Incarceration (Jet #10)

“I brought you breakfast. You should be released back into the prison population within the hour,” Yulia said, setting the tray down.

Jet sat up and made room for Yulia and, after examining the offering, picked at the food, the quality only slightly better than the prior night’s. Her stomach rumbled a reminder that she needed sustenance, and she grudgingly choked down what she could while Yulia watched.

“How did you get in here?” Jet asked.

“I bribed the guards. It’s the only way to get anything around here.”

“Where do you get the money?”

Yulia looked away. “I have…benefactors on the outside.”

“That must come in handy.”

“A bit.” Yulia paused. “Thanks for helping with those three. They really wanted my ass.”


“I’m Ukrainian. They’ve got something against us.” She shrugged. “The big one who tried to stab me has been trying to pick a fight with me since I arrived.”

Jet ate some more and, between bites, asked Yulia about the aftermath of the fight. Yulia waved away the questions as though they were irrelevant. “Several of the others corroborated your story – that you were acting in self-defense. The three of them are in the infirmary with broken bones and contusions. You really did a number on them. Where did you learn to fight like that?”

Jet shrugged. “I grew up in a rough neighborhood.”

Yulia studied her and nodded. “I’d say so.”

Jet finished her breakfast and washed it down with tepid water as Yulia’s expression turned thoughtful. “Have you heard anything about a sex ring of some sort that the guards are running?” Jet asked.

Yulia’s eyes narrowed. “They approached you, too? Yeah, second day I was in here they put the bite on me. Apparently they have a bunch of powerful Russians that like to satisfy their power fantasies by having sex with convicts. The guards pocket seventy percent of the cash. Perverts. I told them I’d rather die.”


“Without them sourcing the men and sneaking them in, there’d be no business.”

“They threaten you?”

“Of course. Said they’d make my life hell if I didn’t play ball. I suspect that was part of what the attack was all about. They put out the word that I’m not cooperating, and a few prisoners who are trying to curry favor go to work on me.” She hesitated. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not planning on being here much longer.”

Jet cocked her head. “Your trial’s coming up that fast?”



“No.” Yulia lowered her voice to where it was almost inaudible. “Listen, Sandra. You saved my life back there. That bitch wanted to gut me, and she would have if you hadn’t stopped her. So I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve got an escape plan.”

Jet matched her whisper. “You really think it’s possible to get out of here?”

“I know it is.”

Yulia outlined what she had in mind. Jet listened in silence and, when she was finished, glanced away. “Why are you telling me this?”

“You can come with us if you want.”


“I…your skills would come in handy. That simple. I watched you fight – you barely broke a sweat and took down three hard cases like it was nothing. You don’t see that every day.”

“Handy, how?”

“Once we’re out of here, we’re heading back to the Ukraine. Someone with your chops would be invaluable if we ran into trouble along the way. Especially if you were willing to pay me back by helping with the cause once we’re back on Ukrainian soil.”

“What’s this cause?”

“We want the Russians out of our country, once and for all. That’s why I was trying to buy weapons.”

Jet held Yulia’s gaze. “Your escape plan has a number of holes in it. It won’t fly.”

“Really. Such as?”

Jet rattled off a half dozen problems with Yulia’s scheme. When she was done, Yulia looked like she’d been sucker punched. Jet sat back and eyed the door. “But with a few changes, it could work.”

“What kind of changes?”

“Well, first, the big weak spot I see where it will fall apart is when your men have to be snuck into the women’s side of the prison. Anyone trips to that, and you’re dead before you even get started.”

Yulia’s stare hardened. “I’m not leaving them behind.”

“I’m not saying you have to. But you can increase your odds of success by coming to them instead of the other way around. The guards that were bribed – they’re on the men’s side, right?”

“Correct. They work the night shift.”

“Do you have any way of getting word to them you want to make a few small tweaks to the plan?”

“Of course. My people are in contact with them. It’s all supposed to happen tonight. Why? What are you proposing?”

“Who’s running the sex ring?”

“The head of security. Number two man after the warden.”

“Is he involved in your thing?”

“No. He wouldn’t risk his job with an escape. He makes far too much smuggling drugs in and selling our bodies to his buddies.”

“Then maybe we can use that.”

Russell Blake's books