It's All Relative

It amused Jessie that he wanted something warm in his stomach. She nodded. “Sure, sounds great.”

Standing, Kai gave her a brilliant grin before heading to the kitchen. Jessie sighed as she watched his backside walking away from her. Seriously, she needed to shut off whatever part of her was still attracted to him. Kai was not an option. It would be better for her if she went back to her two-timing ex-boyfriend.

Kai prepared a couple of cans of soup; he was still smiling over her box of goodies. While he was busy, Jessie put his new things away. He glanced over at her when he noticed what she was doing, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t ask her to stop. She finished putting everything away in the spaces she had envisioned for them just as dinner was done. As she was smiling to herself at how much homier his place seemed, and how perfectly suited to him the decor was, Kai approached her with a bowl of soup in each hand, and a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches balanced on his arm.

He motioned to the bed she’d straightened for him. Slightly blushing at the intimate memory she still recalled whenever she looked at the damn thing, Jessie sat down and rested her back against his new headboard. He sat next to her, handed her a bowl, and placed the plate of sandwiches between them. Grabbing a sandwich, Jessie gave him a crooked grin. “We should really find you a table.”

Kai returned her smile as he grabbed a sandwich. “I like eating in bed.”

She grinned at the comment and felt her cheeks heating again. Kai cleared his throat, like he was trying to clear the sudden tension, and then they began eating their meal. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, then Kai turned on the TV. He found a sitcom for them to watch, one where the family’s problems seemed even more complex than their own. They couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity.

After the light meal, Jessie snapped up Kai’s dishes and washed them for him. It was the least she could do, since he’d made dinner. Kai protested at first, but the longer he sat in the bed, the more tired he appeared to get. After thanking her, he settled back into his pillows and closed his eyes. Jessie peeked at him while she cleaned up, wondering if he was falling asleep.

Once everything was washed and put away, she walked back over to him and started taking off his shoes. He cracked his eyes open and grinned at her. “You’re too good to me,” he whispered.

She smiled as she took off his other shoe. “No, I’m just anal. You shouldn’t have shoes on the bed.” He laughed at her comment and sat up. Ignoring the memory of her wearing heels in his bed while they’d done…stuff, Jessie sat next to him again.

Kai looked over at her, then let out a tired sigh and rested his head on her shoulder. Feeling like he was suffering from exhaustion, Jessie scooted down the headboard to rest her head against his pillows, bringing him with her. He twisted into her body, and she brought her arm around him, so he was nestled in the hollow of her shoulder.

Sighing contentedly, he moved his hand to rest it on her stomach. “Is this okay?” he whispered.

She nodded and pressed her lips into his hair. “Yeah.” Jessie wasn’t sure if it was technically okay or not, but it felt so warm and safe, she didn’t care.

He sighed again. “Good, you feel nice.”

He’d barely murmured the words, and Jessie pulled back to examine his drawn face. Running her fingers through his hair, she asked, “Are you all right?”

Opening his eyes to look at her, Kai let out a weary exhale. “I don’t know if it’s because of all the stings, or because I got up so early today, but I feel wiped, and a little sick.” He frowned, obviously not wanting to be ill.

Jessie frowned too as concern filled her. “Well, you could be suffering from a little altitude sickness? You’re used to living much closer to sea level. I’m sure you’ll feel better in a couple of days.”

Nodding, he closed his eyes again. Jessie gently squeezed him as she listened to his even breath. Just when she was sure he was sound asleep, he whispered, “Thank you, Jessie, for everything.” His voice came out thick with exhaustion.

Smiling, Jessie rested her cheek against his head. “It’s not a problem, Kai. We’re family, that’s what family does.” Her admission made her frown. Maybe how they were resting wasn’t appropriate. Maybe she should leave.

Kai’s hand on her stomach shifted to her hip. He gently squeezed, holding her to him, almost like he knew she was considering leaving. Jessie heard him mumble thank you again, and she pressed her lips to his hair again as a tender ache tore her heart apart. Closing her eyes, Jessie cursed her lack of willpower. Hadn’t she vowed earlier to keep some space between them? Since he was tightly cuddled into her side, it was evident that neither one of them could maintain distance for long. Jessie wasn’t sure what that meant for their future.