Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

“You brought cheesecake?” I watch, dumbfounded as he carries a plate to the living room. “You know you’re already getting laid tonight, right?”

“Oh, am I?” Luke asks, grinning as he sits beside me. “And here I was, trying to impress the pants off you.”

“I’m not going to be able to fit in my pants if you keep cooking,” I say as he takes a forkful of the decadent dessert and feeds me a bite. Eyes closed, I savor it. The dessert alone is practically orgasmic – forget about the eye candy sitting inches away from me or how the air between us practically crackles with electricity.

No one’s ever fed me before. Hell, no man has ever cooked for me before.

“Salted caramel pecan cheesecake,” he says. “I used your cider for the sauce. What do you think?”

I open my eyes to look into Luke’s, and heat rushes through me. “I think you’re spoiling me.”

“Oh, you think this is spoiling? You ain’t seen nothing yet, Red.”

“I should date younger men more often,” I joke.

He slides his fingers up my thigh. “No one else,” he says, his hand paused on my thigh.

“No one else what?” I’m confused, distracted by the fact that his hand is on my thigh, paused, unmoving, radiating warmth through my body, heat that pools between my legs. I want him to keep moving his hand farther up my body. I want his fingers inside me.

I want more than his fingers inside me.

I’ve been craving him since the first time he touched me.

Hell, I’ve been craving him for years before I even met him. I just didn’t know it yet.

He squeezes my thigh. “You shouldn’t date anyone else,” he says, his voice thick.

“You shouldn’t tell me what to do.” My voice cracks as his hand inches up further until his thumb reaches the crease between my thigh and *.

“Oh?” His blue eyes train on mine as he grazes my * lips lightly with his thumb, so lightly that it’s like a whisper, and it nearly makes me lose my mind. “I think you like me telling you what to do.”

“You’re crazy,” I whisper. But he finds my clit with his finger, literally pushing my button, and arousal courses through me so intensely that I swear I could come right here, right now, just from his touch.

“You’re not seeing anyone else.” His finger presses against me, unmoving.

“You’re the one who’s a player,” I whisper back as he slides his fingers lower. I’m slick between my legs, soaking wet for him.

“You think this is a game, Red?” He doesn’t wait for a response, plunging two fingers deeply inside me, covering my mouth with his as I moan my answer. I don’t know what my answer is. I’m too drunk with lust to even think about it. I don’t know if it’s a game or not – seducing the single mom – but if it is, I don’t care. I want to play it, if it means he keeps doing what he's doing with his fingers.

When he pulls his mouth away from mine, my lips are swollen, bruised by his kiss. He continues to stroke me steadily with his fingers until I’m at the brink, driven to the edge by him. “You’re mine.”

“Oh, God,” I moan. I’m sliding my hands under his shirt, pulling at the fabric, trying to touch his chest, trying to touch all of him, but he won’t let me.

“Say it,” he demands.

“I’m yours.” I choke out the words, drunk with lust, but feeling so vulnerable that the words break as I speak them.

“Fuck.” He utters the word like an exhale, as if he’s been holding it in forever, waiting for me to say the words. “This is mine.”

“Yes,” I breathe as he strokes me inside, his fingers pressing against the textured part of me, bringing me close to the edge so quickly. I run my hands down his hard chest, feeling his chest muscles flex underneath my fingertips, then down his abdomen and lower, palming his hardness over his jeans. When I reach for his belt buckle, clumsily fumbling with it, desperately wanting him inside me, he pushes my hand away and strokes me harder.

“I’m yours,” he says, not the least bit hesitating, and the words push me over the edge, immediately and unexpectedly. Luke covers my mouth with his, his tongue finding mine, silencing my moans.

He doesn’t give me a moment’s reprieve. I’m still throbbing, still fluttering tightly around his fingers when he takes them away, and pulls me on top of him as he falls back to the sofa. Before I can object, before I can say anything, Luke slides his hands underneath my dress and pulls me across his chest. “On my face,” he orders.