Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

A few minutes later, I was pulling up to a dock and helping Adaline out of the boat.

“Chucks Dive?” Adaline asked with a giggle. “Sounds . . . yummy.”

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. “The best steak and eggs I’ve ever had.”

Adaline looked ahead and said, “Okay, I’m trusting your judgment on this one.”

“Don’t judge a book by its cover, Addie. It looks like a dive, but it’s amazing. Plus, it’s not filled with rich snobs bitching that their eggs benedict isn’t the way they like it.”

With a laugh, Adaline hit me in the stomach lightly. “I’m glad to see you’re still in touch with your humble roots and that you still hate eggs benedict.”

The door opened and a rather tall looking man let out a yell. “Holy fucking shit on a stick. It’s Emmit fucking Lewis. How the fuck have you been, you little fucker!”

Adaline let out a laugh as she looked at me and spoke softly. “Does he like the word fuck?”

“Just a little. He’s the nicest guy in the world, though.”

I turned back to Chuck and dropped my arm from Adaline’s waist as I shook his hand. “How have you been?”

Chuck’s eyes moved between Adaline and me. “Good. Good.” Motioning with this thumb over to Adaline, Chuck busted out with, “Is this Adaline?”

Adaline froze next to me as she quickly looked at me with a stunned expression. “Don’t look so surprised, sweetheart. Your boy here talks a lot when he gets drunk and we have spent many a night together drunk out of our minds.”

A smile spread across Adaline’s face as she gave me a stern look before turning back to Chuck. “Well, Chuck, I’m afraid most of Emmit’s nights will be spent with me from now on.”

Chuck lost it laughing as he pointed to me and said, “I fucking love her already.” Turning, he called over his shoulder, “Come on, let me feed you both.”

Adaline took my hand and I could see it in her eyes. She tried to hide it, but every now and then it showed through. Stopping, I pulled her to me and ran my hands through her hair. Softly tugging, I pressed my lips to hers. Barely pulling away, I said, “I wouldn’t change a thing, Addie. We were meant to travel the road that led us here. You’re here now, baby, and that’s all that matters.”

Closing her eyes, I knew she was fighting back tears. “I never meant to hurt you, Emmit. Never.”

Lifting my hand and pushing a strand of hair from her eyes, I softly spoke, “I know baby. I know.” I rubbed my nose against hers and said, “Let’s eat. We have a busy day today.”

“You don’t think you’re moving too fast?” my brother Chris asked.

My hand pushed through my hair as I rolled my eyes. “No, Chris, I don’t. I’ve loved her practically my whole life. I don’t want to wait another minute.”

I peaked around the corner toward the master bedroom. Adaline was changing into a new dress she bought this morning after I told her my mother wanted to have us over for lunch. Adaline hadn’t seen my mom in three years, and I could tell she was nervous.

“Listen, Emmit, all I’m saying is the two of you just got back together. Give yourself time to adjust to things. I mean, are you sure she’s even going to enjoy that kind of life?”

Adaline came walking into the kitchen and gave me a sexy smile as she ran her hand along the granite.

“Yes, I’m sure. Listen, Chris, I’ve got to run.”

Adaline perked up. “Your brother, Chris?” she asked.

With a quick nod of my head, she dropped her mouth open and said, “Tell him hi and I can’t wait to see him again.”

“Addie said hi and she can’t wait to see you again.” I said as I took her arm and gently pulled her to me.

Chris let out a dramatic sigh. “Tell her I can’t wait to see her too, and Emmit, do me a favor.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Slow down.”

I shook my head as I grinned from ear to ear. “Dude, you know me better than that. I don’t know the meaning of the word slow.”

“Right. Tell mom I love her and I’ll see her at Thanksgiving.”

Adaline tilted her head, exposing her neck to me. Taking the invitation, I softly moved my lips across her skin. “Yep, will do. Later, Chris.”

“Later, Emmit.”

As I pulled the phone from my ear, I said, “Same old, Chris. Always worried about everything.”

Adaline expression was one of worry, “Is everything okay?”

Licking my lips, I gave her a wink and said, “Everything is more than okay, pumpkin. Come on, Mom’s waiting for us.”

Adaline pushed out a deep breath and said, “I hope she’ll be happy to see me.”

With a quick kiss and slap on Adaline’s ass, I laughed and said, “She’s ecstatic to see you, Addie. Stop worrying.”

I headed to the garage as Adaline followed closely behind me. As we stepped into the garage Adaline laughed. “Holy crap. Is that a . . . Ferrari?”

Walking her over to the passenger side, I opened the door and held her hand while she got in. “You know how I like my toys.”

Kelly Elliott's books