In Safe Hands (Search and Rescue #4)

Shuffling backward on her knees, she got her body out of the way of the inner door and slammed it shut. As soon as it latched, Daisy twisted around to sit on the floor, leaning against the blessedly closed entrance. Her head fell back, landing against the wood panel with a thump. She didn’t mind the slight ache, though. It actually felt kind of good, showing her that she was alive and she was conscious. She’d looked directly at the outside world, and she hadn’t fainted. Sure, she’d freaked out a bit, but she’d survived.

Her fingers didn’t seem to be working as she fumbled her phone out of her hoodie pocket. Daisy felt like she was wearing thick gloves as she tried to bring up Chris’s contact and tap the screen to call him. On her first try, she dialed her dad’s number by mistake, and she quickly ended the call. Her second attempt was more successful, and she raised her phone to her ear with shaking hands.

She laughed, too loudly, as the cell rang on Chris’s end. Her hands weren’t the only part of her that was shaking. In fact, her whole body was vibrating like she was a human earthquake.

“What’s up, Dais?”

His usual greeting had her laughing again. It wasn’t that she found anything funny, but she was just filled with such relief and the residue of her earlier terror that she had to laugh. There must have been an edge of hysteria remaining in the sound, though, because Chris’s voice sharpened.

“Daisy? You okay? Talk to me.”

“I’m good.” Her teeth had started chattering, apparently feeling left out when all her other body parts were shuddering. “Both doors were open, Chris, and I was right there. It’s okay, though. I’m okay. I didn’t pass out.”

“Dais, I can’t understand you.” There was a pause and some background noise before he returned. “I’m headed your way. Now tell me what’s going on. Talk slowly.”

“No, you don’t have to come,” she protested, but then her jumbled brain cleared enough for her to change her mind. “Actually, it’s good you’ll be here. You can check out the blood.”

“Blood?” The tension in Chris’s voice ratcheted up several notches. “What blood? Do you need Medical?”

“No!” She needed to immediately become more coherent, or Chris would send Fire, Med, and every on-shift deputy to her house. “I’m fine. Really. Mentally and physically. Especially mentally. Chris, I didn’t faint!” Okay, maybe that wasn’t quite as comprehensible as she would’ve liked.

“That’s…good, I guess.” It seemed to have helped a little, at least, since he was no longer threatening her with ambulances. “Whose blood are you talking about, then?”

“A realtor stopped by my house.” Daisy was relieved that her words were coming in a more logical order. “She said there was blood on the ceiling of number 304.”

In the following silence, Daisy could hear chatter from the squad radio in the background, although she couldn’t make out any of the words. “How much blood? And why didn’t she call it in? Hang on. I’m pulling up in front of your house now.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in a minute.” She ended the call and scrambled to her feet, feeling like a newborn foal as she swayed, forcing herself to brace her weight against the door. By the time she’d managed to get upright, Chris’s fist hit the outer door. Daisy pushed the unlock button and, before she could think about it too hard, yanked open the interior door.

“Daisy!” Chris’s eyes went wide as he reached for her, his movement distracting her from the opening behind him. Her knees, which had just recovered, went wobbly again, and she clutched the edge of the inner door for support. Even through the haze of panic, she could feel it was easier that time.

The outside door closed just as Chris reached her, wrapping his arms around her in a half-hug, half-lift. Moving them both into the entry, he kicked the interior door closed behind them.

“Shit! What were you thinking?” His hands moved over her, as if checking for injuries. The idea that he thought she could get hurt by getting a glimpse of the outdoors made her laugh. Her amusement didn’t seem to calm Chris, judging by the way his arms tightened around her.

“I’m okay, Chris.” Her words were muffled by his chest, where her face was mashed against him. She tilted her head back to get some space between his shirt and her mouth. Having Chris’s arms around her made her feel so safe and protected that she felt like she could do anything. “I didn’t pass out the first time, and I just wanted to see if I could do it again.”

“The first time?” He frowned, examining her face.

“When the realtor left in a hurry, I couldn’t get this door closed quickly enough.” She tilted her head toward it. “I freaked when she opened the other door, but I didn’t faint or, you know, die or anything.” Grinning at him, she felt his tight muscles ease slightly. It also brought her attention to the fact that the full length of her body was pressed against his. Her skin warmed at the front-to-front contact, and she knew her face was turning pink.

“Warn me first next time,” he grumbled, although his hands had stilled on her back. “I almost had a heart attack.”

Katie Ruggle's books