Just a Sketch

Heather walked over to Leo. “I just know Aud’s happy you’re home. He’s been going nuts with you in the hospital.”

“I can’t say as I was much better. It feels great to be out of there.”

Aud walked up behind him and hugged his shoulders. “And you’ll get to feeling better much faster here. We’ll all make sure you’re well taken care of.”

“Leo, where are your knives?” His mother called from the kitchen. “I think we’re all ready for cake.”

“Here, Mrs. Caldwell. I’ll find them for you.” Julie rushed out of the living room and returned moments later with a large knife and a pie server.

“Do I need to cut it?” Leo asked. He didn’t really feel hungry for cake at that moment but figured if everyone wanted a piece, he should cut it.

“Up to you,” Aud replied. “It’s your cake.”

Leo accepted the knife and started cutting the cake. A rich french vanilla aroma wafted up from it. After looking around, Leo cut a few extra slices since he knew Joe would want at least two.

Once he had his slice of cake, he headed for his recliner, then stopped. If I sit there, Aud won’t be able to sit next to me. Well, he could sit on the arm, but it would be awkward. He glanced at the couch, but Felix was in the middle of it with Sofi stretched across his lap. “Felix, do you mind sliding down a bit?”

Felix looked up at him, then seemed to get the hint. “Oh, sure. No problem.”

Sofi complained and got down.

From then the party settled into small talk, mostly about the weather and happenings at the call center since Leo and Felix hadn’t been around. None of it was really exciting or new, and Leo caught himself drifting off with his head on Aud’s shoulder.

“You know, I think we should all give Leo a chance to get some rest,” his mother said, a little louder than necessary.

Suddenly people were on their way out the door. With quick good-byes, everyone except Aud and Felix fled the party. Julie and his mother promised to check in on him in the morning. He had to swear to Joe and Marsha to e-mail them and let them know when he’d be back to work. Then everyone was gone.

“I should probably go too,” Felix said, standing at the edge of the couch.

Leo studied his best friend for a moment. “Go? As in go home?”

Felix nodded. “Yeah. I tried this morning. I was able to make it to my apartment and not freak out. I went over with Detective Benet to get some samples for the case against Randal. It’s actually a good thing we hadn’t gotten around to cleaning yet.”

“No.” Leo shook his head. “You’re not going there tonight. I wanted to get in there and clean up the bedroom for you. I can’t let you go over there and sleep in that bed. We might even need to get you a new mattress.”

Aud caressed Leo’s arm, then squeezed his hand. “If Felix wants to stay here, I can go home.”

Leo’s face fell. “But I was thinking it would be awesome to fall asleep with you next to me.”

“I know.” A sad look crossed Aud’s face too. “But I don’t think you’re up for anything strenuous. Not that I would mind just cuddling you.”

“I could just sleep on the couch and give you two the bed,” Felix offered. “To be honest, I would like some time to clean up at my place before going back there for very long.”

“Are you sure?” Leo asked, although he didn’t really feel like sleeping on his couch, even if he was by himself. Between his wound and Aud, it would be especially difficult, but he’d been raised to always give the guests his bed.

“I’m sure.” Felix shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to have to listen to you and Aud having sex.”

“Not tonight, anyway,” Leo looked at Aud and wanted more than anything to be able to enjoy all Aud had to offer, but knew he shouldn’t until he was fully healed.

“Then it’s settled.” Felix walked toward the closet in the small hall, where Leo kept spare sheets and blankets. “You two go on and get tucked in for the night. I’m going to watch a bit of TV, but I’ll keep it low.”

Leo grabbed Aud’s hand. “Come on. I’m about ready to fall over.”

“You’ve been through a lot lately.” Aud didn’t resist as Leo led him from the living room into the bedroom.

Once the door was closed, Leo turned and hugged Aud as tight as he could. Aud felt so good in his arms. They kissed, and it lingered until Leo felt light-headed.

“I think I need to lie down.” He sank back on the bed, which was just a couple of feet from the door. “Man, I forgot to go get my prescriptions. I wasn’t planning on a welcome-home party.”

“They sent a dose home with you.” Aud looked down at him with concern written on his handsome face. “Will that be enough for tonight?”

Leo shrugged. He hadn’t read all the directions. “I don’t know. Hopefully.”

A.J. Marcus's books