
I lowered myself down.

I thought Wes was going to be the one to scream out. And why the hell not? How many times had he been woken up like this? Then again, maybe I didn’t want to know.

The problem was that Wes didn’t scream. He hissed as he sucked in a breath. His hands slapped at my hips. And I was the one who screamed. My hands fell to his shoulders as a rush of pleasure made me feel paralyzed. My knees tried coming together but couldn’t. My body was so completely full that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The end of his dick reached a depth I never knew was inside me.

And he gripped me tight and held me there. Then he started to rock me back and forth, making the pressure even more intense. There were little rushes of pain, but they were all replaced by bigger rushes of pleasure.

My hands curled tighter at his shoulders, clawing at him. When I found air to breathe, I let out another scream.

His hands then slipped around to under my legs. He lifted me and then thrust up, starting to fuck me. I brought my feet to the floor and tried to match him, riding his thick hardness, but he was too much for me. He was perfect, but he was completely in control within a second of me trying to surprise him.

I quickly grabbed at my shirt and tore it off. I had this urge to be completely naked and vulnerable to him. I unsnapped my bra and put my hands to his chest. I leaned forward, letting my breasts dance just inches from his face.

Wes then put a hand to my lower back and guided me slow and hard. His other hand cupped my right breast and his tongue went right to work, flicking up and down at my nipple. Right when I was about to cry out again, his mouth engulfed my breast, tasting me.

My body was then trapped in an endless state of pleasure. Throbbing between my thighs, going up to my breasts, and then right back down. My toes were curled. My hands stuck at his chest. My hair everywhere as I stared down at him, watching him fuck me and taste me.

Then his hands released their hold and he grabbed me at the back of my shoulders. As he pulled my mouth to his, I knew we were going to cross a very dangerous line. But I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop my heart. I definitely couldn’t compete with Wes’s strength and wants. I was simply his…

And he was mine.

Our lips grazed for a second before our mouths opened at the same time. They were locked into an impossibly hot kiss. Our tongues battled together, both of us groaning, moaning, losing all sense of surrounding to the sex. The hottest sex of my life. Wes’s body thrusting with such perfect. When he pulled back and down, I came down hard on him, my body crashing to his leg. His strong leg muscles hit me. The sound of our bodies hit. My breasts pressed against his chest, my sensitive nipples rubbing against the cloth of his shirt, only adding to surging feelings that raced through my body so freely.

We kissed as fast as we fucked.

And together, right there on the floor, we came together.

Wes put a hand to my lower back and pressed, keeping me down on him as his cock pulsed inside me. Over and over, each time leaving my body throbbing against him.

Time felt endless. Life felt good.

We were both invincible right then.

Nothing was better than kissing Wes. It was as though we were meant to be.

The kissing slowed but was just as hot. His hands touched my cheeks, commanding the kiss. Over and over. Leaving my body without a chance to calm down.

I was ready to go… and by the feel of it… Wes was getting ready too.

Then his cell phone rang and he damn near threw me off of him.

His whispered one word…




I sat there, naked. Rose curled up and got to her feet. I stared at her nude body and couldn’t believe just how amazing she was. Curves in all the places. Her breasts full, creamy, her nipples with a light pinkish color. But that was nothing compared to the natural beauty of her face. Goddamn…

“Where are you?” Danny barked into the phone.

“What’s wrong with Aton?” I asked.


“That’s why you’re calling, right?”

“No,” Danny said. “Where are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m safe.” I was still trying to catch my breath. Christ, my dick was still jumping and throbbing as it lost its steam. But trust me, one look at Rose and I’d fill right up again.

“Nothing’s changed with Aton, Wes. He’s still in the hospital bed. Nothing has changed.”

“That’s a good thing,” I said. “I think. I mean, better than being dead.”

“Yeah, right,” Danny said. “Listen, I know it’s the time…”


“Aton had a fight booked.”

“So? Cancel it.”

“We’re trying to contain this,” Danny said. “To see who finds out and how. To track everything down.”

“I thought you said…” I looked at Rose and she slipped into the bedroom. “I thought we were assuming it was Luke.”

My pretend brother-in-law.