It's All Relative

Mason seemed to slump a little at seeing Kai, before bringing his lips up into a smile that was clearly forced. Kai wanted to find out once and for all what the guy’s problem with him was, but now wasn’t the time. “Kai…I didn’t think you were coming in today.” By his tone, it was obvious that he was disappointed that Kai had decided to show up. It was almost like Kai was ruining his day, just by being there.

Ignoring the sting of not being wanted, Kai smiled as he shifted his gaze to Jessie. She seemed to be puzzled about something, and was staring at Mason like he looked familiar to her. “I was just showing my cousin, Jessie, around the center.”

Mason’s eyes widened as he studied Jessie. Extending his hand, he murmured, “Cousin? Well, nice to meet you, Jessie.”

Jessie shook his extended hand, but her brows were still furrowed. “Hi…” Narrowing her eyes while they shook hands, Jessie scrutinized Mason’s face. “Your eyes…I’ve never seen someone with a shade so similar to Kai’s…”

With those words, it was like Jessie had poured a jug of ice water down Mason’s back. He shot up straight, his back rigid and tight, and he practically yanked his hand away from Jessie’s. Looking uncomfortable, like she’d just suggested something horrendous, Mason shifted his gaze between them. “It’s nice to meet you. I wish I could stay and socialize, but I have too many important things to take care of at the moment.” With that, he spun on his heel and darted down the hallway.

Kai was shocked as he watched the tall, gray-haired man flee the area. Kai had certainly noticed the similarity in their eye color, but really, he hadn’t thought too much about it. Eyes only came in so many colors, and he was eventually going to find someone with a shade close to his. But Mason had reacted so strangely to the comparison. Did he really dislike Kai so much that he couldn’t even stand the thought of sharing a similar trait?

Kai wanted to go find the man and ask him, but Jessie looked a little freaked out by what had just happened. Twisting to face Kai, she muttered, “Did I say something wrong?”

Shaking his head, Kai grabbed her hand again. “No.” Looking back to where Mason’s lean frame had disappeared, Kai let out a weary sigh. “He just doesn’t care much for me, so he probably didn’t like being told he sort of looks like me.”

Jessie seemed surprised when Kai swung his eyes back to hers. “Oh, how could anyone not like you?” she whispered, her face flushing a light shade of pink.

Seeing her embarrassment made Kai smile. Then the warmth behind her comment made him sigh. “Come on. Let’s go get that lunch that I promised you.” Still looking flustered, Jessie nodded and they headed back to his bike.

Jessie discreetly studied Kai as they walked through the hallways. She noted the way his eyes stayed forward and his jaw was clenched tight. Even his warm hand entangled with hers was a little firmer than before. But she wasn’t about to complain; touching him felt too nice.

Kai was still upset about running into his boss. The ball of ice in Jessie’s stomach hadn’t melted one single bit. Had she done something wrong? Offended him in some way? She hoped Kai was right and it wasn’t her, but she really didn’t see how it could be Kai either. Why would comparing him to Kai would make him act so strangely? Truly, it was a compliment. Kai was extremely attractive. And charming, sweet, funny. How could his boss not like him? Kai was very…likeable.

That fact was solidified when they once again ran into Kai’s obviously interested coworker outside. Kai’s face changed from annoyed to amused as the wiry woman approached them. The look on his face made Jessie frown. She didn’t want to be jealous of anyone, but she didn’t like that look being directed at another woman. She still wasn’t ready.

Stopping right in front of them, his coworker put her hands directly on his chest. “Oh, no, no, no. You can’t leave yet. I’m finally at a stopping point.”

Kai discreetly dropped Jessie’s hand as he chuckled at the forlorn woman. “Sorry, Missy, I promised my cousin a decent lunch.” Jerking his thumb back toward the building, he laughed out, “The only thing left in the break room is Louis’s tuna…and I’m not touching that.”

Exaggerating a pout, Missy swept her hands down his chest to his jeans. Hooking her fingers into his belt loops, she stepped forward so their chests were touching; he automatically took a step backward. “Maybe a quickie before you go?” She suggestively raised her eyebrows, and Jessie felt her skin start to overheat. Had she seriously just asked him to have sex with her?

Like he was used to it, Kai merely laughed at her again as he removed her hands from his jeans. “Uh, not today, Missy.” The woman let out a dramatic sigh as she finally stepped away. “Fine, but I’ll have you know, I shaved today…everywhere.”