Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7)

Lani was penning a book of her own. “It’s for the library,” she explained, “like Mr. Today’s journals. So one day after we’re all gone, people will know what happened here. And even though I’m writing it down, we have to promise to tell the stories about our battles and adventures and about the way life used to be on the seven islands. We must tell them over and over again,” Lani implored, “so they aren’t forgotten. Maybe if we tell the stories, things won’t ever get as bad as they have been.”

Sky and Alex nodded and promised to communicate them to everyone who would listen, starting with Thisbe and Fifer. Secretly Alex wasn’t worried—he knew the stories would live forever with Aaron. Samheed grunted in agreement, but didn’t look up from his work. Lani watched him, laughing softly. She’d have plenty of time to remind him once he was finished writing his play.

Alex sorted spell components in front of him so he’d have something to give Aaron to magically protect the ship from whatever unknown enemies still lurked in the waters.

Thisbe, who was playing with Fifer and Seth Holiday, saw what Alex was doing and sidled up to him. “Dat?” she asked, bending over and picking up a heart attack component.

“Hmm?” said Alex. He looked up at her, and his eyes widened in fear. “No, no, no! Don’t throw that!” He lunged for her chubby fist, trying to get the component away from her, and she giggled and threw it at him. Wings sprouted from it, and it sailed at Alex, hitting him in the chest. “Aaauuugh!” he cried, shuddering and falling back on the lawn.

Sky gasped. Lani and Samheed looked up from their work. Thisbe came closer, still giggling, to see what Alex was doing, and Lani quickly realized what had happened. She released the spell.

Alex sucked in a ragged breath and opened his eyes, finding Thisbe, Lani, Samheed, and Sky all looking down at him. “Ouch,” he said, clutching his chest with his good hand and giving Thisbe a look. “No more spell components for you!” He coughed weakly and sat up, and quickly grabbed Thisbe when she reached for the sack of scatterclips. “Oh no you don’t.” He snatched it away and looked at his friends. “This kid is dangerous,” he said, shaking his head in wonder. “She didn’t even have to say the verbal component—did you notice that?”

“I sure did.” Lani nodded and scribbled furiously in her notebook.

Sky leaned over her. “What are you writing now?”

“I’m making sure that if we all wind up dead,” said Lani, “people will know it was Thisbe who did it.”

“This is going to be very interesting, raising these two,” Alex muttered. He put all of Aaron’s components into one sack and all the rest into another, and looked around very carefully to make sure he hadn’t left any on the lawn.

? ? ? ?

A short while later, Aaron and Kaylee came out of the mansion, each carrying a few crates. Simber flew them out to load the supplies onto the ship, which was anchored in front of the mansion between Artimé and Karkinos.

When the two returned to shore, Alex got up and took the girls with him to the front of the mansion. Ishibashi, Ito, and Sato emerged from it, having come from their island through the tube and the magical 3-D door, all packed for their first adventure.

Alex looked at their excited faces. “Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes, we are ready,” said Ishibashi. “Thank you again for your hospitality and the use of your ship.”

Ito and Sato smiled. “Thank you,” they repeated.

“We have more than enough ships to spare,” said Alex. He shook hands with each of the men. “Thank you for giving me my brother back.”

“He was not ours to give,” said Ishibashi modestly. “He gave himself back to you.”

“With a lot of help,” Alex said.

Ishibashi conceded the point with a toothless grin. “And with Kaylee aboard, I am quite sure we will return Aaron to you somewhat changed again.”

Alex snickered. “I’m excited to see what he learns along the way,” he said. “I wish you all the luck in finding what you are looking for.”

“Thank you,” said Ishibashi. “I do not hold out hope, though it’s true the pirates were selling sea creatures somewhere. Perhaps we will find the hidden land, perhaps not. But it will be a good adventure for us, and one we never thought we’d get to take until you came along.” He adjusted his suitcase and looked eagerly at the ship.

“Someone will check on your island a couple times a week,” Alex promised. “And Henry’s going to take care of your greenhouse plants and your new outdoor garden. He can’t wait.”

“We are most grateful,” said Ishibashi. He leaned in. “Henry is a special young man. He is a grand prize.”

“Yes,” said Alex. “He’s quite something. I’m very proud of him.”

By now a small crowd had gathered to wish the explorers well. The scientists said good-bye to everyone, and then they climbed onto Simber’s back for their first exciting cheetah flight ever.

Aaron and Kaylee hugged people all around, until only Alex was left. Kaylee leaned in and kissed Alex on the cheek. “Thanks for saving me,” she said.

“Thanks for fighting with us,” said Alex. “We needed you. Stay safe. And take care of the scientists for me. And this one,” he said, pointing at Aaron.

“I will.”

Lisa McMann's books