Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

“Shit,” Cade said. “I say, fuck ‘em. But I’m the last person to tell you what’s normal fucking behavior.”

“What’s this about fucking behavior?” June asked, sliding her arms around Cade’s chest, as much as she could with her belly in between them. “How was your ride, River?”

“It was great,” I said. “Haven’t been on a horse in a long time.”

“I was just telling River that I’m not the person to ask about normal behavior,” Cade said.

June laughed. “He’s really not,” she said. “Is there ice cream in the freezer?”

“Brought it home,” Cade said. He rolled his eyes. “Speaking of normal behavior...You’re like a page out of a pregnancy manual.”

“I know,” June said, putting a spoon in the carton of ice cream and bringing it to her mouth before she stopped, eyes wide. “Oh. Did anyone else want any?”

I laughed. “I’m okay with the beer.”

“This is my beer replacement,” she said. “Want to take this out on the porch? If we wake little Stan, it’s going to take forever for him to get back down, and I just don’t think I can handle another round of putting the toddler down for bed.”

“If there’s any question of who wears the pants in this family, it’s Stan,” Cade said. “He’s like a mini dictator.”

Outside, we sat in the cool evening air.

“I was just telling River that you’re practically stalking her,” Cade said, grinning at June.

“What?” June leaned forward in her rocking chair and slapped his leg. “You did not. I am not stalking you!”

I laughed. “It’s okay,” I said. “As long as you don’t boil a bunny or something, leave it on my stove.”

“I didn’t tell her you were stalking her,” Cade said, turning toward me and dramatically mouthing the words, “completely stalking you,” while June slapped him again on the arm.

“Stop,” she said. “She’s actually going to think that. He was crawling up my ass because I looked you up on one of the gossip sites, and I really felt bad about it. But in my defense, I just wanted to see if anyone was talking about where you were.” She glared at Cade. “For research purposes only. That’s it.”

“Was anyone talking about it?” I asked. I was suddenly nervous.

"Well, they're talking about it now," June said.

"June," Cade's voice sounded like a warning.

"No," I said. "I want to hear it, whatever it is."

"It's all just talk," June said. "Stupid stuff."

"They saw Elias," I said.

"There's video of you with him at a hotel in Vegas," June said. "Driving off in his car."

My heart sank. I had basically pushed a giant pause button on my life, running out here, and I wasn’t ready for it to start up again. I didn’t want reality intruding on this.

Not yet, anyway.

I wasn't even sure exactly why. But I knew there was something about being here in this place that made me want to just stay like this for a while. Even if I knew that was unrealistic.

"So you're going to have some people show up here," Cade said. "Probably soon."

"When was the video posted?" I asked.

"It looked like it was this morning," June said.

"Okay," I said. "I knew it was coming."

"A bunch of tabloid reporters and bullshit," Cade said. "Anyone shows up, we can keep them away from the house."

I sighed. "Thanks for the offer," I said. "But they can be really obnoxious. And you've got a kid."

Cade cleared his throat. "When I said we could keep them away, it wasn't a suggestion. That's what the hell is going to happen. This here's not public property."

June shrugged her shoulders. "He's real stubborn like that, River."

I nodded. "Okay, then."

"There is one more thing..." June's voice trailed off.

Cade rolled his eyes. "June bug," he said. "She doesn't need to see that shit."

"I'd want to see it," June said. "If I were her. Just so I had all the information in case I was making any decisions."

"I'm going on the record as saying this isn't a good idea," Cade said.

"Just grab the laptop for me," June said. After he went inside, she turned to me. "There is something you should see. When I searched today, it was all over the place."

Cade returned, laptop open in his hands, and gave it to June. He shook his head. "I'll let you be the one to decide before I throw in my two cents," he said.

June fiddled with something on the screen, then turned the screen to me. "Here," she said.

I watched as Viper appeared on screen, sitting on a sofa in our house. My ex-house. He had a new guitar in his lap. I'd smashed his old one. "This song is dedicated to my fiancé, River. I know you're out there listening, and I just want to say..." I stared, numb, as I listened to him launch into song. "Baby, I'm so lost without you here..."

When his musical apology was finished, I shut the computer and handed it back to June before I sat down. "Huh," I said.

June and Cade shared a look, then seemed to each be studying the floor of the porch.