Jacked Up (Bowen Boys #4)

“He is so…intense.”

Tell her about it. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him, but boy it got her motor running. That severe demeanor, those icy-blue eyes. That gravelly voice. No man had ever gotten that primal reaction from her. Crazy attraction none withstanding, she knew there could never be anything between them. They would drive each other insane. But that was just as well, because she was not looking for love or a relationship. Heck, she wasn’t even sure sex was a good idea. Every time he kissed her, her damn heart stopped and her core flooded. Such raw passion. Such intensity, in the kiss and in the hand restraining her. She didn’t like being held in place, being told what to do, and that was all he did. He was a rock and she would never get him to move. And yet, for all her sound reasoning she couldn’t deny she wanted him, badly.

Shaking those thoughts, Elle got on with prepping, and soon they were welcoming the first patrons.

The evening started calmly, but it soon took a turn for the worse.

The second Elle saw Cole, James, and Max marching into Rosita’s, their faces stern, she knew she was in trouble. Tate had given her up. She’d seen that same expression on Jonah’s face many times and it always meant trouble.

“My bro-in-law and his lovely entourage,” she greeted with a smile. “What brings you here at this ungodly hour? Got the hankering for some Italian?”

The three of them stopped in front of her, James and Cole with their arms crossed over their chests. Max leaned on a table, more relaxed, but serious nonetheless.

Nope, no hankering for some Italian.

They were there to ride her Italian ass, she could tell.

Jack could too. He glared at her. “You told them.”

“No, I didn’t. Momzilla did.”

“Who?” Jack and James asked at the same time.

“Your wife,” she told James and then turned to Jack. “I had to tell her. There were only so many times I could dodge her.”

Elle had explained to Tate what was going on. Well, a decaf, light version of it, keeping out names and as many gruesome details as possible. By the end of it Tate had been cursing like a sailor. Elle had sworn Tate into silence. Ha.

“Believe her. Resistance is futile,” Max said. “I love Tate to pieces, but she’s terrifying these days.”

“The only reason she isn’t here is because Jonah is sleeping, for once, and she doesn’t want to wake him up, so you got us,” James explained. “Much better for you.”

“I told her not to worry and not to tell you. Jack has everything covered.”

“No offense, man,” James said to Jack, “I trust you with my life and with hers, but she’s too visible here. She needs to lay low. Head out of town.”

Jack didn’t say anything, although she knew he totally agreed with her brother-in-law.

“Christy has a friend in LA who went to Europe for a month,” Cole began. “Her place is on the beach. That’s perfect for you.”

Elle smiled innocently. “What, Europe?”

“L.A. Although Europe could be good too,” Cole said, turning to James. “What was the name of the small town you were in for your honeymoon?”

“Lucera. No one would look for her there.”

Max shook his head. “An American woman in a tiny Italian village with someone looking like Jack is anything but inconspicuous.”

No shit.

“The cabin in St. John is a no-go. Too obvious,” James added.

“We could send her to Redwaters with Annie’s mother,” Max suggested. “That town is full of crazy doomsday preppers armed to their teeth. Although with those resources Elle is very capable of starting World War III.”

“Guys, no—”

“Right. L.A. is it then,” Cole stated, ignoring her. “I’ll get the tickets for tomorrow. It’s short notice, but I’m sure I can organize some time off.”

“No,” she repeated, but no one was listening.

“I’ll drive her to pick up her stuff, then to Alden,” James said. “I know Tate wants to see her before she leaves.”

“I said no,” Elle screamed to get their attention.

The three Bowen men stopped talking and turned to her.

Bad idea. Too much attention.

“No? What do you mean no?” Cole asked. “You don’t get a no.”

Like hell she didn’t. “I’m not going anywhere. I have things to do here. Thanks for your concern but butt out.”

“Elle, for once in your life stop being difficult and do as you’re told,” Cole growled, exasperated. “This is no joke. We’re trying to protect you, and we can’t do it if you’re here.”

“Last time I checked I was an adult.”

“Maybe you should start behaving like one,” James suggested.

They were crowding her, using their size to intimidate her. All of them too big and taking up too much space. She wouldn’t be surprised if they snatched her and she woke up in Utah, in the middle of nowhere. With Jack’s blessings, of course.

To her utter surprise, Jack stood between them. “Cut it out and back off. All of you.”

Elle Aycart's books