Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

The phone buzzes again and I glance down at the third message in a row from Bethany. Or was it Brandi? Or Bambi? I think it was Bambi. It was some kind of cartoon name. I listed her in my phone as "Bimbo" because she is, as is evidenced by the series of text messages I've gotten from her in the past twenty minutes:






The third message was followed by a photo of her tits and another text:

Remember These?

Autumn looks up from cutting the kid's chicken into bite-sized pieces. "You want to take that?" she asks.

I shut the phone off completely. "I'm about to go drop it in the sink."

She smirks. She's so smug, like she knows me. "Girl trouble?"

"Or maybe I'm a doctor on call. Did you ever think about that?"

Autumn snorts. "So, what's her name?" she asks.

I shrug. "Bambi?" I say, uncertainly. "I don't actually know."

She laughs and shakes her head, and it suddenly irritates me that she thinks I'm some kind of immature, womanizing asshole. It's accurate, but I'm still annoyed by her assumption.

But then she takes a bite of her chicken, and closes her eyes. "Where'd someone like you learn to cook like this?"

"Someone like me?" I ask. "Seriously, Red, you just trying to insult me, or does it come naturally to you?"

Her face colors. "Sorry. I meant – well, you're living in a trailer down by the river by yourself, and…"

"So, what, you assume I'm so white trash I can't possibly know how to cook?"

"That's not what I meant.”

I raise my eyebrows. "This is hardly my finest work. You need to stock your kitchen appropriately. I mean, your kid is going to grow up thinking that crap you're feeding her is how food should taste."

Autumn laughs, her eyes wide. "Has anyone ever told you you're completely obnoxious?" she asks, shaking her head. "Scratch that. I imagine you get that all the time."

I take a pull from my beer, looking her over. Shit, I can't stop looking this chick over, even with her kid sitting right there. "Ditto, sweetheart."

"Actually, people don't tell me I'm obnoxious," she informs me, her tone haughty. "And besides, it's not like I have lots of spare time to cook. In case you haven't noticed, I'm running a business here."

"And you have foreman problems," I note. I watch her as she takes another bite of food and coos at her kid, who's shoveling handfuls of mashed potatoes into her mouth.

"That was my third foreman."

"You need to get better at picking 'em," I say, swallowing another gulp of beer.

"I may not be the best judge of character." The way she says it so heavily makes me think there's a lot more to that statement than just this thing with the foreman.

I don't ask what she means, because hell if I need to get involved in some chick's drama, even though I have to admit, part of me is curious about her story, how someone like her ends up in West Bend with a baby. I don't know what kind of man lets a chick as hot as her go, but he has to be a moron.

We eat in silence for a minute – or relative silence, anyway, as her kid is babbling away, talking in what sounds like total gibberish to me, but Autumn seems to understand what she's saying. Or at least she pretends to. Autumn talks to her, and the kid's face lights up as she responds.

"Kentucky," Autumn says, still looking at Olivia.

"Excuse me?" I'm not sure if she's talking to me or the kid, or if she has a case of Tourette's.

"My accent," she clarifies, looking at me. Hell, her eyes are the greenest green I think I've ever seen. "It's from Kentucky. I don't know why I'm telling you that."

"West Bend is a long way from Kentucky." Shit, I sound like an idiot. I can't come up with anything better than that?

"I'm not an idiot, you know."

"Hell, where did that come from? Did I say you were?"

She shakes her head. "Nope, but I know you thought it when you were out here," she says. "You think I have no idea what I'm doing out here running an orchard. And, well, I don't, not with the specifics of the orchard part anyway. That's why I need a foreman. But I know what I'm doing with making hard cider."

I hold up my beer. "Why are you offering me beer if you've got cider?"

She shrugs. "You look like a beer drinker. Have you had my cider?"

I almost say something lewd about what I'd like from her, but I bite my tongue. She seems too tightly wound to appreciate it, and her kid is sitting right there. "Can't say that I have."

Autumn stands up. "Keep an eye on Olivia for a second," she says before disappearing into the kitchen.

Olivia and I stare at each other. She blinks a few times, eyeballing me warily.