Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

I slid the vodka back into the refrigerator and chose something else. Rum. My hand reached automatically for the diet cola and then I chose the regular one, the one with all of the calories.

It was only after I finally sat down on the bed that I allowed myself to cry. I breathed in deeply, and began to sob, the sound loud in the stillness of the hotel room.

I was selfish, feeling sorry for myself. I lived a charmed life. I was marrying one of the hottest rock stars on the planet. I made an incredible amount of money making films.

A little cheating came with the territory, right? So what if Viper was sticking his dick down my sister’s throat? He was a rock star and I was a starlet. It was to be expected.

It’s not that I was ungrateful for my life. Exactly the opposite. I knew what it was like to be hungry. I knew what it was like to be beaten within an inch of my life, and worse. And now I knew what it was like to have everything I could ever want, and more. I knew what it was to have the adoration of millions of fans.

And yet, I also knew what it was like to be so incredibly lonely that you ached for something - anything - that would make you feel like someone else.

Someone loved.

Someone known.



“Shit, man, you’re not going to * out on us, are you?” Adam turned to me and asked. He was the last in the group, headed down to the casino and the strip club and the night club to drink and pick up chicks.

I rolled my eyes. “Get the fuck out,” I said. My thoughts were foggy. I knew I was drunk. “I’m going to take a shit. Is that fucking okay with you, mom? I'll meet you down there.”

“Fuck, I didn’t need to know that, you stupid asshole,” he said, and I heard the door slam.

I didn’t head to the bathroom. Instead, I sat down on the bed, leaned my head against the headboard. My leg ached, and I just wanted to take off the fucking prosthetic and stretch out, go to sleep.

I can rally, I told myself. Another drink will perk me up. The guys are right. I should fucking party now, get some lap dances. Get laid. There's not anything fucking waiting for me in West Bend. None of that shit anyhow.

I thought I was out of that place, and now here I was, going back.

I should get good and fucking drunk.

After everything that had happened, why the fuck not?

I pulled myself up to a sitting position. My body felt like it was made of lead, weighed down, tethered to the bed. I was suddenly reminded of why I didn't drink, the feeling of being medicated a painful reminder of then.

Being back in the hospital.

It was like I was immediately transported back there, the smell of disinfectant and the stale hospital smell suddenly invading my nostrils. I could feel the sheets, rough and worn under my fingertips, the sensation of morphine coursing through my veins, making me tipsy and nauseous all at the same time.

And the realization that my leg was gone.

It felt like someone punched me in the gut.

And then I blinked, took a breath, and it passed. I'm here, I reminded myself, in a fucking suite, in a hotel room in Vegas.

Fucking lucky was what I was. Fortunate. Not like some of the guys I deployed with, the ones who weren't so lucky.

I had no reason to feel sorry for myself, and I wouldn’t.

I stood up, wobbly on my feet for a moment, and caught myself by putting my hand on the mattress.

So, fuck it. I was going to go down and hang out with the guys, my makeshift family, and thank the man or woman up in the sky that I got home in mostly one piece. I was going to go get ripped and party like a normal twenty-four year old, like someone who didn't have all the worries and dark thoughts that I just couldn’t seem to shake.

I was going to be fucking happy.

I poured liquor into a plastic cup, followed by soda.

Where's the ice? I peered into the ice bucket at a pool of liquid. No matter. I would get some on the way down to the casino.

I walked down the hallway, squinting, looking for an ice machine.

Where the fuck is the ice in this place?

A girl was walking down the hallway ahead of me, her back toward me, wearing fuzzy pajama pants with cartoon characters on them, holding an ice bucket. "Hey!" I called out to her, and she turned slightly toward me, then spun around just as quickly, walking faster in the opposite direction.

Fuck. Seriously? What, she took one look at me and decided I was some kind of threat? Or maybe she just doesn't like fucking gimps like me.

"Hey!" I yelled, this time louder. I was being obnoxious. I didn’t care. "It's fucking rude to walk away when someone's talking to you."

She stopped, and I found myself suddenly a couple of feet behind her. She spun around, and I was face to face with the hottest fucking girl I've ever seen in my life.

She was also pissed off.