Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

“Well no, but I saw you come into his bus and my mind started racing.”

Tears fell freely from Adaline’s eyes and it felt like someone had stabbed my heart with a knife. “I lost my cell phone. I was going to ask you to use yours but we got to talking and well, I saw Malcolm and asked if I could use his phone. Fucking around is not my thing, Emmit. That’s your m.o.”

Adaline pushed me out of the way and took off again. Only this time, I didn’t go after her. I closed my eyes and dropped my head as I muttered, “Fuck.”

“Lewis, this is going to be the one and only time I’m straight up and honest with you,” Malcolm said as I lifted my eyes to look at him.

“You are a damn good race car driver. Probably the best I’ve ever seen and I will deny I said that until the day I die. But dude, you are handling this all wrong. Fucking other women to try and forget the love of your life will never work. Trust me. It. Doesn’t. Work. Stop approaching your feelings for Adaline like you do a race. Listen to your heart, not your head.”

I opened my mouth to talk, I was rendered speechless. Squeezing my eyes shut, I opened them again and said, “Who the fuck are you, and what did you do with asshole Malcolm?”

With a shrug of his shoulders, Malcolm said, “I have my moments. Now go back to your bus, focus on the race and worry about the rest tonight.”

Not knowing how to even respond to Malcolm, I slowly made my way out of his bus, but not before turning one more time and looking at him. When he blew me a kiss, I huffed and said, “Asshole, I’m not going to let you lead one fucking lap today.”

Malcolm laughed and called out as the door shut, “That’s the Emmit I know and love!”

WRINGING MY HANDS TOGETHER, I sat next to my father as I watched Emmit race. The rain had caused a three-hour delay, but once they got to racing, Emmit had been leading a good portion of the day. Looking over to my father, I gave him the look. The look that silently asked if he thought Emmit might win.

I knew better than to ask the question out loud. First off, Emmit started in the pole position, and for him to actually win the race as well wasn’t really a common thing. Second, Daddy had called for four tires when mostly everyone else took on two. Emmit fought to get back into the lead and was currently in second place, behind Malcolm Wallace, who was hell bent on keeping his position.

Emmit’s spotter started talking over the radio. “Number twenty-three is one length ahead on the outside.”

Emmit came over the radio and said, “I don’t give a fuck where he is. Just tell me who the fuck is around me. I don’t give two flying fucks who is in front of me and what the fuck they’re doing.”

I shook my head and smiled. “I see his temper hasn’t changed any.”

My father huffed as he said, “Calm down. Keep your cool.”

His spotter came back over the radio. “Coming up on slow traffic. Keep your line. You’re gaining on twenty-three.”

“Fuck,” Emmit said as came up on Malcolm. Sitting up, I held my breath as they approached the turn.

I grabbed onto my father’s arm as I watched Emmit go for the lead. “Twenty-three is going high, go low.”

Malcolm came down and bumped Emmit, causing him to go loose.

“Shit!” I said as I closed my eyes and looked away.

“Motherfucker. I want to talk to, Wallace.”

“Emmit,” my father said in a warning voice.

“Just wanting to say hi is all.”

A few moments later, my father said, “You know you can’t.”

“Fine, tell that motherfucker he cut me off and pay back is a bitch!”

With that, Emmit made a move to the outside.

“Bumper . . . door . . . clear!” Emmit’s spotter said as Emmit overtook Malcolm for the lead.

Emmit was silent for the next twenty-five laps as he led. He had pulled five car lengths ahead of Malcolm and was gaining.

“Man’s on a mission,” Daddy said as he sat and watched Emmit do what he did best.

As I glanced down, I saw Ashley and her two friends. I couldn’t help but stare at Cookie. The insane amount of jealousy that was building up caused me to look away.

“Green flag, no traffic!” the spotter called out.

“Take it easy, Emmit. You’ve got this.”

“Is Addie still there?” Emmit asked as my father and I looked at each other.

“Yeah she is,” Daddy said.

I couldn’t help but notice how my heartbeat increased and my hands shook. To know that Emmit was about to win a race and he was thinking about me did something to me. Smiling, I looked back at the track and watched as Emmit took the checker flag. Everyone started going crazy as my eyes never left Emmit’s car, even when Daddy hugged me.

I smiled until it felt like my cheeks would be frozen in that state; I watched as Emmit did his normal victory spin outs and then took the checkered flag and drove down the track.

“Come on, he’ll be looking for you in victory lane,” Daddy said as he took my hand. Shaking my head, I pulled my hand back.

Kelly Elliott's books