It's All Relative

Kai dropped his chest to hers. Driving into her with abandon, his body stiffened and the building tension grew so profound that he couldn’t speak anymore, only groan. Jessie let out a long, satisfying cry as her walls tightened around the length of him. The ecstasy in her voice rang through his head, barreling him over the edge.

His stomach clenched, his body jerked, and he felt the tension building to an apex. Knowing that she liked hearing it, he sucked in a quick breath and, just as he started releasing, he groaned into her ear that he was coming. Her body tightened harder around him as the warmth rushed from him to her. As he cried out with the perfect, intense burst of rapture exploding from him, he felt her grab his face to make him look at her. They locked gazes, and the sounds of their mutual satisfaction filled the quiet room as they watched each other experience a moment that neither one of them thought they’d ever get to have together again.

Jessie let out a content sigh as Kai slid over to her side, and wrapped his arms and legs around her like he never wanted to let go. Her body tingled with the aftereffects of outstanding sex, and Jessie thought she’d never been so completely satisfied in all her life. Running her hands ran around his back, she pulled him even closer, and with a soft exhale, he buried his head in her neck. Making some sort of content grumbling noise deep in his chest, Jessie thought he was probably just as satisfied as she was. Feeling her wildly beating heart begin to slow, she tenderly kissed his head.

“We just made love,” he murmured into her skin.

Jessie laughed, and Kai adjusted his position to look at her; the peace on his face matched hers. “I know,” she said with a smile as their heads rested side-by-side on the pillow.

His grin was wide as he brushed away a curl resting over Jessie’s cheek. “And I don’t feel ill.”

Relief and happiness flowed through Jessie like a steady river. “Me either,” she said, gently pressing her lips to his.

Kai was smiling as their lips separated. “And you’re not running away.”

Thinking of the times before this that they’d had sex made Jessie giggle—an amazing testament to just how much things had changed. She’d rushed out the door to meet up with Harmony and April after the first time, and then she’d rushed out the door to be alone after the second time. She had run away from him after both instances, just for completely different reasons. Kissing him a few times as they snuggled close together, she vowed to never run away from him again. “Hmmm…” she murmured into the warmth of his lips, “is this what I was missing?”

A laugh rumbled Kai’s chest. “I can be quite cuddly, if you give me a chance.”

They languidly kissed, and the euphoria of lovemaking slowly started mixing with the heavy emotion of the past few days, making Jessie long for slumber. As she closed her eyes, Kai whispered between their lips, “A part of me is inside you again.”

Grinning against his mouth, she murmured, “I know.”

He kissed her jaw, then her cheek. “And you’re sure that doesn’t bother you, even a little?”

Jessie pulled back to look over his face. He didn’t seem bothered by the idea, only curious about how she felt. Brushing the backs of her fingers over his cheek, she shook her head. “No, not at all. You’re not family, not by blood anyway, and I’m…completely okay with this.” She smiled. “And you still being with me…it makes me feel closer to you.”

Kai grinned and Jessie covered her face with her hand. “God, I sound like a lovesick idiot, don’t I?”

He gently removed the fingers covering her eyes. “No…you sound…” he laughed, “just like me actually. I was just thinking almost the exact same thing.” He shrugged. “Just…that I feel closer to you.”

Fighting back a tired yawn, Jessie smiled, and continued kissing him. “Well, I love that a piece of you is inside of me.” With a sultry laugh, she added, “I could use all of you inside me.”

Kai rumbled an approval and shifted his body to lean over the top of hers. Their gentle kissing switched to a connection full of passion and promise, and Jessie felt her body start to reawaken. It amazed her that being with Kai could do that to her; no other guy she’d been with had been able to arouse her so soon after sex. Kai might just be the kind of guy she could make love to all day. She’d heard women talk about days like that, but she’d never encountered any guy she’d want to do that with. Until now.

His hands ran down her sides as their breathing picked up pace. “All right…just give me a minute or two,” he muttered against her lips.

Seeing this playful side of him made her laugh, and he laughed with her, locking gazes. Sighing, she ran a hand down his cheek. “I am so happy right now,” she whispered.

Kai smiled wider before his beautiful face turned serious. “I am too. I didn’t think it was possible…to feel this happy.”

Jessie frowned as she stroked his cheek. “Are you?”