Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

STANDING ON THE PLATFORM, I watched as my sister took off over the gorge. I could hear her screams of delight as I turned and looked at Adaline. Her face was white as a ghost as she stood there, gripping onto the sides of the platform for dear life.

“You ready, baby?”

Her eyes widened in horror as she shook her head. “Hell no. I’m not doing this. I changed my mind.”

Letting out a soft chuckle, I took a snap shot of her with my phone and quickly posted it on my Instagram. My fans would love this shit! I captioned it One terrified future bride.

“Seriously? You took a picture of me?”

“And posted it on social media. My fans will love it.”

“I’m not marrying you anymore. I withdrawal from this arrangement.”

Throwing my head back, I laughed my ass off. “You look so fucking sexy, all suited up and ready for an adventure.”

“Fuck off, Emmit.”

Jetting my lips out, I gave Adaline my best pout. “Awe, pumpkin, come on. You know you want to do it. Hell, Addie, your father and mother did it!”

“They’re crazy! They ride motorcycles and do bungee jumping. They don’t count.”

The guy who was controlling the zip line motioned for Adaline to walk up. “No!” she yelled out as he attempted to control his laughter. “I’m glad you all think terrifying me is funny. What happens if it stops? Or gets caught on something and I plunge to my death?”

I frowned as I placed my hand on the side of her face. “That would suck considering I got you a pretty kick-ass wedding present.”

Adaline’s eyes lit up. “You did? What did you get me?”

With a shrug of my shoulders, I said, “You’ll have to zip line and then of course marry me tomorrow, and then find out.”

Pinching her brows together, Adaline asked, “Is it a big surprise or a little surprise?”

Lifting my arms up, I widened my hands and said, “It’s huge.”

Adaline took in a deep breath as she took a few steps closer to the edge of the platform. “O-okay. It better be worth this!”

My heart dropped as I watched her get ready to do this. I loved that she was stepping out of her comfort zone just for me. My stomach felt like I had already taken off on the zip line.

After getting her all ready to go, I turned the GoPro camera on that was attached to her helmet and said, “See you on the other side, baby.”

And just like that, Adaline was off zipping across the gorge. Screaming bloody murder the entire way.

“She woke the entire forest,” The guy working the zip line said as I got into position. “So I have to ask you, what’s the surprise you got for her?”

Looking straight ahead, I said, “I don’t have one. I totally forgot to get her a wedding present.”

With a small chuckle, he said, “Dude, you are so fucked.”

“Tell me about it!” Laughing, I yelled out, “Let her rip!”

The feel of the wind wiping against my face was amazing. The view was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.


As I came to the end, I could see Adaline. They must have just helped her out of the harness. She looked beautiful . . . ghost face and all.

“How was it, sir?” the guy helping me out of the contraption asked.

“Fucking amazing!” I yelled as he started laughing.

“Glad you enjoyed it.”

As I walked up to Adaline, she held her hand up and shook her head. She looked so damn cute with that angry look on her face. “Don’t you even come near me, Emmit Lewis! I’m not talking to you!” I pulled out my phone and took another picture of her. That was for sure going to be posted on Instagram.

I threw my head back as I laughed and pulled her into my arms. With a quick kiss on her lips, I gave her a wink. Her smile was about to break when I said, “If you can tell me that wasn’t the most amazing thing you’ve ever done I’ll totally post a video of me saying I’m a total asshole for making my future wife zip line.”

Adaline narrowed her left eye at me as she lifted her brow. “Really? You’d do that?”

“Of course I would.”

The moment her teeth sunk in to her lip, my body came alive. Adaline noticed my reaction as she flashed me a sexy as hell smile. “I may have enjoyed it a tiny bit.”

Holding my smile back, I asked, “Just a tiny bit?”

Lifting her hand, Adaline measured with her fingers just a little she enjoyed herself. Within seconds her fingers moved apart a little more. Then a little bit more.

“Fine. It was amazing. After I screamed my right lung out, I kind of enjoyed it.”

“Want to do it again?”

Pushing me away with her hands on my chest, Adaline laughed and shouted. “No! I just want to go back to Laluna and get my nails done and do stuff like that with the other girls.”

I jetted my lower lip out and pouted as I said, “Kill joy.”

Kelly Elliott's books