Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

I nodded. "That would be nice."

June walked out, and slid her arms around Cade. He took the paper from her hand. "I won't be home until lunch," he said. "I've got a piece I'm working on for Randall Edwards, and then I'll grab the stuff you need from the store."

June shook her head. "I don't like that guy," she said. "He's not good for this town."

Cade shrugged. "Can't choose your customers," he said. He kissed her on the cheek, and then walked over to little Stan, kissing him on the forehead. "See you later, buddy."

June's expression was dark, as she watched Cade walked back to the house and get on his motorcycle.

Elias had a funny look on his face. "Trouble in West Bend?" he asked.

June didn't look at him when she answered. She shook her head. "Just small town politics," she said. "It would probably seem silly to you, being from the big city and all. Cade is doing a custom job for this guy, works with this company, wants to set up shop in West Bend."

"Doesn't sound like you think that's a good idea," Elias said. I wondered why he was interested in small town politics in a town he didn't seem to want to even be in again. But I guess he was probably still tied to his hometown. I didn't have the same interest in mine. My hometown could burn, for all I cared.

June exhaled. "A lot of people are for it," she said. "This company, it would mean jobs for a lot of people locally. Some of the locals here are in favor of it. I'm not a fan of it. Don't like the idea of some company coming in here and drilling away at West Bend."

"An oil company?" I asked. "Do they drill for oil in Colorado?"

June shook her head. "Minerals," she said. "Mining. A lot of people here are getting offers on their land."

Elias cleared his throat, and June looked over at Stan. "Excuse me while I grab my child, before he eats Bailey's fur. We're going to leave you two alone now, give you some space. Just wanted to drop off some breakfast, make sure you didn't need anything."

"Thank you, June," I said.

After June left, Elias appeared to be deep in thought. I wasn't sure what that was about, but something June had said was bothering him.

I didn't ask what.

"Well," I said, changing the subject, "do you want to go get cleaned up, and take me into town?"

Elias smiled, but he still stared off into the distance as he answered, and I could tell his thoughts were someplace else. "Depends," he said.

"On what?" I asked.

"On whether you want to get dirty with me later."

"There is a convenience store in this town of yours, right?" I asked, thinking of the condoms.

Elias nodded. "Sure is."

"I would definitely like to get dirty with you," I said, my heart racing at the thought. In fact, it was the only thing I could think about.



River tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear, smoothing it, but it came back out again, sticking up at an angle, unwilling to be restrained. I hid a smile. When I'd looked her up on the internet yesterday, I saw all these photos of her at events with long blonde hair, flashing big smiles and posing for the cameras.

She looked better with the shorter hair. It suited her somehow-messy and unruly, refusing to be tamed.

She tapped the pad of her finger on the counter in the car rental office, a nervous habit, I decided.

"Anyone ever tell you that you look like that actress?" the rental agent asked, turning River's license over in his hand. I knew it was a fake, and wondered how passable it was. Not like the agent seemed like any kind of expert in sussing out fake licenses, not in a place that rented cars out of the back of a fishing tackle store.

River nodded and rolled her eyes. "I get that a lot," she said. "Sucks. I hear she's a real bitch."

I coughed, covering my laugh.

River signed the paperwork and took the keys. "Thanks a lot," she said.

"Welcome," the agent said, only half paying attention to her, his gaze focused more on me. "Recognized you when you came in here."

"Oh, I'm not her -" River started, but the agent continued, looking at me.

"Heard about your dad," he said.

I sighed. The last thing I fucking wanted to do was talk to someone who knew my father. I didn't need to hear about what a great guy he was from one of the alcoholics he used to drink with down at the bar or something. "Yeah, well, that's life. Thanks for the rental."

I turned to leave, my hand on the small of River's back as I guided her ahead of me. I wanted out of there before I got drawn into some bullshit conversation about my shitbag father. He was the last person on this green earth I wanted to think about.

The agent called after us. "Least your mother can get that property squared away now," he said.

I didn't turn around to listen to any more, and what he said didn't even register in my brain until we were outside, walking down the sidewalk ten yards.

Your mother can get that property squared away now.

What the hell was he talking about?