Invision (Chronicles of Nick #7)

Horrified, he couldn’t do anything other than watch as the ancient god grabbed Xev by the throat and held him against the wall. Cut and bleeding, Xev appeared to be as helpless against his father as they were.

His breathing ragged, he fearlessly met his father’s gaze. “Kill me if you must, but help Malphas. He carried your banner and paid the highest price of all for it. The least you could do is save his life. Cam needs him in this fight. Without him, Jared dies. If you have any feeling for anyone besides your own selfish hide, save them.”

Raw fury and hatred twisted Jaden’s handsome features as he snarled at his son. “What did you do to him this time?”

Xev laughed bitterly. “Why ask when you won’t believe a word I say?”

In that moment, Nick saw the strangest image in his mind. Since he no longer held the amulet, he had no idea where it came from, but he saw Xev with Myone. Tall and lithe, she was absolutely gorgeous.

The epitome of feminine perfection. No wonder Xev had lost his head to her.

Graceful and elegant, Myone had long black hair that fell in soft, thick waves to her waist. It was the kind of hair that a guy wanted to sink his hands and face in.

With the round face of an angel, she had large eyes and a pert nose and full lips. Her skin had a golden cast to it, as if it were made of gold or brushed with it. Even her wings appeared to be made of spun gold. Though barefoot, she was dressed in a thin red gown that left one gold-kissed shoulder bare.

Xev wore ancient bronze chain mail that moved like articulated dragon scales, and gold greaves buckled over burgundy boots that matched his cloak. The center of his bronze breastplate had the head of a hideous, terrifying chimera. With solid jet-black hair that matched his iridescent wings and normal blue eyes, he looked like an entirely different person. Nick barely recognized him.

Xev’s is pale eyes twinkled with devilish joy as he snuck with her into the small room of an ancient temple. An oracle chamber of some sort that was lit with wall sconces that threw their flickering shadows up on the wall behind them.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” she admonished him. “What if someone were to see you?”

Completely unrepentant, Xev gave her a kiss so hot, it made Nick uncomfortable to witness it. He pulled back with a soft moan. “I had to come. I’ve information about my mother’s battle plans you need to know.”

Biting her lip, she cupped his face. “Dary … you must stop spying for us. They’ll kill you if they find out.”

He shrugged her concern away. “What are they going to do to me?”

“Cut out your heart and feed it to you.”

He cupped her hand in his and pressed it to the center of her chest. “My heart is here, beyond their reach.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he silenced it with another tender kiss.

After a minute, he pulled back to smile down at her. “They’re planning to attack at dawn on the north gate, where you’re usually weakest. I’ll slow them down as best I can to give you as much time as I can to fortify your positions.”

Fear and concern lined her brow as she stared up at him. “Be careful.”

“You, too.” He lifted a lock of her hair to rub against his lips so that he could savor the softness of it. “One day, Myone, I hope to have more than just a kiss from your lips.”

“You know better. We both do. Even this is more than either of us should have allowed. Now go before someone sees you. And don’t come here again!”

Xev’s eyes showed the depth of his heartbreak. The depth of how much he loved her and how much those words cut him.

“Sorry I bothered you, ?gna,” he said, using the submissive demonspeak term for owner. The agony of her rejection was tangible as he dropped her hair and stepped back. “I will trouble you no more.”

The moment his back was turned, silent tears fell from her eyes. She covered her mouth and sobbed where he couldn’t see or hear. And when he closed the door without looking back, she flinched as if she’d been struck.

“I love you, Daraxerxes. I do.” She whispered the words under her breath. “I’m so sorry.”

She turned to walk in the opposite direction.

“Stop him! Don’t let him escape!”

She gasped at the sound of a sharp voice that was followed by the clashing of swords and the sound of fierce fighting in the main temple room. Wiping at her eyes, she flew to the door and threw it open to find Jaden there with Xev, surrounded by guards.

On his knees with his hands and wings tied, Xev was cut and bleeding where they’d outnumbered him twenty to one. Two of the guards held swords at his throat.

“What is this?” she demanded.

“We captured a Mavromino spy.” Jaden gestured at his guards. “Take him and lock him up.”

She paled at Jaden’s cold words as they brutally hauled Xev away, making sure to cause him as much harm as they could while they did so.

Trembling, she approached Jaden slowly. “What are you planning to do with him?”

“He’ll be interrogated for information about their army and intentions.”

“You mean tortured?”