Invision (Chronicles of Nick #7)

“Yeah. I’m just busting your chops, Triple Threat.”

Bubba grinned at his old football nickname that only Nick used these days. “All right. I meant what I said, Nick. You’re both important to me. And you’re definitely the most important thing to Cherise. Last thing I want to do is cause problems between you. Say the word and we go back to how we used to be.”

“It’s all good. Really. Now, go get dressed. Don’t keep her waiting. She can’t stand that. Trust me. I’ve still got the hand prints on my butt to prove it.”

He snorted. “Your mother’s never laid a hand to you and we both know it.”

“Not true,” he whimpered playfully. “Her harsh words singe my soul.”

“Okay,” Bubba said with a laugh, “fine. Mark’s watching the store tonight. If you need anything, he can get right over to you. My dad is out with his friends, but he should be back before much longer. And you know if you need anything, me and your mom are just a quick call away.”

“Yes, sir. But unless Caleb gets frisky with the stove, I’m not anticipating any problems.”

“Frisky with the stove?” Caleb scowled. “What fresh lunacy is this?”

“You know? Your house? I saw your kitchen. Looked like Mark came through it with his flamethrower.”

“Mark did come through it with his flamethrower, chasing demons!” Caleb said indignantly. “Dang near burned it down. Remember?”

“Oh yeah. Never mind.” Nick grinned at Bubba. “We’ll be better off without Mark, I’m thinking.”

“Considering the fact the boy almost fried himself to God with his cell phone cord and burned his Jeep completely up with it … yeah, I’m thinking you’re right. Don’t call Mark, on second thought.” He jerked his head toward his bedroom. “I’m going to change clothes. I’m taking your mom to Brennan’s if you need us.”

Nick made the sound of agony at the thought of them going there without him. He was already salivating. “Bring me back some dessert.”

Bubba laughed. “A’ight. Will do.”

As soon as he was gone, Nick slid his gaze to Kody. “Menyara’s?”

“Yes. I’ll get Xev.”

Caleb made a sound of total disgust. “Why?”

“This concerns him.” Then, Nick froze as he realized something. “Holy crap, Caleb! You’re my uncle.”

He curled his lip in that surly way only Caleb could manage. “No!”

Kody laughed. “It’s worse. He’s the half-brother of your great-grandfather.”

Caleb glared at her. “You’re not helping.”

“No, but I’m entertaining myself at your adorable expense.”

Nick snickered. “Yeah, y’all are missing the important fact. To a Cajun, that makes him my uncle.”

“Great. I always wanted to be a monkey’s uncle. Nice to know I finally succeeded.”

“Now, why you want to go and hurt my feelings?”

“Mostly ’cause I can’t break any of your bones or feed off your blood.” He got up. “C’mon, sport. Let’s go see if Menyara has any insight into this.”

“Sure thing, Uncle Cay.”

“Ah gah,” he groaned. “Don’t call me that. It could cause an involuntary reaction.”

“Such as?”

“Repeat stabbing.”

“When did this escalate to violence?”

Caleb arched a brow. “Remember our earlier encounter with Bubba’s father? He called me an Esme Daeve?”

“Yeah. What of it?”

“They’re the rage Daeves, Nick.” Kody stood up. “Much like a Malachai, they live in a state of perpetual ire, and are always looking for a fight or are trying to start one.”

Caleb nodded.

“That explains so much about your personality.”

“Yeah. I’m just like you. Irritating from my first breath to my last.” Caleb clapped him on the back so hard, Nick stumbled. “Good to be alive.”

“I really need a book on this. I miss my grimoire girl.”

Kody frowned. “Where’s Nashira?”

“Don’t know. Both her and Aeron have abandoned me. I haven’t seen either one in forever.”

Caleb passed an irritated grimace to Kody. “Define forever. Three hours or three days?”

That tone pissed him off. “Two days on Shira. And you knew about Aeron.”

Caleb cursed. “I didn’t know he was the second one to go missing.”

“Third if you count Dagon.”

Caleb literally froze. He was so still that for a moment, Nick thought someone had cast a spell on him.

But after a few heartbeats, he blinked and turned toward the two of them. “Let me get this straight. Dagon, Aeron, and Nashira are all AWOL? At the same time?”


“And you just now thought to mention this?”

“Didn’t think it was that important. I assumed they’d be back.”