Invision (Chronicles of Nick #7)

Time to prevent a national security panic.

“Hey, Ma.”

“Why aren’t you at home?”

“I’m at Menyara’s.”

That at least took the bite out of her temper. “Oh … are you okay? Did you get sicker? Do I need to take you to the ER?”

“Nah. It’s okay, Mom. I still have my fever. And I was whining so much that I was afraid Kody would break up with her big baby boyfriend if I didn’t find another person to annoy with it. Plus, neither of the guys are real long on sympathy. They just stare at me and tell me to suck it up, or throw things at me and tell me to stow it. So I came over here to whine and pout to someone who actually listens and tolerates me. Here, you want to talk to Aunt Mennie?” He handed her the phone, knowing his mom wouldn’t calm down until he heard her voice and confirmed that he wasn’t barfing up a kidney or something else.

“Hey, Cherise. Nah, your boy’s fine. He’s a little pale and warm to the touch. But we’re taking good care of him for you, sug. You don’t worry your beautiful little heart for nothing. Enjoy your time with your new man.”

“Um! No, Ma! Behave yourself with Bubba. Both of you!” Nick called out. “Remember, both feet on the floor at all times!” He looked at Kody. “What else does she always say to us?”

“Don’t drag me into this.”

“No ring. No fling,” Caleb said in a dry tone.

“Leave the mystery in the relationship and it’ll last longer,” Xev added.

“Thank you! Did you heard that, Ma? God hates a hypocrite! There’s another one of your sayings.… And the ever popular—just ’cause all your senseless friends are jumping into the Pontchartrain don’t mean you need to follow them over the Levee of Stupidity!”

Menyara laughed. “I’ll tell him, sug. Good night.” She hung up and handed the phone back to him. “You’re terrible, Nicholas!”

“I don’t want to hear it. You half raised me. Besides, I’m only returning some of the grief she’s given me over the years. It’s actually kind of fun to be able to dish a little back.”

She shook her head at him. “Help me up so I can get dressed. We’ve got some things we need to talk about.”

“Do you need me to help?” Kody offered.

“No, mon ange, I’ll be fine.”

Weird, Nick had never noticed before how much Menyara and Kody favored each other. While he’d known for a while now that Menyara was her mother’s aunt, he hadn’t really seen the similarities in their features. But then Kody usually wore her hair down, with bangs over her forehead.

With them side by side and their hair pulled back from their faces, it was remarkable how similar their features were.

He didn’t really see any of Styxx’s features in his daughter. But his personality was there. By the bucketfuls, especially whenever they were fighting enemies. And while she might have her mother’s exceptional archery skills, it was her father’s sword skills that stood miles above everyone else’s. Sword in hand, Kody was invincible.

“Kody? Nick’s got that look again.”

Nick barely heard Caleb as his mind replayed the night his father had died, and he’d first seen a vision of his own death at the hands of the Ambrose Malachai. All this time, he’d thought it was just a guilty vision of him killing Kody’s brother, and then killing her.

Now …

He again heard the sounds of horrendous fighting and saw himself in his demonic form. His gunmetal Malachai armor gleamed in the dull light of a fading sun while he fought against an army that was trying its best to destroy him. His soldiers pulled back to protect him. But he knew what they didn’t.

They were about to be defeated.

Dumbfounded, he couldn’t understand how this was happening. No one had ever equaled him in battle. Not even the Sephiroth. Jared had been a worthy enemy.

He’d been an even better friend and ally.

And then, through their demonic ranks, Nick saw his nemesis.

Their leader emerged like a dark angel of death, with his black wings fully extended. Drunk on his impending victory, he called out to rally his demon soldiers and push them forward.

Nick knew instinctively how to end this battle and war. If he killed their leader, they would scatter like frightened roaches. They would cower and run, and bother them no more. He would save them all.

His eyes flashed red, then silver before he launched himself at the fool who’d left the safe shelter of his army. Focused solely on him, Nick ignored everything else.

I’m coming for you …

He bore down on top of their leader with his sword raised. Leaving his horse, their leader launched himself at Nick.

Their weapons rang out as they clashed against each other. His enemy rained acid blood and fire down on Nick who used his own powers to drive his enemy back. To his credit, the demon stood strong and he fought against him longer than anyone else had ever lasted.

He might have even defeated him, but for one thing …