In Safe Hands (Search and Rescue #4)

Stopping but not turning around, Strepple was quiet for a second. “Fine,” he finally sighed. “Two minutes, and then you need to leave.”

“Deal.” She followed him through a maze of hallways. Her breathing sped up when she left the safety of her enclosed space, so she focused on the back of Strepple’s jacket and concentrated on making her inhale exactly the same length as her exhale. It worked well enough to keep her from passing out before they reached a curtained cubicle that matched the one she’d just left. Once Daisy passed through the opening into the exam area, she ducked around the investigator and saw Chris lying on his own padded table, looking weary and cranky and hurt.

“Chris!” Her voice was embarrassingly close to a squeak, but he didn’t seem to mind. A grin eased the pain lines on his face, even though his swollen mouth pulled his smile in the wrong directions, and he pushed himself to a seated position and held out his arms toward her.

“Hey, Dais. You doing okay?”

Hurrying into his hug, she pressed her sore face into his shoulder. Under the hospital smell was Chris’s usual scent, and she felt herself relaxing against him. “A few bruises, that’s all.” Pulling away just far enough to meet his eyes, she reached a hand toward his swollen, discolored face. “Ouch.”

“I’m fine.” He gave her another painful-looking grin. “I’ll be ugly for a while, but nothing’s seriously damaged.”

His tone was a little too light, and she frowned at him suspiciously. “They didn’t find anything broken on the X-rays?”

“No.” He lifted his hand to run a light finger over her sore cheek, and she caught her breath as she spotted the wicked-looking bruise forming on the back of his forearm. That must’ve been where the baton hit when he blocked. “Dais.” He gently tilted her head so she wasn’t able to see his injured arm. “It’ll be fine. I’m even getting out of here tonight.”

Her laugh was shaky, but she forced it out anyway. “I don’t think it’s tonight anymore. I’m pretty sure it’s tomorrow.”

“It is,” Strepple said, gaining their attention. “I need to get your statement, Deputy.”

“Dad’s here,” Daisy hurried to tell Chris. “He’ll drive us to Simpson once we’ve been released.”

“Okay.” He pulled her down for the lightest touch of lips, which still hurt. Daisy didn’t care, though. It was worth a little pain to kiss Chris. “See you in a bit.”

Reluctantly, she pulled away. It was hard to leave an injured Chris to the mercies of the investigator, but she needed to find her missing father. After all, he was their ride home.

Chapter 24

“Sure you’re ready for this?” Chris’s smile was teasing. “Lou in her own habitat… It’s a little scary.”

Daisy laughed and slapped his shoulder. “Lou’s awesome, no matter where she is. And I was born ready.” At his smirk, she rolled her eyes. “Okay, so maybe I took a detour between birth and a few weeks ago, but I’m definitely ready now.”

“Let’s do this, then.”

Despite her words, it took an effort to open the truck door and an even greater one to climb out of her seat. She focused on the pavement right in front of her feet until her heart settled down a little. With a deep breath, she lifted her chin and took in the front of The Coffee Spot. Although the building wobbled slightly from side to side, Daisy smiled.

“It looks exactly how I pictured it,” she said, proud that her voice was calm, although still a little raspy. The doctor had said it would take some time for her trachea to heal. In the meantime, Chris had told her that he thought her husky voice was sexy.

He frowned, eyeing the small structure in front of them. “Kind of a dump?”

“No!” she protested, though she was unable to prevent another laugh from escaping. “It’s cute. And cozy. And we should probably go inside before it starts rocking back and forth any more than it already is.”

With a concerned look, he took her arm and escorted her to the door. She didn’t mind, since the world seemed steadier when he was touching her. Chris pulled open the door, making the sleigh bells hanging on the inside jangle. As soon as Daisy stepped inside, a shriek like a train whistle came from behind the counter.

Lou hurtled across the shop as the few customers ducked out of her way. “Daisy! You’re here!”

Daisy barely had time to brace herself before the other woman plowed into her, hugging her tightly. As air was squeezed out of her lungs, Daisy wondered if allowing Lou to use her gym was the best idea. She was already freakishly strong.

“This is so perfect!” Lou released her and grabbed her hand, towing her to the counter. “Sit! What do you want to drink?”

“Um…” She slid onto a stool, trying to ignore the fascinated stares of the other customers. Eyeing the menu hanging on the wall behind Lou, Daisy hesitated. Her heart rate was picking up again, and she rubbed her damp palms over her thighs.

Katie Ruggle's books