Knight Nostalgia: A Knights of the Board Room Anthology

He slid his palms down her arms to her wrists and gripped them, a brief reinforcement, before he continued down her sides to her waist, her hips. “Gods, I love touching you.”

His cock nudged her backside. “Close your legs. Bring your feet side by side.”

When she did, he slid his cock in the small triangle of space the stance caused. The ridge of his head rubbed against her labia. When she shuddered, he snaked an arm around her waist and held her firmly against him, pelvis pressing against her backside.

“You’ve had girl-girl fantasies, haven’t you?”

The subject change took her off balance, but her Master had asked her a question. He also had a low tolerance for hesitation when he was in certain moods. Moods that usually happened when she needed him to be tougher with her, to knock her out of the wrong headspace, and he’d already noted the mood shift she’d tried to pass off as ghosts.

She knew her stories of that side of him surprised the other K&A women. They most often saw the gentle, patient type of Dom that Jon could be, the Master who had a gift for creating lovely toys. It wasn’t incorrect. But Jon could also be ruthless and a disciplinarian, and those sides opened a lot of crazy things in her. Things he helped to heal, no matter how often the wounds might break open.

“Rachel,” he said, a quiet warning, and she realized she hadn’t yet answered his surprising question about girl-girl fantasies.

“Some.” Far more since she’d been part of the K&A inner circle, where so many temptations and ideas in that vein presented themselves on a regular basis. Particularly Dana. Dana was her closest friend among the K&A women, and she enjoyed women, though those desires were subordinate and intertwined with her love for Peter, her husband and Master.

“Hmm.” Jon slid his cock slowly into that triangle of space again, arm tightening around her waist, his body pressed flush against the back of hers. “You know, you might be surprised to know we have girl-girl fantasies.”

By we, she knew he meant the K&A men. Matt, Peter, Lucas, Ben. Himself. “Really?” She bit her lip as another spasm of sensation rocketed from between her legs through her upper body. “Five straight males with girl-girl fantasies? I’m shocked.”

He molded his hand around her breast and captured the nipple between thumb and forefinger, increasing the pressure so she sucked in a breath and fought to keep from jerking back in reaction. The pain had another component to it, one that had her lifting her hips to take his slide into that narrow space between her thighs again.

“My sub has learned to misbehave,” he said reprovingly, but with a smile in his voice. “I like that she trusts her Master’s love and care enough to do that.”

He slid back, shortening the strokes so the ridged head was rubbing the base of her clit and sensitive petals of her sex. As he did, he set his teeth to her shoulder, and spoke again, his voice a husky murmur.

“But I also love her obedience, how much she wants to please me. I want to reward you for that.”

She sensed it wasn’t just pillow talk. He was headed somewhere with it. Jon was an extraordinary multi-tasker. He could put together engineering drawings, think about re-designing their garden, answer a phone call, and plot the next way he would surpass all her wildest sexual imaginings, all at once. The idea that he was about to spring one of those plots on her had her body responding even more fervently to him.

“So back to our girl-girl fantasies,” he said. “The five of us have quite a few of them. Peter came up with a way to explore them. Unanimously, we decided that you and Dana are the two of our women best suited to serve those needs. Who could be better to execute our girl-girl fantasies than the two who have fantasies about that, and each other?”

Amazement and trepidation wound together into one tingly ball in her stomach and chest.

“Rachel? Are you still breathing?”

She bit back a sound between a chuckle and a girlish giggle, another new thing for her in this life. The chance to be playful, celebrate the inner child, while exploring all the marvelous things that being a woman with such a hot, gorgeous Dom and husband could bring to her.

She turned when he withdrew and put pressure on her arm to allow her to do that. She looked up at him. His expression was always a wonderful mix of things. The firmness of a Master in the set of his lips, the abundant love of a husband in the glimmer of his dark blue eyes. “Yes,” she said. “Thank you, Master. I’m honored to be in one of your fantasies.”

“You’re in all my fantasies,” he corrected her. “And I owe you this one. You two didn’t have your acceptance into our circle in the board room, the way Cass and Savannah did. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean. I know you four share everything.”

Her lips curved. “Not everything, Master. Just the things that confirm how entirely perfect our four husbands are.”

“Uh-huh.” He touched her nose. “That aside, this is a gift long overdue. I meant to give it to you on our first anniversary.”

At her questioning look, his expression sobered. He stroked a lock of her hair back from her ear, his gaze a little too piercing. “I’ll explain more that night. Not now.”

His tone became lighter. “It’ll be a dual celebration. Peter is giving this to Dana for a special birthday gift. What were you thinking about, when I first came down and you were changing the water temperature?”

She thought back, finding the memory easy to retrieve this time. “Making Friday dinner for you.”

A smile touched his lips. “Friday is one of the highlights of my week, too. It tempts me to do it far more often. Often enough you’d decide I’m an ogre, making you do all the cooking and clean up.”

She chuckled and threaded her fingers through his black hair, wet on his shoulders. “My Master is never an ogre. You’re kind and ruthless, the combination I most need.” When his eyes flickered and mouth firmed, she saw both traits there again, as well as a deeper reflection. He was trying to figure out something. Something about her.

She lowered her lashes. “You drove all the ghosts away,” she said in a whisper. Her heart was unsettled, as if it knew he needed something from her, and she wasn’t sure what it was. “They can’t touch me when you’re here.”

He nudged her face up and kissed her, long and deep. As he did, he pressed her against the wall, his body hard and urgent.

“I’m also an animal,” he muttered. “Want your cunt now, beautiful sub.”

He snaked an arm around her body and lifted her up against the stone, his strength and flexibility taking her right where he desired. She clung to his shoulders, her nails digging in, just as he’d also wanted, as he drove into her, filling her. Demanding that she lose all thought of anything but this, holding on for the ride, and giving him as much of herself as he desired.

“All of you,” he said, and she wondered if she’d said it aloud. “I want all of you. That’s what I’m taking, and what I’ll have.” His gaze was suddenly even more fierce, turned upon hers. You need to always remember that, sweet girl. Those ghosts can’t have you. Not now, not ever.”