It's All Relative

It was lightly snowing and the traffic on the streets was sparse. Not seeing any cabs, they decided to walk for a ways under the snowfall. Kai was cold, but not freezing. Multiple layers were helping with that, but he swore it was Jessie’s presence too. He grabbed her hand, not thinking that he might be crossing a line, just wanting to share the warm feeling in his heart with her. Jessie let out a soft sigh as she leaned into his side. With no one to witness it, they walked a few blocks in the snow, looking more like a young couple in love than two cousins walking off a hefty meal.

Finally hailing a cab, they made it back to the lodge, just slightly damp with melted snow. Kai almost wished they’d never found a taxi; he could have walked the entire way back with her, and been just fine with it. Jessie disappeared into the bathroom when they got to the room, saying she wanted to change for bed. She didn’t look as uneasy about the idea as she had at first. Maybe she figured they’d gotten the tension out of their system earlier today, with their heated moment on the slopes. Or maybe walking through the snow had just evaporated her fear. Either way, Kai was happy that she only had a smile on her face as she vanished behind the door.

After scrubbing his hair dry with a towel hanging over the back of a chair, Kai threw on some comfortable lounge pants and a light t-shirt. Not wanting them to be chilly, and also because it was a shame not to use it, he turned on the gas fireplace; it instantly erupted into cheery orange-tipped flames. Glancing at the animal rug spread out before the fire, he rolled his eyes and folded it up. Placing it on the chair under the window, he grabbed a couple of pillows off the bed and an extra blanket he found in one of the drawers. When his sleeping place in front of the fire was prepped, he smiled and sat down.

Kai felt a soothing peace flow into him as he watched the flames lick the logs. It was a peace and warmth that he knew stemmed from love. A deep love, deeper than he’d ever felt before. A love he knew he shouldn’t feel…but he did. He smiled as he thought of Jessie in the next room. Thought of her examining herself in the mirror as she brushed out her damp locks. Thought of how she might be biting her lip as she thought about him. Feeling mesmerized by the flames and his fantasy, he wondered what she’d choose to sleep in. He pictured her in black lace. Then he sighed and shook his head. No, if he had to choose, he’d want her going to bed with only her perfect skin to keep her warm. Yes, if it were up to him that was what he would pick out for her.

Jessie quietly left the bathroom with her teeth freshly brushed and her face squeaky clean. She felt great, much better than she’d felt earlier. Once the shock of the room arrangements had finally worn off, and once she and Kai had started playing and having fun together, her tension about them sleeping in the same suite together had vanished. She’d missed Kai. Seeing him again…was indescribable. She almost couldn’t stand it when they were apart now. Jessie wasn’t sure how she’d go back to avoiding him after this. She wasn’t sure if she had the strength to resist calling him or going over to his place. Not anymore.

They’d had an amazing afternoon together. Jessie had playfully teased him every time he’d fallen, and he’d stoically taken it and tried again. She just couldn’t resist chucking a snowball in his face though, and she really hadn’t thought he’d be able to catch her. He’d surprised her by staying on her tail…then crashing right into it. Even then, wrapped up in his body, she hadn’t been able to resist playing with him by faking that she was hurt. And then he’d said that word. The warmth that had flowed from his mouth when he’d said it, even mixed with concern, was unlike anything she’d ever heard.

Baby. In his worry, he’d called her baby.

Even his retaliation, once he realized she’d been kidding around, was nothing after hearing that word. And then the seriousness had seeped in, igniting them. And he’d touched her…intimately touched her. She’d been silently begging him to do it, and almost like he’d heard her, he’d dipped his finger into her bra and caressed her. It had nearly been too much. She’d almost climaxed with just that tiny stroking. It had been so long…