon her as she passed. It wasn’t merely the lust-filled regard that came from men appreciating a naked woman in their midst. This was the focused attention of five sexual Dominants, appraising her as a submissive, there for them, under the control of her Master.

The thought sent another spurt of arousal through her, and she faltered slightly. Her clit was pulsing in the grip of the shield, her nipples aching for attention as the chain between the clamps beat a light tattoo against her skin. The extra swing in her hips had the plug doing incredible things inside her ass, so the more steps she made, the more sensations washed through her.

Jon often called her a goddess. The last time he’d done it, he’d brought her down upon him when he was sitting in his home office chair. He’d threaded her legs under the arms, then reached up to her face, murmuring the words.

You’re a goddess.

It was hard to explain to someone, how belonging to a Master could make a woman feel like a goddess, powerful beyond description. Not powerful like politician or businesswoman powerful; powerful because she was loved, and loved so completely she knew she could do anything.

While it hadn’t been scripted, when she reached Jon, she knelt before him where he stood. Leaning forward, she touched her forehead to his knee, something she often did at home when they started a session. He touched her head, just as he did then, completing the ritual.

She remembered she was supposed to go to the door now, so she started to rise. Not unexpectedly, he put a hand under her elbow, helping her, but when his grip tightened, telling her he wanted her to stay where she was, she was more than happy to comply.

Gathering her hair up in one fist, he tugged it idly as he half-circled her, so her head was following his movements, her eyes upon him. Using his other hand, he curled his fingers on the back of the robe collar. Understanding, she rolled her shoulders back, and the robe slid off her shoulders, gathering at her elbows. He shook his head when she would have dropped her arms to let it slide completely free, so she stopped, the garment pooled at her elbows and waist, her arms bent and fingers lightly tangled together to keep it there.

He released her hair, letting it fall down her back. The strands whispered over her bare skin. He slid his palm over her shoulder, curled the fingers to trail his knuckles along the outside of her breast, then descended to her hip, beneath the robe. As he reached her buttock and caressed her there, he moved behind her and tugged so she straightened her arms and the robe fell free into his hands. He draped it over a chair and stood behind her, his breath caressing her ear and throat. He was so close she could lean back against him, but she controlled herself. With effort.

“Are you beautiful to your Master, Rachel?”

She straightened another inch, making sure her posture reflected her answer, though she kept her gaze lowered. “I am, Master. And I am beautiful to myself.”

“And to every man here.” The words came from Matt. He was across the room. His strong voice was always clear and decisive, so authoritative, it was difficult to imagine doubting any words he spoke. Especially in this environment.

“You spoke the right answer, sweet girl.” Jon curled his hand around her waist and brought her back against him with decidedly possessive force, his jaw nudging her head back to his shoulder as he set his mouth and teeth to her throat.

“I am giving you to them tonight, Rachel. To their desires and my own. When one of them tells you to do something, you obey them as you would me. But I’ll be with you every step of the way.” When she made a soft noise, both nervous and eager, he teased the pocket of her collarbone with his tongue, made her fists clench as he trailed the tip of it along the column of her throat, gently suckling her flesh with his firm lips.

“There was a time, me suggesting this would have taken you to a dark place.” He stopped, but kept his lips close enough she could still feel the heat of his breath. “Cole made you feel bad about your desires, ashamed to want your Master to do such a thing. Yet now you’re trembling and wet.”

His hand descended, slid between her legs and caressed, playing with the metal piece over her clit. She caught a moan in the back of her throat. “Do you feel any shame? Any fears or dark thoughts?”

“No, Master. Yes.” She wet her lips at the contradiction and admission. His fingers stilled, so she continued, hastily. “I did in the hallway, but I told him his words have no power over me anymore. Even so…I’m afraid I’ll feel those things when I don’t want to feel them. I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you. Even though I feel nothing right now but a desire to serve you.”

“Your honesty is the second-best gift you give me. It proves your love, which is the first. So, how can you best serve me? It’s been the most difficult lesson for you to learn, but I think you’re beginning to understand and feel it in your heart, aren’t you?

“Yes, sir.” His written note immediately came to mind. “By getting lost in my own desires, since that pleases you most of all.”

“It does.” His voice took on a teasing note. “Though given the ways you could pursue your own desires tonight, I might have to choose some interesting ways to remind you who your Master is.”

“And that’s a threat, how?”

She flushed with pleasure, not only at his sensual laughter, but the sexy chuckles of the other men.

“We might have two misbehaving subs on our hands,” Ben observed. “It only took five minutes before we had to put the ball gag on Dana.”

Jon caressed Rachel’s mouth. “What would you prefer stretching your mouth, Rachel? A gag or a cock?”

She moistened her lips, catching his finger with her tongue, a quick flick. “Your cock, Master.”

“Only mine?”