Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Ashley quickly wiped a tear away and said, “Emmit, you emailed me all the information for the wedding. Remember, after Stephanie was fired? I called and arranged for the spa day and everything. Everything Becca needed was in that one email.”

“W-why would she do that?”

Ashley grabbed my hand again and ran to the bus. “She’s crazy, Emmit, and she wants you. I think she might try to hurt Adaline!”

The last sentence Ashley spoke hit me and I quickly ran past her and to the bus. As I went to reach for the door, Ashley pulled my arm back. “Wait!”

I looked back at her like she was crazy. Putting her finger to her mouth, she shook her head. “If the door is locked and she is in there, she’ll do something drastic.” Reaching into her purse, Ashley dug around until she pulled out her keys and looked for the key to the bus.

“Right,” I said, as I grabbed the key. Taking a deep breath, I prayed when I opened the door I would find Adaline sitting on the couch reading.

Quietly slipping the key into the lock, I turned it and opened the door as fast as I could as Ashley pushed me through the door with all her might.

I came to a halt when I saw Cookie . . . or Becca . . . or whatever the fuck her name was, standing in front of Adaline holding a knife. With a quick look down, I saw Lola lying on the floor.

Becca looked stunned and took a step back, long enough for me to quickly react and grab the arm that held the knife.

When the knife hit the floor, I looked down at it and that’s when Becca hit me in the balls and pushed me into Adaline. Ashley tried to reach her but tripped over Lola and fell to the ground.

Adaline grabbed onto me as I pulled her into my arms. “Baby, I have to go after her.”

Turning to run out of the bus, I heard Becca screaming.

“Let me go! Put me down! Help! Help!!”

Malcolm was standing there holding onto a kicking and screaming Becca as lights from police cars quickly lit up the area.

The police quickly ran up to Malcolm as he shouted out, “This is her!”

Two seconds later, the police were taking Becca away.

I watched as they brought her to the car and put her in as an officer began talking to Adaline, who was now outside.

Turning to Malcolm, I looked at him with a confused look on my face. “How did you know what was happening?”

Ashley walked up and stood next to Malcolm and said, “Oh, well I had run into Malcolm and was talking to him outside of his bus, when my friend Janet came running up. She couldn’t call because I had left my phone at the hotel.”

I glanced between Malcolm and Ashley. “Who called the cops?”

“I did,” Malcolm said. “Ashley saw you walking by and took off after you, so I called 911.”

This was insane. I couldn’t believe this was happening. One minute everything was fine and then next, some crazy bitch was trying to hurt Adaline.

Reaching my hand out, I thanked Malcolm. “Thanks for calling the police and grabbing her before she could get away.”

Malcolm smiled and nodded his head, “I’m just glad I was still here.”

My hand went to the back of my neck where I rubbed it back and forth. “Yeah. Yeah me too, you usually pull out pretty fast. I’m glad you hung around a little longer tonight.”

Malcolm gave me an awkward smile. “Yeah. Me too.”

I made my way over to Adaline and stood by her side. The next hour was spent giving statements to the police about everything that had been happening over the last few months. A vet came and checked out Lola, who was now awake and running around happy she was getting so much attention. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that one of my sister’s best friends was behind all of this.

Adaline shut the bus door and turned to face me as I fell onto the couch and let out a long sigh. “Holy shit. What an insane day. Baby, are you okay?”

Adaline made her way over to me. She looked tired and her eyes still held fear in them. “I’m a little shaken up but at the same time, at least we now know it wasn’t Stephanie and the person is in jail.”

With a quick nod of my head, I agreed. “Yeah. I think I owe Stephanie an apology.”

Adaline chuckled. “I’d say we all do. Wow. Please tell me no other crazy women are going to show up like that.”

I was too tired and pissed off to even laugh at Adaline’s joke. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. “I want to take a shower and just lay with you in my arms, Adaline.”

Placing her hand against my cheek, Adaline smiled and said, “That sounds amazing. We need to find Hank though so we can get the hell out of here.”

It was as if Hank appeared by magic. A quick knock at the door and there he was. “Hey, guys. Congrats again on the win, Emmit!” Turning to Adaline, Hank’s face brightened. “And congrats on the pregnancy. I’m so happy for both of you.”

“Thank you, Hank,” Adaline said.

Kelly Elliott's books