Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“I can walk, you guys. Good lord!” Jade yells, and I mean yells, at Harris and JJ when they try to help her out of the back of the car when we arrive at the airport. Jesus Christ, this is bound to be a long ass flight, especially if these assholes don’t keep their hands off of her.

“Quit being a bitch,” Harris snaps. I know the two of them are close, but fuck him. Calling her a bitch in front of me is taking it a bit far. Joking or not, that shit doesn’t sit well with me.

“That’s enough. Jade, get your ass out of the car and into the airport. Now.” I point my finger toward the shiny revolving doors.

“Yes, Sir.” Christ almighty, the way she says that. Her defying gaze has my cock twitching. Like I said, this is going to be a long ass flight.

She climbs out of the car, her ass plastered in the sexiest fucking pair of jeans with rhinestones on the back. My cock isn’t twitching anymore. He’s gone straight to trying to sniff his way out of my jeans. And that shirt, it’s a plain V-neck, but holy hell, does she make it look good stretched across those perfectly crafted tits. I am so fucked.

She walks around all three of us, snatches her bag out of the trunk, and with her ass swaying takes off walking away from us. Fuck me.

“You hungry?” I sneak up behind her after we’ve cleared security.

“No. I could use some water, though, to take one of these pain pills.” She smiles even though I know it’s fake. I need to pull her off to the side and ask her what the hell her problem is, but first I need to get rid of these two.

“I’m going to grab something to eat. I’ll get the water and some food for you, Jade. If you don’t fucking eat it, then I’ll turn you over my knee and gladly spank that tight ass. Nice jeans by the way.” Harris isn't tactful with his shit way of expressing how much he wants her. He’s damn sure got another thing coming if he thinks he’s going to get anywhere near her ass. She walks away, glaring at me without a word. She knows damn well I’m not going to say a word. Yet anyway.

Harris lifts his brows at her in a way I don’t like at all. Those two little slits he sees out of are half hanging out of his damn head, stuck right on her ass, and I pull back from attacking him right here in front of everyone... Motherfucker. He has no chance in hell against me. She won’t even consider him after I’m finished with her. I feel my hands clenching into tight fists at my sides. This fucker is pushing my limits, and I’m about to knock him straight on his ass. I just need time with her by myself, in my own environment. I want to treat her like the woman I know she is and deserves to be.

“It’s a long flight, I’ll go with you. Commander, what would you like?” Now if Harris would be more like this polite kid and not send those fucking sexual innuendos around like he can’t wait to try to get into those sexy panties I saw her shimmy into back at the hospital this morning, then I might like the dude.

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll eat anything. Why don’t you get us all something?” I curl my lip, never taking my eyes off of Jade, while I dig out a handful of twenties, count out four, and hand them over to him.

“I’ll buy everyone’s.” I nod in his direction, my eyes never leaving hers. I see her, she can’t fool my ass. Her breathing speeds up and her cheeks flush. Damn, she’s gorgeous as she stands there trying to pretend I don’t affect her.

These are the things I want to see on her. I bet anything if I dipped my hand into the front of her jeans, scraped my fingers around the edge of those silky panties, moved them down the seam, she’d be wet as fuck.

“Perfect timing, beautiful. Come here.” My hand reaches out, pulling her flush against me. My back is to the wall, and she comes to me willingly. She has to, there are way too many people here to cause a scene. I’m about ready to stir her up and shake her to her damn core.

“What the hell are you doing?” She snips into my ear.

“Staking a claim right now.” My mouth takes hers. She resists me at first, then fuck, her hands land on my chest. She’s warm and completely intoxicating. My tongue swipes against hers the second she opens up to me, and she moans into my mouth.

Shit, the sound of her voice drives me insane. The only thing I can think of is getting her alone, with no one around us for miles, just so I can hear those sweet little sounds escaping from her mouth, so I can tell her exactly what she does to me. No restrictions. No boundaries. No rules. Just us and this fiery hot chemistry we have between us.

“Kaleb, what the hell are you doing?” She tries to pull away. Hell to the motherfucking no. She is not getting away from me.

“Don’t stand there and pretend like you don’t want it. You want this as much as I do.” I press my engorged cock against her and she gasps.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books