Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Pressing his lips to mine, everyone erupted in cheers as I laced my arms around Emmit’s neck. “Don’t go anywhere,” Emmit said as he turned and started his interview like he hadn’t just kissed me in front of millions of people, or never mind the fact that he made them wait for him to kiss me.

Before I knew what was happening, I was standing next to Emmit with his arm around me as we held our fingers up for the number one and pictures were taken. My mind was spinning, and I didn’t know if I was excited or scared to death. The rush of Emmit winning was always a high for me, just like it was for Emmit. I hadn’t realized how much I missed being a part of this with him.

Once all the pictures were taken, Emmit did a few more interviews and then met with a few fans. He only let go of my hand when he had to. During the last interview, I glanced around and saw Stephanie. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination or not, but it looked as if she was shooting me daggers. A smile quickly spread across her face before she turned and walked away.

Hank’s words replayed in my mind.

“Watch your back, Adaline. Not everyone is who they seem.”

A feeling of panic passed through my chest as I made a mental note to ask Hank about Stephanie. The last thing I wanted to do was let jealousy rear its ugly head in the wrong places. Or at all for that matter.

Emmit’s interview finished and he turned to me with the most breathtaking smile on his face. His dimple had always been my undoing and now it was out in full force. Taking me into his arms he said, “Now you’re all mine.”

Kissing me fast and quick on the lips, he took my hand and led me back to his bus as my heartbeat felt like a hummingbird’s wings. This day had been a whirlwind, but I had a feeling tonight was going to be even more exciting.

THIS DAY COULDN’T HAVE BEEN any better if I had planned it. I won the race, I got Adaline back, and she would be with me one-hundred percent of the time.

Best. Fucking. Day. Ever.

The second I got Adaline into my bus, I picked her up and kissed her. Her hands went straight to my hair where she laced her fingers through it as she moaned while tugging hard.

“Addie, I want you so much.”

Squeezing her legs around me, Adaline gave me the sexiest smile and said, “I don’t want slow and sweet, Emmit.”

My eyes about rolled into the back of my head as I started walking her toward the bedroom.


I stopped dead in my tracks as I turned and saw Stephanie walking into the bus. What in the fuck? She never just walks in.

“You don’t know how to fucking knock?” I said as Adaline motioned for me to let her go.

“Emmit,” Adaline said as she looked at me, shocked that I would speak like that to Stephanie.

Stephanie stood there stunned. I’d never talked to her so harsh before, and I felt like a dick. Shaking my head, I walked over to her. “Sorry, Steph, I’m just tired and I want to spend some time with Addie.”

Stephanie quickly glanced over to Adaline and then back to me. “I knocked but there was no answer. I’m sorry. It’s just you have a fan who would really like to meet you.”

My mouth dropped open as I stared at Stephanie. Once my last interview was done, she knew I was done for the day. I didn’t mind signing things on the way back to my bus, but once I was in I was done.

I pulled my head back and let out a gruff laugh. “You walked into my bus to tell me that? You know after I step into this bus, I’m done.”

Stephanie nodded. “Sorry, I just thought I could catch you. I didn’t realize you had a . . . guest with you.”

My head turned to look at Adaline who now wore a stunned look on her face as well. Shit. The last thing I wanted was for her to think this was a normal thing for Stephanie just to make her damn self at home as she walked uninvited onto my bus. I took Stephanie by the arm and led her over to the door. “One thing we need to get straight right now is Adaline is far from a guest. She’s my girlfriend and is now a permanent fixture. Always assume she’s going to be here.”

Nodding her head, Stephanie gave me a weak smile. “Understood. Is there anything you need me to do?”

“No, I think I’ve got it all covered, Steph. Have a safe trip back home.”

Stephanie lifted her hand and gave Adaline a wave and said, “See you back in North Carolina.”

I shut the door and locked it as I turned to Adaline. She was smiling so big and bright, it practically lit up the whole bus.

Four knocks at the door and I let out a sigh. “Hank,” I sighed as Adaline busted out laughing.

Opening the door, I smiled and said, “Hey, Hank.”

“Hey. Back to North Carolina we go.”

Hank immediately went to the front and started getting ready to pull out. Shaking my head, I walked up to Adaline and placed my hands on the sides of her face. Adaline giggled and said, “We either wait the three hour drive or I can be quiet. Can you be quiet?”

My knees about buckled as I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. Shutting the door, I threw her onto the bed where she let out a laugh.

“Was that a challenge?” I asked as I stripped out of my driving suit.

Kelly Elliott's books