In Safe Hands (Search and Rescue #4)

“Hey!” she complained, untangling her jump rope from her legs. “I was going for a record there.”

“Just wait,” he said in a mock growl. “I’ll get you back for that, sometime when you’re not expecting it.”

Resuming her jumping, Rory rolled her eyes without missing a beat. Daisy was impressed. “I think you’re overestimating your stealth.”

In response, Ian waited until the rope was swinging over her head and then poked her in the side. It must have been a ticklish spot, since Rory yanked her arms down, dropping the jump rope onto her head. She glared at him while he grinned.

“I’m plenty stealthy.”

A “whoa” from Lou caught Daisy’s attention, and she followed the other woman’s gaze to where George was doing pull-ups. Despite his loose-fitting sweatpants and T-shirt, his muscles stood out in obvious relief. Even though Daisy thought Chris was about as perfect as a guy could get, she had to admit that George’s body was incredible. The sheer power of his arms as he flexed and extended them was truly awe-inspiring.

Mesmerized by the show of male strength and beauty, Daisy lost count of how many times George’s chin rose above the bar before he dropped to the floor.

“That was…nice, honey.” Ellie’s gaze was fixed on George like he was a piece of chocolate cake, and he smiled at her.

“I’m next.” Callum sounded cranky as he jumped to grab the bar.

Lou snickered. “Sorry I was ogling another guy, Cal. You know you’re my favorite man candy.” She paused as Callum pulled his body upward. “Oh my. Yes, you’re definitely my favorite.”

Chris and Ian jostled to be next at the bar when Callum finished after an unreal number of pull-ups. A well-placed elbow knocked Ian back just long enough for Chris to jump for the bar. Not to be deterred, Ian grabbed the section of bar next to Chris, and they pulled themselves up in tandem.

“I feel like we’re remiss in not recording this,” Ellie breathed, her eyes fixed on the show until George stepped in front of her, blocking her view. “Hey!”

Although Daisy knew Chris was in good shape, she always tried not to stare at him too long, in case it got weird. She couldn’t take her eyes off him now, though. As she watched his biceps stretch his sleeves and his shirt cling to his contracting chest, her legs moved slower and slower until the treadmill belt kicked her off the back. She stumbled, regaining her balance without dropping her gaze from Chris.

Because there were two of them, the competition was intense, and neither wanted to be the first to drop off the bar. With their teeth showing in tight grimaces and the veins bulging in their arms, they grunted with each raise. Chris got stuck two-thirds of the way up, his arms shaking with effort, but he held the position for a fraction of a second longer than Ian.

Their feet hit the floor at almost the same time, and Chris looked over at Daisy. She knew she should look away, but someone else was apparently controlling her body, since it was impossible. It took Rory’s voice to break their connected gaze.

“I’m not sure what the protocol is on this,” she said, idly running the rope through her hands as she watched a panting Ian shake out his arms. “Should I run to you and throw myself into your arms, overwhelmed by your display of masculine power?” Her flat delivery struck Daisy as funny, and she started to laugh. Instead of taking offense, Ian grinned.

“Yes. That is the correct protocol,” he said, holding out his arms.

Blushing, Rory shook her head at him. He walked over to rejoin her, sliding an arm around her waist and saying something in her ear that made her blush even harder. That same wistful feeling she’d had earlier slid through Daisy, and she looked away from the pair. Climbing back onto the treadmill, her feet straddling the belt, she picked up her run again.

“Unless you’ve wrecked yourself trying to show off,” Chris said to Ian, “get over here and let’s see if you can throw a punch. You too, Rory.”

“I was the one trying to show off?” Ian smirked at Chris, throwing a glance toward Daisy that she couldn’t interpret. Despite his words, he followed Rory to the heavy bag.

Daisy increased her speed, hoping that would take her mind off the too-tempting display of masculine power still running on a loop in her mind. It was so unfair for Chris to look as good as he did and act as sweet as he could. Sadly, she knew that, no matter how fast she ran, she couldn’t escape her unrequited feelings for Chris.

Chapter 7

Daisy glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and was shocked that almost two hours had passed. It was amazing how fast the time went when there were people training with her. The others had also taken Chris’s focus off Daisy, so she could grab quick breaks when he wasn’t looking, something that was impossible when it was just the two of them. She looked around the room, which had started to resemble a battlefield, thanks to the slumped and limp bodies scattered around.

Katie Ruggle's books