Jacked Up (Bowen Boys #4)

A huge explosion drowned out the end of that sentence, the black sky outside lighting up with two blasts of fire, the sounds of gunshots following.

Nico dove for Maldonado, covering him, his gun drawn.

Exxum’s security chief did the same with his boss while everyone in the room drew their weapons, his men pointing at Exxum’s and the other way around.

“What is the meaning of this?” Maldonado asked. They already had that minor scare when some animal had tripped the motion detector a while back.

“I don’t know,” Exxum said. “It looks like we’re under attack. Order your men to lower their weapons.”

Right, like he was giving that order any time soon. “You said this location was secure.”

“Status,” Exxum’s security chief barked, communicating with someone through his earpiece. Then he turned to his boss. “We have visitors, sir.”

Oh God, Jack was hurt. Badly hurt. Elle wasn’t sure if he’d been shot in his stomach or he’d punctured a lung or what. He was trying, but he couldn’t stand up straight, and he was bleeding profusely from his side.

“We are under heavy fire,” one of the armed guards said.

Only then did Elle realize what she was hearing was gunshots.

“How many are there outside?” the one that seemed in charge asked, smacking Jack.

Jack remained silent.

“Tell them to stand down,” he insisted, pointing the gun at him.

“Fuck off,” was Jack’s response.

“We need them alive. Boss says to bring them to him,” another said.

They were led into the library, where Joaquín Maldonado and David Exxum stood, surrounded by heavily armed guards. A blistering pain was splitting her skull from where she’d been hit, but she ignored it. She needed all her wits about her.

“How thoughtful of you to come by and save us the trouble of picking you up,” Exxum stated, and after frowning at Jack, he asked, looking around, “Who shot him?”

The man who had pulled the trigger took a step forward. “They resisted and—”

The gunshot deafened Elle, who watched the lifeless body of the guard slide on the floor.

“Shooting Mr. Ayala should have been my pleasure. Now, where were we?” He returned the gun to his bodyguard and addressed Jack. “I trust all this fuss outside is your doing, right?”

“I suggest you cut your losses and flee. Police are on the way,” Jack said.

Maldonado laughed. “Bullshit. You trust them less than we do. You would never leave your woman’s security in their hands. If you proved anything since you took her away from protective custody, it’s this. Alex Ayala is—was, I mean, ruthlessly efficient. This,” he said, pointing at her, “is a big fuckup, my friend.”

“You teaming up?” Jack asked, looking at Maldonado and then at Exxum.

“Exploring new business ventures,” Maldonado said.

“Did you neutralize the shooters?” Exxum asked one of his men.

“We are closing in on them, but the situation is not contained at the moment.”

With disgust written all over his face, Exxum turned to Jack. “All this for that little whore? You broke your cover for her? You should have known better. Not that I’m unhappy about it. I look forward to not having my shipments intercepted.” He punched Jack in the face. “You know how much your interference has cost me?”

“Your grievance is with me. You got me. Let her go,” Jack said as he spit blood. “She walks out of here and the attack stops. Nobody will retaliate. I guarantee it.”

“Sir, we need to leave,” Exxum’s security chief insisted. “The boat is ready. We have to get you to safety.”

“One would think having a compound and an army would do that. Dispose of them both,” Exxum said, gesturing at Jack and Elle. “I would have wanted to make this more enjoyable, and far longer, but now that you are dying, I don’t see the point.”

“I’ll take care of that,” Maldonado offered.

“Fine. Make them disappear. For good. I don’t want anything linking me to this mess.”

“My pleasure.”

Exxum walked out, taking his men with him. Maldonado, the one they called Nico, and a handful of what Elle presumed were Maldonado’s men remained.

Jack could hardly stand, and he was so damn white, his side oozing blood, yet he took a step forward, trying to keep her behind him.

Elle was desperate for a plan, but she was coming up empty. She had no weapons, Jack could barely move, and there were a dozen armed men in the room. Whatever James and his brothers were doing, they were not going to make it on time.

“Let her go. There are people who care about her. They will not stop if you kill her. Everyone shooting at you now is here for her. Not for me.”

“I don’t plan on killing her just yet. You, I’m afraid, have run out of time.” Maldonado grabbed Elle by the hair and pulled her away from Jack. “I want you to die knowing you couldn’t save her. On your knees,” he ordered.

When he didn’t obey, Nico punched him in the stomach and Jack fell on his knees, doubling over from the pain and spitting more blood.

“Jack,” Elle yelled, attempting to wrench away but failing.

Elle Aycart's books