Indecent (24 Book Alpha Male Romance Box Set)

“Did you, Marcie?” Nicole asked again.

Marcie laughed nervously. “Now look. Let me just get something clear, Nicole. I’ve been in this wedding and party planning game for a long time, and I might be privy to a few details that you’re not. There are marketing and publicity efforts that go on behind the scenes, and everyone does it. It’s good to have a high profile, fun wedding. Heck, sometimes the couple sells their own wedding pictures to People Magazine for millions of dollars! Did you ever think of that?”

Her mother was nodding at Marcie’s comment. “She’s got a point, Nicole. I remember when Tom and Katie did that. Everyone knows that goes on.”

“Well, you could have checked with us to see if that’s what we wanted to do,” Nicole said.

“I assumed you did, and I guess I assumed wrong. But I never—never—meant any harm, Nicole. I swear to you, as God is my witness.”

Nicole had a hunch, and she decided to play one last card. Toying with her fork, she finally took a scoop of the devil’s food cake, which no one had even touched yet. “I do understand, Marcie, more than you even know.” She took a bite of the cake and chewed for a while. “It’s good,” she said. “I might like it better than the first one.”

Marcie nodded with frightened eyes. “Oh, good.”

“So, I also had someone from my security firm do a quick investigation and they said your husband never went to the hospital for heart issues, Marcie.”

“What? You think I lied about my husband’s heart condition now?”

Nicole looked Marcie squarely in the eye. She channeled Red from memory, the way he dealt with people who were weak, people he didn’t respect. She stood a little taller, set her jaw a certain way, and spoke with more force. “Don’t lie to me again, Marcie, or I swear I’ll make sure you never plan another wedding, a party—I don’t care if it’s just a five person Super Bowl party in Antarctica. I will make it my business to ruin you if you lie to me one more time. And if you know anything about my husband, you know he’ll help me make that threat a reality.”

Marcie gave an audible gulp. “Please don’t do anything rash.”

“It’s your choice. Just tell me the truth. Did you really have to take your husband to the emergency room, or did you purposely ignore my calls that day because you didn’t want to cancel all of those invitations?”

Marcie hung her head. “Nicole, I apologize for my actions. I just got overexcited and I did some things—I made some mistakes, obviously—“

“Just answer me.”

Marcie licked her lips. “No, my husband did not go to the emergency room.”

“Thank you for being honest. I do appreciate it. And now, I’m afraid I really should get going.”

“Nicole,” her mother called. “Wait a second. Marcie apologized and I think you can give her a second chance. It’s all out in the open now.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“She’s my friend. And she’s good at what she does.”

“Mom, I hate to say this in a public place, but for once in your life—just mind your own damn business.”

And then Nicole turned on her heel and left the bakery.


On her way back from the bakery, Nicole tried to call Red. She really wanted to tell him everything that had happened, she wanted to hear his voice. Nicole knew that more than anything she needed things to be right between them again.

The first time she tried his phone, it went straight to voice mail. So she tried again. This time, Gia picked up. “Hello?”

Nicole grimaced, but tried to play nice. “Hi, Gia, it’s Nicole. Is Red around?”

Gia’s voice became even more sing songy in return. “I’m so sorry. He’s tied up in a meeting. Should I give him a message?”

“Actually, I think you should go tell him I’m on the phone and that it’s important.”

Gia sighed. “I wish I could, but he gave me pretty firm instructions not to disturb him while he’s in this pitch meeting. It’s a big, big client.”

“Okay, then. Just give him the message.”

“Okay, byeeee!”

Nicole hung up and decided it was time to pay Red a visit at work.

About twenty minutes later, she arrived at the building and made her way up to The Red Agency.

There was no receptionist at the front desk, so Nicole just walked past it. But she bumped into Gia in the hallway. Gia looked surprised and a little outraged. “You really shouldn’t just come into the office unannounced.”

“I work here, too,” Nicole told her. “I’m on temporary leave but I’m a partner in this company and I can absolutely come into the office, Gia.”

Gia sighed and made a face of distaste. “I’m really sorry, but Red’s been so specific. He’s busy and he’s not to be disturbed by anyone—and I mean, anyone.”

Hannah Ford & Kelly Favor & Paige North & Zoe Tyler & Olivia Chase's books