
My blood pressure is sky high, my pulse throbbing in my temples, and my carefully composed fa?ade cracks. “Who the fuck do you think you are, Wolfe?” I step forward, forcing him to step back. “Get the fuck out of here before I hurt you.” My still-wrapped hands curl into fists. Adrenaline courses through my body, starting in my core and quickly radiating outward until my limbs buzz with energy.

Only two things make me feel alive, Britt and fighting. If Wolfe doesn’t get out of my face, he’s going to meet the real me he claims to see. The unleashed version, not the tame, restrained one he’s encountered at the gym.

“You motherfucker,” Wolfe growls.

He leaps, arms swinging. I see it happening a split second before it becomes reality. There’s not enough time for me to pull Britt out of the way, and goddamn it, she’s always in the way! The * that he is, Jack shoves me instead of throwing a punch. As I stagger to maintain my footing, my elbow makes contact with the side of Britt’s head and she falls to the floor. The sound of her skull smacking on the solid concrete will haunt my memory forever.

“Oh fuck!” Wolfe shouts, panicking. He attempts to kneel down next to her, but I push him back, so furious I’m bordering on homicidal.

“Go get Gabriel, you fucking idiot!”

I cradle Britt’s head in my lap, pushing her long blonde hair off her face. Feeling around her skull with my fingers, my hands come up clean. No blood. Right as Gabriel bursts through the door, Britt’s eyes roll back in her head and she begins convulsing.

My heart leaps into my throat as her small body begins to thrash on the floor. “Protect her head, Killer!” Gabriel turns to shout at Wolfe. “Get the paramedics in here! They should be in the medical room.”

Wolfe takes off to get the medics as Britt continues convulsing. I hold her head as still as possible without accidentally injuring her neck. The tremors continue, and with each passing second a long buried part of me struggles to surface. The human part, the part with emotions and messy, complicated feelings. I failed Kinsey. I wasn’t there to protect her. I’ll be damned if I’m not going to be here for Britt.

Uniformed medics rush into the room, working together, lifting Britt onto a stretcher. I watch, helpless, tugging at my hair as they strap her down.

“I’m riding with her,” I insist, finding my hoodie and pulling it over my head.

Gabriel gives me a withering look, which I challenge with one of my own. “Fine, meu filho. Stay with her. I’ll meet you at the hospital after the press conference. I’ll make your excuses.”

The paramedics wheel her out as I stuff my feet into my unlaced shoes. I hurry to keep up, shoving gawkers out of the way in the crowded hall. They load her up and I swing up into the back of the ambulance, sitting next to the stretcher. Outside, I catch a glimpse of Wolfe, his face drawn and pale, and decide then and there that he will suffer for what he did to Britt.

And I’ll be the one to make it happen, enjoying every minute of it.


Familiar, pale silver eyes fill with tears that overflow down ruddy, freckled cheeks. I’m cramped, my body curled up tight, shaking like a leaf while pressed against the person with the haunted eyes. My nostrils sting from the smell of industrial cleaner and the acrid burn of sulfur. Heavy boots thud into view.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

I jolt awake, the sudden movement sending a streak of pain through my skull.

“Ow.” I try to reach up to touch my scar, but someone is holding my hand.

“Thank god, you’re awake! Jesus, Britt. I was so fucking scared.”

“Keller?” My voice is hoarse and my throat is dry. His warm hand squeezes mine.

“Let me get the nurse.” He tries to untangle his fingers from mine and I panic, clinging to his arm.

“No! Don’t leave me!” Memories of being in the hospital after waking up from brain surgery and a weeklong coma have me freaking out. The beeping of the heart monitor gets faster and faster, a loud alarm drawing unwanted attention to my distress.

“Okay. It’s okay, baby. I’m here.” Keller squeezes my hand before reaching over and pressing a button to summon the nurse.

“What happened?” I croak, licking my cracked lips. Keller lifts a cup and puts a straw between them. The cool water soothes my raw throat.

Keller’s hand tightens on mine. “Don’t worry about that right now.”

I want to push for more information, but a harried nurse enters the room. She gives Keller a scathing look that lets me know he’s most likely been a nuisance.

“Hello, Miss Reeves. Welcome back. I’m Mona. I need to check your vitals and then Dr. Wetzel will be in to see you.” Mona fusses with various buttons and my IV line, throwing a scowl or two Keller’s way. At some point, Keller threw his hood up over his brow, hiding most of his face, which probably aggravates Mona even more.

Her work done, Mona stalks out of the room in a huff with a promise to find the doctor.

Heather C. Leigh's books